February Newsletter

New York STEAM Girls Collaborative


February 2015
In This Issue

Welcome to the newsletter of the New York STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) Girls Collaborative (NY STEAM GC). NY STEAM GC is the New York project of the National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) and is convened by the University at Albany.

We invite you to forward this newsletter to a friend!   


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Join Us at New York STEAM Events
Save the Date!
NY STEAM Collaboration Forum, April 11, 2015

We are thrilled to partner with IBM Think Lab at the IBM Research Laboratory in Yorktown Heights. Stay tuned for registration details!


Upcoming STEAM Events in New York State!

3.14 Mile on Ultimate Pi Day in NYC

The Girls Prep public single-sex charter schools in NYC plan to celebrate Ultimate Pi Day on 3/14/15 by kicking off a 3.14 mile (5K) run at 9:26:53 AM. Students, families, and supporters will participate in the run around the perimeter of Roosevelt Island to celebrate this once-in-a century opportunity day in honor of mathematics' most irrational number. Runners and anyone interested in supporting the event can learn more and/or register to run at www.publicprep.org/ultimatepiday.

STEM Resources

NGCP Program Directory

 Search for Collaborating Programs or Register Your Program! The online Program Directory highlights programs that focus on motivating girls to pursue STEM careers. The purpose of the directory is to help organizations and individuals network, share resources, and collaborate on STEM-related projects for girls. 

Million Women Mentors

The National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP), a founding partner of the Million Women Mentors (MWM) initiative, is announcing more than 140,000 new science, technology, engineering, and mathematic (STEM) mentor commitments from over 20 states. 


We are proud to announce our Million Women Mentors pledge of 6,000 mentors in the state of New York! Over 20 states are making pledges and we are thrilled to join the movement and make the commitment to connect girls to inspiring STEM role models. 


The goal of the movement is to support the engagement of one million mentors in STEM professions over the next four years and to collectively increase the interest and confidence of girls and young women in these areas.


Karen Peterson, Principal Investigator of the NGCP, praised the work being done on the state-level. "We celebrate the NGCP Collaborative network leadership teams who support large networks of programs with resources and services. Collectively, the NGCP reaches over 8.5 million girls through their work. Our joint vision, to get STEM mentors activated from America's top corporations and associations, is key to increasing the STEM workforce of the nation."


Million Women Mentors is the collective action of over 54 national partners. The founding partners are STEMconnector�, National Girls Collaborative Project, MentorNet, and NPower.


Our Vision

To bring together organizations throughout New York that are committed to informing and encouraging girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).


The goals of NGCP and NY STEAM GC are to:

  1. Maximize access to shared resources in order to expand girls' participation in STEM.
  2. Strengthen capacity of girl-serving STEM organization by sharing exemplary practice research and program models, outcomes, and products.
  3. Use the leverage of a network of girl-serving STEM programs to create the tipping point for gender equity in STEM.
Leadership Team
Meet the Co-Leaders for the NY STEAM GC


Jennifer Goodall, Director, College of Computing and Information Women in Technology Program, University at Albany


Stephanie Lemnios, Informal STEM Education Consultant for Non-Profit Organizations



Quick Links
Click the links below to learn more about us and our partner organizations:


NY STEAM Girls Collaborative


National Girls Collaborative


College of Computing and Information, University at Albany: http://www.albany.edu/cci/


Join our Newsletter Distribution list


NY STEAM Girls Collaborative | nysteam4girls@gmail.com | University of Albany - SUNY Albany, NY 12222