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W E E K L Y  U P D A T E  May 28th , 2019
In This Issue

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NEMWI and the Congressional Caucus on Corrosion Prevention Hold a Briefing on Lead in Drinking Water 
What: Preventing the Next Flint: A Panel on the Safety of America's Drinking Water
Where: Thursday, June 6, 2019, 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. (Lunch will be provided)
Where: 303 Cannon House Office Building
RSVP: Sri Vedachalam at NEMWI or Adam Christopher at NACE International

The Northeast-Midwest Institute, in collaboration with the Congressional Caucus on Corrosion Prevention, will hold a Congressional Briefing on Thursday, June 6th, to discuss the safety of drinking water in American homes and schools, specifically regarding lead contamination.

The Flint water crisis not only endangered the lives of the city's residents, creating one of the largest public health crises and environmental justice disasters, it also re-awakened the country to poor quality infrastructure and inadequate safeguards protecting drinking water in our homes, schools, and communities. The briefing will provide a glimpse into the extent of the lead contamination crisis across much of the country, but will also focus on solutions such as lead testing standards, corrosion planning, technical training, and overcoming funding challenges. Experts from NACE International, the Northeast-Midwest Institute, and Environment America will speak at the briefing. The panelists at the briefing will include:

· Sri Vedachalam, Northeast-Midwest Institute
· Sylvia Hall, NACE International
· Terry Greenfield, NACE International
· John Rumpler, Environment America

For more information, please contact Dr. Sri Vedachalam, Director of the Safe Drinking Water Research and Policy Program at the Northeast-Midwest Institute.
Joyce Foundation to Hold Webinar, "Advocating for More Equitable Lead Poisoning Prevention Policy"

Structured as a conversation among community and national experts, speakers will discuss how elected and government officials can develop and implement policies that center equity and support the needs of communities most impacted by lead poisoning. Learn more about the 2018 Consensus Conference where proposed strategies were developed.

Date and Time: Monday, June 17, 12:00 to 1:00 pm Pacific Time
Register here to reserve your spot!

Speakers (read more about them):
· Lili Farhang - Human Impact Partners (facilitator)
· Rebecca Morley - Consultant
· Juliana Pino - Policy Director, Little Village Environmental Justice Organization
· Kristi Pullen Fedinick - Director of Science and Data, Natural Resources Defense Council

National, state, and community-based nonprofit organizations developing and advocating for lead poisoning prevention policy, with a focus on those wanting to explicitly incorporate equity into their efforts.

For more information,  please contact  Matthew McKenna, Director of the Great Lakes Washington Program at the Northeast-Midwest Institute .
This Week in Washington

In the Senate:

The Senate is in recess this week.

In the House:

The House is in recess this week. 

NEMWI: Strengthening the Region that Sustains the Nation