November 21, 2024



Altar flowers in the Far Hills sanctuary are from Dave and Lavonne Warner with thanksgiving for their extended family.

Congratulations to Natalie and Carlin Heimann on the birth of their grandchild.

Recently hospitalized: Chuck Feeman, Bobby Kelly (last week), Ted Larson, Karen Rohlfing, Stephen Spitler.

Receiving hospice care: Dale Falknor, Carol Gainey, Brian Peltomaa.

Sympathy to Brian Hale on the death of his father.

Pantry immediate needs: Winter clothes, coats, and shoes of all sizes; and brown paper grocery bags (preferably with handles). This past week the Pantry served 74 families, well above the usual number, and needs to restock. Thank you for your generosity!

Adopt A Family signups continue at both campuses this Sunday - only 10 adoptions remain as of publication!

Buildings will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, November 28, and Friday, November 29.

Let us pray for you! If you have a prayer request, submit a prayer request online, reach out to the church office (937-433-1449), or contact Pastor Julie (860-371-4030).



November 24

Christ the King Sunday

Austin Campus

9 AM - Traditional

10:30 AM - Praise

Pastor Heidi Johns

Far Hills Campus

9 AM - Praise

*10:30 AM - Traditional

Pastor Julie Reuning-Scherer

Sunday School takes place at Far Hills (ages three and up) and Austin (self-guided stations). Youth fellowship room at Far Hills for middle and high schoolers during Sunday School time.


*We alternate the 10:30 a.m. livestream service each week between campuses and worship expressions.

Find the livestream on YouTube or our website.


LAST CALL! Young at Heart 55+ Christmas Dinner

Bethany Village, December 8

Click here for times, menu, and prices. Sign up online by November 26, or in person this Sunday at either campus.

Thanksgiving Service and Pie Fest

Tuesday, November 26

Far Hills Sanctuary, 7 PM

Drop off pre-cut pies in the Celebration Center before worship. All are welcome!

Reuning-Scherer Family Cabaret

Wednesday, Nov 27

Far Hills Sanctuary, 6 PM

Featuring Joel, Stephanie, and Jonathan, and Pastor Julie with guest Declan Smith. Goodwill offering benefits Drama Ministry.

As of publication, there are 10 families left to adopt in our Adopt A Family ministry. In-person signups for adoption continue this Sunday at both campuses. Still seeking helpers for food sorting and assisting social workers with pickup, December 8-12 at Austin! To learn more, click here or go directly to the form to request to adopt a family. Contact: Marti Ernst-Bosh, 937-478-8042.

*IMPORTANT! Dropoff is taking place at the AUSTIN CAMPUS*


Let Your Light Shine: Generosity Appeal 2025

A HUGE thank you to all who have filled out their 2025 giving intent cards! As of publication, we have received giving commitment from 163 households totaling $843,740 - 85% of our giving intent goal. If you missed the final Ministry Moments for this fall's Generosity Appeal in worship on November 10, you can watch recordings of messages from Ed Wasser and Robyn Zimmann on building a thriving community, growing in faith, and transforming lives. Intent cards can be dropped off in the office, in the offering plate during worship, or filled out online.


🎄 Help Decorate Worship Spaces for Advent 🎄

Austin Campus: Join us immediately following the 10:30 a.m. service on November 24 to lend a hand to decorate the sanctuary for Advent. Many hands make light work, and we're hoping to beat our record of 90 minutes. Contact: Austin Campus Coordinator Brittany Albert.

Far Hills Campus: On Friday, December 6, at 9 a.m., the Liturgical Arts folks and helpers will put up trees, lights, ornaments, and nativity figures in the upper level. Contact Michelle Carlson to register interest and for details.

Updates from Your Friendly Campus Coordinators

Happy Fall Y’all!! It is such a blessing for us to see your smiling faces around the campuses during the week and on Sunday mornings and we are so thankful for each of you.

I am sure you have noticed that we have brought back name tags at both campuses. Please stop at the coffee corner in the Gathering Space at Far Hills or the usher table at Austin and fill one out so we can all great each other by name.


Worship bags for kids are back!! They have been updated with new items. At Far Hills, you can find the bags hanging in the kids’ space outside the sanctuary – ask an usher or Jennifer for help if you can’t find them. At Austin, you can find them next to the usher table. 



Click here to download the above Advent schedule.


Christmas Poinsettias: Order poinsettias for $14 each that will decorate the altars in our worship spaces through Christmas Eve. Paper order forms available in the church office and in worship this Sunday. Contact: Office Administrator Jennifer Henderson.



Children's Christmas Musical - Preschool Chorus

Preschoolers and kindergarteners are featured briefly on stage during the musical Dec 14 & 15. Click here to sign up, or contact producer Connie Risch with questions.

Dine 2 Donate: Bibibop Centerville/Cornerstone takes place Sunday, November 24 (flyer). Raising Cane's Washington Township takes place Wednesday, December 4 (event page). Proceeds benefit Drama Ministry and the children's Christmas musical.

R.O.M.E.O.s Outing & Lunch: Meet at the Mound Science and Energy Museum for a tour led by Bob Ellefson at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, December 11, followed by lunch at Bullwinkles in Miamisburg at 11:30 a.m. All men are welcome! Contact: Paul Gresham

Home Communion Volunteers: Training in January for volunteers who would like to offer Holy Communion to homebound members in their nursing home, assisted living or home approximately once a month. Click here to register interest or contact Pastor Heidi.

Austin 9 AM Traditional Worship: Can you be a communion helper who holds the wine and grape juice? Contact Pastor Heidi.

Children's Sunday School: Find schedules and information for age-grouped classes at Far Hills and self-guided stations at Austin here.

Youth Room at Far Hills open to middle and high schoolers for fellowship and education during Sunday School time, 9:45-10:30 a.m.

Far Hills Family Sunday School: December 1, 9:45 a.m., Celebration Center

Youth Ministry (Grades 9-12)

Dec 8: High School Ministry Night

Dec 15: Progressive Dinner & Christmas Party

Reminder: Open Basketball and Pickleball are on break until after the holidays.

Seeking praise team participants! If you like to sing, play an instrument, or can run a soundboard, consider joining praise director Mary Miller and the many people who help make praise worship happen. Find details on the interest form.

Praise Music Playlist: Find this Sunday's praise songs and listen to them on them on a playlist compiled by Praise Director Mary Miller.

Lessons and Carols service at Wittenberg University takes place Friday, December 6, at 7:30 p.m. Find the flyer here.

Advent Devotional: Click here for info on this year's Advent devotional from Luther Seminary, "Joy of Heaven, Here on Earth."

Altar Flowers and Eternal Flame: Click here for information on signing up and payment.

Online Giving: To set up or change recurring donations to the operation budget and ministries, or to make a one-time donation, visit our Give Now webpage.

The next monthly Church Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 17, at 7 p.m. in the Far Hills Conference Room.

Thanksgiving Holiday: Buildings will be closed Thursday, November 28, and Friday, November 29.

Far Hills Building Hours: On evenings where there are no events or meetings on the schedule, the building may be closed early. Please plan accordingly.

Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

The office will be locked at 1 p.m.; by appointment after 1 p.m and on Fridays. Office is locked on second and fourth Tuesdays during morning staff meeting.

Weekly Lectionary

Nov 24 – Christ the King

Daniel 7:9-10,13-14, Psalm 93,

Revelation 1:4-8, John 18:33-37

December 1 – 1st Sunday of Advent

Jeremiah 33:14-16, Psalm 25:1-10,

1 Thessalonians 3:9-13, Luke 21:25-36

Weekly Newsletter Schedule: If you wish to run an announcement, please be aware of deadlines for publication:

Announcement Due Date

News Release Date








Pastor Julie

office: 937-433-1449, ext. 110

mobile: 860-371-4030

Workdays: Sun.-Thurs.

Pastor Heidi

office: 937-433-1449

mobile: (513) 255-6279

Workdays: Sun., Tues., & Thurs.

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