August 25, 2021
McTrans Upgrades Website & Store
The T2 Center works with UFTI researchers to support a variety of projects with technical services that include technical consultation and support, presentation support, and editorial services.
Contact Dr. Nithin Agarwal, Director at [email protected] for more information or click here
McTrans Upcoming Training Webinars

18 PDHs provided for each series.
Sep 13 - 17 1 - 5 PM ET

8 PDHs provided for each series
Sep 21 - 22 1 - 5 PM ET

8 PDHs provided for each series
Aug 30 - 31 1 - 5 PM ET

Have questions or want to learn more?
Send us an email at [email protected].
You can help power and move forward the Research, Education, Technology Transfer, and K-12 efforts at the UFTI by making your tax-deductible contribution.