NICSTO Donations:
Northwest Iowa Christian School Tuition Organization (NICSTO) is receiving contributions to provide tuition assistance to those who qualify. Anyone who contributes will receive a 75% tax credit up to the total amount of Iowa income tax that he/she pays. For example, if you donate $2,000 to NICSTO, your state income tax liability will be reduced by $1500 while NICSTO uses your contribution to help qualified students attend a Christian school. Our school still needs close to $240,000 before the end of the year.
We encourage you to participate AND let others who live in the state of Iowa know about it. This is also a great benefit to those in their upper 60s and 70s who wish to bless others and receive the tax credit. It’s a win-win situation, for those who give and to those who receive! What a privilege to be able to use some of our state tax dollars for non-public education! You may also donate non-cash items such as grain, stocks and securities. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Van Velzen at 712-348-6106 (NICSTO Treasurer) or Mr. Alons at 737-2274 or stop by the school office. The donation forms are also available on the school website under "Donate Now", "Support Us", then "NICSTO Contribution Form.”