In this week's newsletter we focus on changing responsibilities for Chinese ambassadors, a phrase used by Xi Jinping in his CNY address, #RiceBunny, and a job opportunity with the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission.
Weekly Readings
Rumors floating around Beijing indicate the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will take on more responsibility at embassies abroad and that China's ambassadors will have newfound authority akin to their American counterparts. Apart from Bloomberg's multiple sources, the reports appear plausible because of Yang Jiechi's continuing rise. The former minister, state councilor, and now Politburo member may take a vice premiership. The last senior foreign affairs
official with such stature was Yang's mentor Qian Qichen. Moreover,
the last month has seen an across-the-board propaganda boost to Chinese diplomacy.
俗语 in Xi Jinping's Speeches
Meaning: time flies
This is not actually a chengyu or suyu, but it is a useful phrase to know. Xi Jinping used it in his recent New Year's Eve greeting. The speech noted China's accomplishments over the last year, highlighting innovation, military improvements, BRI, poverty eradication efforts, and, of course, staying in touch with the masses.
Xi's usage is one structure that you can follow (
时光飞逝,转眼...), but there are others too, like
Social Media Watch
The #MeToo campaign received a nickname in China through the homophone "rice bunny," (米兔)pronounced "mi tu" in Chinese.
Adopted following the censorship of the movement's primary hashtag #MeTooInChina, this and other hashtags have been utilized to continue the ongoing dialogue surrounding sexual harassment in China while circumventing social media censors.
The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission is seeking to fill the Executive Director vacancy. For those interested in applying, please see the announcement including requirements, responsibilities, and information on how to apply on the Commission's website here.
Applications are due March 7, 2018 at 5pm EST.
Other opportunities, including positions at GMF, AT&T, American Councils, and The Jamestown Foundation can be found on the AMS Jobs page here.
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