News & Events
June 8, 2018
CES, LSU Public Administration Institute to Analyze Mineral Tax Law
The Center for Energy Studies (CES) will take part in an analysis of the state mineral tax code, as directed by a senate resolution passed during the 2018 Second Extraordinary Session of the Louisiana Legislature. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 4 calls for CES, the LSU Public Administration Institute (LSU PAI) and the La. Tax Institute to analyze the state's mineral revenues, taxes and exemptions and provide recommendations for improving the tax code. The resolution urges the researchers to consult with stakeholder organizations and relevant legislative committees to formulate specific recommendations.
Upton |
According to the resolution, the goals of the upcoming analysis will be
- improvement of the competitiveness of the state's oil and gas extraction sector;
- a decrease or improvement of the difference in tax rates for oil and gas;
- creation of an equitable system of severance tax exemptions for all wells, not only horizontal wells;
- improvement and preservation of mineral revenues for the state;
- investigation of the reasons behind the fluctuation of La. oil and gas production.
The resolution cites a current study, set to be published this fall, titled Exploring Long-Term Solutions for Louisiana's Tax System, which was led by Professor James Richardson of the LSU PAI. For that book, CES Assistant Professor Greg Upton authored the chapter on mineral revenues.
Dismukes Releases Report on MISO Long-Run Transmission Infrastructure Development
Center for Energy Studies Executive Director and Professor David Dismukes has released a report outlining emerging Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. (MISO) transmission planning and infrastructure development issues.
"MISO Grid 2033: Preparing for the Transmission Grid of the Future" examines the considerable changes that have emerged over the past several years over one of the nation's largest integrated wholesale power grids.
The report looks at how MISO's transmission grid has evolved from one primarily focused on regional reliability concerns, to one that has multiple objectives and responsibilities, including assuring open and non-discriminatory access; facilitating electricity commerce across a broad geographic region that spans 15 states and one Canadian province; integrating a wide range of generating resources that include an increasing share of renewables; and incorporating a planning sensitivity for resiliency, cyber security and economic development concerns of its member states, regulators, and customers.
The report provides background analysis and expands on a wide-ranging discussion held among stakeholders at a November 2017 event titled "MISO Grid 2033: Preparing for the Future." The MISO 2033 event was co-sponsored by the LSU Center for Energy Studies and the Searle Center on Law, Regulation and Economic Growth at the Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law.
In the report, Dismukes notes that one of the more considerable challenges for transmission planning is the recognition that while market value of capacity has diminished over the past several years, the need for new infrastructure investment has not. In fact, if anything, that need has continued to increase.
Read more.
CES Names Scholarship Recipients for 2018-19 Academic Year
The Center for Energy Studies recently awarded scholarships for the 2018-19 academic year to three LSU students pursuing energy-related fields of study and careers.
LMOGA/Brooksher Scholarship
Felix Rodrigue, a sophomore majoring in electrical engineering, from Slidell, La.
"I am very honored to receive the Center for Energy Studies Brooksher Scholarship Award," Rodrigue said. "This scholarship will help tremendously in continuing my education in an energy-related field and fulfilling my dream of becoming an LSU graduate."
The LMOGA/Brooksher Scholarship, named for the late Robert R. Brooksher, Jr., an executive vice president of Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association and founding member of the LSU Center for Energy Studies' Advisory Council, supports the educational goals of LSU students interested in energy-related fields, with a particular emphasis on energy policy related to the oil and gas industry. The annual scholarship is awarded in the amount of $1,000.
F. Malcolm Hood Scholarship
Jared Molaison, a junior majoring in finance, from Lafayette, La.
Molaison |
"It is a great honor to receive the F. Malcolm Hood Scholarship Award," Molaison said. "This scholarship will go a long way in helping me achieve my future career goals. Also, I would like to thank my family and professors for their continuous support."
Created to honor the late F. Malcolm Hood, a highly regarded energy industry spokesman who served as an advisor when the Center was created and was a member of its Advisory Council, the scholarship supports the educational goals of LSU students interested in energy-related fields, with a particular emphasis on energy policy. The scholarship is awarded in the amount of $1,000.
David Olver Memorial Scholarship
Hunter DesRoches, a graduate student in electrical engineering, from Marrero, La.
DesRoches |
Upon learning he had been awarded the scholarship, DesRoches said, "I am very grateful for being awarded with the Center for Energy Studies GCPA David Olver Memorial Scholarship. I have been strongly interested in the electric power field for quite some time, and this award will most certainly help me fulfill my goal to one day become a part of the electrical power industry. My hope is to use my experience to understand, improve, and maintain certain aspects of the power grid and become a successful power engineer."
Provided by the Gulf Coast Power Association emPOWERing Foundation, the David Olver Memorial Scholarship is intended for LSU students interested in future careers in the electric power industry. The award amount is $2,500.
The Center congratulates our scholarship recipients and wishes them well as they continue their studies.
Louisiana Coastal Geohazards Atlas Planned
The Louisiana Geological Survey (LGS) and the New Orleans Geological Society have joined to lead the development of a Louisiana Coastal Geohazards Atlas.The focus will be on the landforms developed in a variety of underlying geologic settings and which are affected by faulting, subsidence, and flooding. The atlas will have a landforms base map that will provide useful information for technical analysis and use by governments, the private sector and informed citizens in planning land use and infrastructure development.
A final draft of the atlas is scheduled to be available for review in late December 2018, with production planned for mid-2019.
Dismukes Provides Business Report "Insight"
In the May 15 edition of the 10/12 Industry Report, CES Executive Director and Professor David Dismukes contributed an "Insight" column titled "The irrelevance of energy dominance," in which he ponders "the rhetoric of energy buzzwords." Of the concept of "energy dominance," he writes: "If the meaning is supposed to connote a position in which the U.S. holds a 'dominant' or influential position across most, if not all, energy commodities production and trade, then we have been in a position of energy dominance for some time by just about any measure."
Read the full Insight column.
Kaiser, Narra Publish on Economic Limits of Shallow-Water GOM Offshore Structures
In its May 2018 issue, the Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering published an article by CES Professor Mark Kaiser and Research Associate Siddhartha Narra titled, "An empirical evaluation of economic limits in the shallow water Gulf of Mexico, 1990-2017." Updating earlier work, the authors quantify the gross revenue at the end of production of oil and gas structures in water depth less than 400 feet to gain insight into the conditions required for profitable operations.
Operators will continue to operate an offshore structure as long as its net revenue exceeds its direct operating cost, which will vary depending on the type of structure, distance to shore, product type, and other factors. Under certain conditions, operation may continue for strategic reasons when revenues fall below operating cost, and in some cases, the operator will abandon a property before its economic limit is reached, for example, if destroyed by a hurricane. The article quantifies the gross revenue of structures at the end of their life at various levels of categorization to infer economic limits, and then constructs simple regression-models to disentangle the relative importance of primary factors.
Upton Publishes Paper on Shale Boom Impacts on Residential Mortgages
CES Assistant Professor Greg Upton, with coauthor Meagan McCollum of Baruch College, has published a paper on the impact of the shale oil and gas boom on residential mortgage payments. The study, published in
Resource and Energy Economics
, finds that borrowers with properties located in areas with shale oil and gas booms experienced a six-percent reduction in the probability of missing a mortgage payment over the period 2007-2014.
Louisiana Coastal Geology Symposium 2018
July 10-11, 2018
Jointly presented by Louisiana Geological Survey & New Orleans Geological Society
Dalton J. Woods Auditorium
Energy, Coast and Environment Building
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, La.
Venue details available here.
Call for Abstracts & Registration
The symposium will bring together scientists, engineers and policy makers from across a range of disciplines to exchange ideas, interpretations and insights on Louisiana coastal geology both onshore and offshore and on associated topics.
Abstracts are now being accepted for consideration as an oral presentation or poster session.
Graduate student submissions to the poster session are welcome.
Topics for submission related to the Louisiana coast (specifically including the offshore) and its geology include:
- Coastal geology
- Coastal geohazards
- Coastal ecology
- Coastal environments
- Coastal erosion
- Coastal faulting
- Coastal landforms and geomorphology
- Coastal oil and gas regulation
- Coastal resilience
- Coastal sedimentology
- Coastal subsidence
- Coastal tectonics
- Geological components of coastal sustainability planning
- Geological oceanography
- Geological processes affecting the onshore and offshore landscapes
- Geology, geomorphology, and geohazards of Louisiana barrier islands
- New technologies or methodologies
- Oil spill studies
- Onshore and offshore geological, geophysical, geochemical, sedimentological and paleontological investigations
- Onshore and offshore oil and gas exploration and production
- Onshore and offshore pipelines
- Paleoclimate studies
- Planning impacts of coastal geologic features
- Salt dissolution
- Salt water intrusion
- Sea level rise
- Tsunamis, waves and tides
Abstracts must be submitted here. (If you do not already have an EasyChair account, you will need to create one.)
Abstract deadline:
June 10, 2018.
Regular registration: $40 until June 30, 2018, and $80 thereafter. Student registration: $5 until June 30, 2018, and $10 thereafter. Speakers and poster presenters receive free registration.
Advance registration must be postmarked by June 30, 2018.
Checks should be made to
New Orleans Geological Society, with "
LCGS 2018" in the memo line.
here for the advance registration form.
Louisiana Geological Survey and the
New Orleans Geological Society have joined forces in 2018 to lead the development of a
Louisiana Coastal Geohazards Atlas. Several presentations will be made regarding the atlas and its progress.
For further information, please contact John E. Johnston III at or 225-931-6622.
Energy Summitâ„¢
October 24, 2018
The Center for Energy Studies will host its annual
Energy Summitâ„¢ on Wednesday, October 24.
The theme of this year's conference is "Louisiana's Place in the Global Energy Economy."
Dalton J. Woods Auditorium
Energy, Coast and Environment Building
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, La.
Online registration will open
August 1. Check back
here for more details soon.
Questions or comments?
Contact us at