January 5
Epiphany of Our Lord
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Austin Campus
9 AM - Traditional
10:30 AM - Praise
Pastor Heidi Johns
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Far Hills Campus
9 AM - Praise
*10:30 AM - Traditional
Pastor Julie Reuning-Scherer
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*We alternate the 10:30 a.m. livestream service each week between campuses and worship expressions.

Find the livestream on YouTube or our website.
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Our next Community Blood Drive takes place in the Far Hills Celebration Center this Saturday, January 4 from 8 a.m.-noon. Register here.
*Cookie donations welcome! Please drop off in Far Hills kitchen by Friday, January 3.
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Epiphany Celebration
We are excited to invite all Epiphany kids and parents to join us on Sunday, January 5 at 11:45 a.m. at the Austin Campus for a special event celebrating the season of Epiphany. Have you ever wondered why the Magi brought gold, frankincense and myrrh to the baby Jesus instead of more practical gifts like diapers? Who were these strange travelers? Where did they come from? Why did they follow a star instead of Google maps? How is their story significant for our lives? Together we will explore the story to discover the answers.
This event will be less than 45 minutes in length. We will enjoy a snack, a story, and one or two activities that will help us do a deep dive into this story that concludes the Christmas season and ushers in the season of Epiphany. Please have at least one parent attend from your family.
We will start at 11:45 to make the most of our time, so if you are planning to join us consider worshipping at Austin that day. Or just come and join us when you can!
Registration in advance is helpful for planning, but not required. Please use the online form to let Pastor Heidi know you hope to join us.
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Diapers For the Baby Jesus
The season of Epiphany begins with the story of the Magi visiting the baby Jesus. These travelers from the East brought Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh which, to be honest, seem like weird presents to give to a baby! People in ancient times, however, would have recognized that those gifts were very precious, worthy of kings and even the Divine. Giving those gifts revealed that the Magi believed Jesus was no ordinary baby!
But…Jesus also needed the things that ordinary babies need, like being held, fed, burped and diaper changes. It is in the spirit of these ordinary needs of the Christ Child that Epiphany is pleased to announce our first annual diaper drive for the baby Jesus! The donated diapers will be distributed by Epiphany’s food pantry in conjunction with our partnership with the Dayton Diaper Depot.
The drive will last from January 5-February 2. Diapers of all sizes (including pull-ups) can be dropped off in the lobby at either campus. PARENTS, if you have partial packages of diapers that you no longer need, we can take those. Financial donations are also welcome!! The Depot can get diapers AT COST. Please mark your financial donation “for diapers” or give online.
Thank you in advance for your support of babies and toddlers in our community who are among the least of these. Contact Pastor Heidi Johns if you have questions.
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🌎 Come Along in the Footsteps of Paul with Pastor Julie on a pilgrimage study tour to Greece and Turkey, January 6-15! Pastor Julie is joining 50 other pastors on a travel seminar to see some of the places where Paul preached, including Athens, Corinth, and Ephesus. You can follow Pastor Julie’s travels and learning during her travels on our Facebook page next week. | | |
Winter Adult Education & Small Group Opportunities | |
7 AM Women’s Small Group: Everyday Spirituality
The 7 a.m. Women’s Small Group/Bible Study welcomes new members this winter as they embark on an exploration of Pastor Jim Hazelwood’s book, Everyday Spirituality. Each session will focus on a different everyday activity that can be viewed as a spiritual practice. Perhaps you are praying more than you think! Readings are short, and the group offers warm relationships. This is a virtual small group that meets on Zoom and is facilitated by Michele Uhl, Denise Uhl Jenkins, and Sophia Dillhoff. Sign up here or reach out to Michele, Denise, or Sophia for more information.
Meeting dates: Wednesdays, Jan 15, 29: Feb 5, 19; Mar 5, 19.
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10 AM Women’s Bible Study: The Gospel of Luke
Join the 10 a.m. Women’s Bible Study for a study of Luke, Wednesdays in the Far Hills Conference Room. Pastor Julie leads this study utilizing the Book of Faith Initiative resource, Luke. Sign up here or reach out to Pastor Julie for more information. You may order your own book at Augsburg Fortress publishing; several extra copies will be available at each class for those who need them.
Meeting dates: Wednesdays, Jan 22; Feb 5, 19; Mar 5, 19; Apr 2,16, 30.
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Thursday Night Small Group: Seven Spiritual Gifts of Waiting
The Thursday Night Small Group invites you to join for a seven-week series on Holly Whitcomb’s book, Seven Spiritual Gifts of Waiting. Each week focuses on one of the following gifts: patience, loss of control, living in the present, compassion, gratitude, humility, and trust in God. It works best if you read the related chapter, but group members can participate even if they haven’t had time to prepare. This small group–led by Anthony Brown and Steve Lubbers–is for men and women, newcomers, and people returning to the group. Order your book online and sign up here. Please let us know if you require childcare; reach out to Anthony or Steve for more information.
Meeting dates second and fourth Thursdays: Jan 23, Feb 13, 27, Mar 13, 27, Apr 10, 24, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Austin Campus.
Saturday Morning Men's Group
Weekly | 9 AM
Far Hills Conference Room (Upper Level)
Newcomers welcome! Agenda for this month:
Jan 4 - General Discussion
Jan 11 - Leonardo, the Man Who Saved Science - Secrets of the Dead
Jan 18 - Jackie Robinson - 7 Men
Jan 25 - Decoding the Universe: Quantum-NOVA
For details on this ministry, contact Bob Ransbottom.
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Weekly Tuesday Zoom Bible Study
11 AM
All are welcome to join these studies based on the coming Sunday’s worship scripture. For details, contact Bob Ransbottom.
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Time with Pastor Hoffsis:
The New Bonhoeffer Film Raises Old Questions
Monday, January 20, Classroom 13 (lower level, just past the pantry)
Morning Session: 10:00-11:30 AM; OR
Evening Session: 7:00-8:30 PM
The new film is titled Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Spy, Assassin. It has had short runs in local theaters. It is available for streaming on Amazon Prime. The old question it raises is: how should a Christian respond to its government? In this case, how should a German Lutheran have responded to certain policies of Hitler and the Third Reich?
Among those “certain policies” were: viewing the Aryan (Nordic) race as superior to others; labeling Jews and others as “Untermenschen,” that is, belonging to an inferior race; claiming that Jesus was not a Jew but an Aryan, a member of the so-called “Master Race.” German Christians chose one of two paths: Either that advocated in Romans 13:1 “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities…” or that advocated in Acts 5:29 “We must obey God rather than man.” Pastor Hoffsis has had many experiences in Germany, having conversed with Christians who chose compliance, as well as those who chose resistance.
No preparation is necessary. However if you can view the new film, or an old one, or Google "Bonhoeffer," you will bring some valuable prior knowledge to our session.
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Mark your calendars for our next Bingo Night! Saturday, January 25 from 6-9 p.m. in the Far Hills Celebration Center. Click here for details and prices. Proceeds benefit worship technology and livestreaming.
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Young at Heart Dinner Out
Sunday January 26 | 5:30 PM
The Chop House
Mark your calendar to join other Epiphany members 55 and better for dinner out at The Chop House, 7727 Washington Village Dr., Washington Twp., OH, 45459 on Sunday, January 26 at 5:30 p.m. We will order from the menu. Sign up online here. For those who prefer to make their reservations in person, Young at Heart representatives will be at both campuses on the morning of Sunday, January 11 and January 19. Please direct questions to event coordinator Mary Moenter. All reservations must be received by Sunday, January 19.
The Young at Heart ministry offers events for people 55+ to gather in Christian fellowship to build community.
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✝️ Children's Sunday School returns to Far Hills on January 12. Find the winter/spring schedule here. Read more in this month's Children's Ministry newsletter.
❄️ See the Winter Youth Ministry Calendar for grades 6-12 and save the dates for Winter Warmups Office Hours, All Youth Service Project, and February Parent Summit on Youth Mental Health.
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🎄📦 Far Hills Christmas decorations will be taken down after worship this Sunday, January 5, around 11:30 a.m. To help and for details, contact Michelle Carlson. | |
🏀Open Basketball returns this Tuesday, January 7. Weekly, 6-9 p.m. in the Far Hills Celebration Center. Contact: Landon Henderson | |
The next monthly Church Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 28, at 7 p.m. in the Far Hills Conference Room.
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Praise Music Playlist: Find this Sunday's praise songs and listen to them on them on a playlist compiled by Praise Director Mary Miller. | |
Altar Flowers and Eternal Flame: Click here for information on signing up and payment. | |
Online Giving: To set up or change recurring donations to the operation budget and ministries, or to make a one-time donation, visit our Give Now webpage.
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Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
The office will be locked at 1 p.m.; by appointment after 1 p.m and on Fridays. Office is locked on second and fourth Tuesdays during morning staff meeting.
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January 5 – Epiphany of Our Lord
Isaiah 60:1-6, Psalm 72:1-14,
Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12
January 12 – Baptism of Our Lord
Isaiah 43:1-7, Psalm 29,
Acts 8:14-17, Luke 3:15-22
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Weekly Newsletter Schedule: If you wish to run an announcement, please contact Communications Coordinator Sarah Richter at least two weeks prior to your requested date of publication. | |
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