WEDNESDAY, March 29, 2023

Enlighten, O God of compassion, the hearts of your children, sanctified by penance, and in your kindness grant those you stir to a sense of devotion a gracious hearing when they cry out to you. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.

— Amen.

Teacher spotlight, Travis Schwab, Athletic Director and Head Boys Basketball Coach: Gov/Econ, Leadership


Licking County Health Department School Guidance

For more information regarding results of home Covid-19 testing, please read instructions on next steps here.

Newark Catholic Super Snap Photos

This year, we shifted from eight to nine periods. Continuing this multi-year initiative, many new elective and other course offerings will be made available to students for the '23-24 year. Mrs. Calvert has distributed a course planning sheet for students; please encourage your child to start thinking about course selections next year-- scheduling meetings with guidance and individual students will begin April 4th and continue in April-- information about sign ups will be given over school announcements.

Save the Date:

  • April 7-10 Eater Triduum, no school
  • April 22 Prom
  • April 29 NCHS Auction (school gym)
  • May 5 St. Joseph the Worker Day
  • May 12-13 Festival of the Arts/Cabaret

All Senior AP tests will take place the first two weeks in May. All fees will go through FACTS.

The cafeteria is ready for April hours, here, so you're not rushing to get all your volunteering in during the busy month of May!

Study Table is offered after school in room 214, M-Th from 3:00-3:30 or contact Miss Adam or Mr. Aiello, in advance, for longer hours.

Ohio EdChoice Scholarship Informational Sheet can be found here. The EdChoice Expansion Scholarship Program provides state-funded scholarships to students who qualify for low-income status. The scholarship must be used to attend private schools that meet requirements for program participation. Apply for Ed Choice Expansion Scholarship here.

Follow Newark Catholic High School on Facebook and Instagram for more school and community highlights 

Newark Catholic Digital

Communications Podcast Series

View the latest promotional video for The Catholic Foundation, here. Newark Catholic High School was honored to be featured.

Click, here, to nominate a candidate.

The Newark Catholic 39th Annual Touch of Class Auction will be held on April 29th at Newark Catholic High School. The event will kick off with a mix and mingle for attendees starting at 7:00pm. Heavy hors d'oeuvres and drinks will be available.  Join with your friends and other supporters of NCHS to make this a historic fundraising event! 


Silent Auction items will be available for bidding on the auction website starting on April 28th. The Silent Auction will conclude prior to the Grand Auction which will start live on April 29th at 8:30pm. Grand Auction items will only be open for bids from attendees at the event. We are thrilled that this hybrid event will allow an unlimited number of participants to attend across the country and bid on the generous Silent Auction items donated by our local business supporters!


Tickets for admission will be available for purchase starting March 27, 2023. Follow this link to purchase tickets! (select the Admission Ticket & Cash Donation tab) You are also able to make a cash donation and purchase a sponsorship package on this site. Please consider making a cash donation.

Please invite your family, friends, colleagues and others who may want to attend by sharing this email. Also, follow us, share and interact with our Facebook and Instagram pages @nchsauction.

If you have questions, please send an email to

Find the nomination form, here.

MISSION: Newark Catholic High School is committed to creating an environment for students to grow in their Catholic faith, expand their knowledge, and extend their talents in service to others.

Christ gives us the strength to boldly proclaim Him and His Church in all that we do. If we uphold that mission, united in His love, there is nothing that Newark Catholic cannot accomplish.


May 12 Senior Mass of Farewell 9:00 am

May 16 Baccalaureate Mass at Blessed Sacrament 6:15 pm

Our student-athletes develop their talents in a program rich in tradition and championships. NC athletics enrich our students’ school experience and provide a lifetime of memories.

All student-athletes are required to have an updated sports physical every 13 months or he/she is not eligible to participate in sports at Newark Catholic High School or any of its feeder schools. If you are uncertain if your child needs an updated sports physical, please contact Athletic Director Travis Schwab, (740) 344-3594.

Please click here to all FORMS.

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For more information please contact Brooke Riggleman, Director of Advancement