Walton Street Entrance to Garage Temporarily Closed
Political Discourse and Christian Ethics
garage Walton St. Entrance to Garage Temporarily Closed
Rush St. Entrance Remains Open
This Sunday, October 23 work will be underway on Walton Street across from the 900 N. Michigan garage entrance on Walton.

As a result, between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. this Sunday morning, the Walton Street entrance to the 900 garage will be temporarily closed. 
The Rush Street entrance will remain open during that time.  
one Political Discourse and Christian Ethics
Michigan Avenue Forum on Monday
On Monday Clarence Page of the Chicago Tribune will be joined by Princeton emeritus professor Robin Lovin and Fourth Church members Mary Schaafsma and Niala Boodhoo at 7:00 p.m. in Buchanan Chapel for "Morality, Christian Ethics, and Political Discourse," a conversation about the current path of morality in our country.
We hope you'll join us for this important discussion about the church's place in a conversation of morality, ethics, and politics and where, as a church, we can truly begin to seek making a difference in this world.
     Monday, October 24
     7:00 p.m.
     Buchanan Chapel
two Let Your Light Shine! -- An Update
We are excited to share that we are 20 percent of the way to our 2017 Annual Appeal goal of $3 million for Fourth Church and 29 percent of the way to our $500,000 goal for Chicago Lights.
To date we have received 14 percent of our goal of 1,200 total pledges for the church, so we're making good progress, but we need everyone's help to meet our goals for 2017!
If you have not yet had opportunity to let your light shine by making your 2017 Annual Appeal pledge, please do so by Commitment Sunday, November 6, when we will be dedicating all the pledges during worship.

You can pledge online at
If you prefer to use a paper form, we invite you to use the pledge card mailed to member homes, cards which are also available in the pew racks or can be downloaded from
For even more information on the 2017 Annual Appeal or to make a pledge, stop by the Let Your Light Shine! table in Sunday morning Coffee Hour.
threeA New Sermon Podcast Link
If you enjoy listening to Fourth Church sermons during the week, we invite you to subscribe to our free sermon podcast
If you subscribed to this podcast prior to this autumn, you will need to please resubscribe by visiting , as the link has been changed as part of an update process.
fourRace in a Post-Obama America
A Book Study with Mark Eldred
Next month the Academy for Faith and Life will host a three-week book study, led by Interim Director for Adult Education Mark Eldred, on the book Race in a Post-Obama America: The Church Responds.
This book, edited by Presbyterian minister David Maxwell, notes basic definitions of and history around racism in the United States, current thoughts on institutional racism, and specific actions being taken by individuals and churches, and in doing so offers concerned Christians the chance to clarify terms and issues around racism and discern how to respond.
Copies of Race in a Post-Obama America will be available for purchase during Coffee Hour on Sunday mornings.
     Tuesdays, November 1, 15, and 22
     6:30-8:00 p.m.
     Page Smith Room
fiveTraveling to Guatemala Next July
Apply by October 30
Join Tom Schemper, Director of the Replogle Center for Counseling and Well-Being, and spiritual director and pastoral counselor Sue Schemper in traveling to Guatemala in July 2017 to work on projects through Common Hope. Common Hope, which serves Guatemalans through programs in education, health care, and housing, will provide staff for language translation along with the trip leaders.
Participants will visit families in a local community and help construct a simple home or sort supplies in a warehouse, all while learning about the culture, history, economics, challenges, and gifts of Guatemalan people.
Applications for this July 2-9, 2017, trip, which are due next Sunday, October 30, can be completed online at

sixRun the 2017 Chicago Marathon with Shannon
Recruitment Begins October 25
Is running a marathon an item on your bucket list? Cross it off in October 2017 and run the fortieth Chicago Marathon with Shannon Kershner as part of Team Chicago Lights!
We're hoping to recruit thirty-nine more runners to join her in helping support the community outreach work of Chicago Lights.
Recruitment for guaranteed entries--available on a first-come, first-serve basis--will be from Tuesday, October 25 to Monday, November 28, 2016.
Marathon team members commit to paying the registration fee ($195 in 2017) and raising at least $1,000 for Chicago Lights. If you join Team Chicago Lights and recruit a friend, you will receive a $100 fundraising credit to your goal. We'll even reimburse your registration fee if you exceed your fundraising goal by $500!
For more information, contact Kate Solis Silva.
sevenRoger Thurow and The First 1000 Days
Soup Supper and Book Discussion Next Month
The World Mission and Social Justice Committee and Opportunity International will host a soup supper on Thursday, November 17 at 6:00 p.m. in Anderson Hall. Author and journalist Roger Thurow will discuss his book The First 1000 Days, which explores the impact of malnutrition on children and how to prevent and reverse it.
RSVP (required) to by Thursday, November 3.
eightWelcome, New Members!
Please join us in welcoming those who were received into Fourth Church membership this month.
Michael Bowers
James Ford
Sam Guevara
Caroline McCarthy
Caitlyn McDonald
Emily Meador
Ian Murphy
Frederick Rose
Melissa Rose
Maxime Van Bel
Ikuko Wood
worship Worship This Week
Sunday, October 23, 2016
8:00 a.m. with Communion
Matt Helms, Associate Pastor, preaching
   "They Shall Dream Dreams"
 Scripture texts:
   Psalm 84

9:30 and 11:00 a.m.

Shannon J. Kershner, Pastor, preaching
Scripture texts:
   Psalm 65
   Joel 2:23-32
   Luke 18:9-14  
4:00 p.m. Jazz Service with Communion
Shannon J. Kershner, Pastor, preaching
Scripture texts:
   Psalm 65
   Luke 18:9-14    
Worship bulletins
for this coming Sunday are available online Friday afternoon at
"News and Opportunities"
is the weekly printed newsletter distributed with the Sunday bulletin and is available online Friday afternoon at

from previous weeks are posted online at 

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passages Passages
We give thanks to God for the gift of eternal life.

Elizabeth (Betty) Hohf Frank, September 30, 2016. 
A memorial service was held at the Clare on Friday, October 21.

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Concerts at Fourth Church
Friday Noonday concerts are free.  

Friday, October 28, 2016
John W. W. Sherer, organist
(Organist and Director of Music at Fourth Church)
12:10 p.m. in the Sanctuary

Friday, November 4, 2016
Natasha Stojanovska, pianist
12:10 p.m. in Buchanan Chapel
Cosponsored by the Musicians Club of Women

Sunday, November 6, 2016
All Saints' Sunday Requiem Service
   featuring Maurice Duruflé's Requiem
6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary

Friday, November 11, 2016
Thomas E. Gouwens, organist
(Associate Organist at Fourth Church)
12:10 p.m. in the Sanctuary

A complete concert schedule is available online.
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volunteer Volunteer at Fourth Church
There are several ways to get involved in the mission and ministry of Fourth Church. See below for details!
Current Volunteer Needs

Shower Ministry Greeters to check in and provide supplies to guests of the Meals Ministry program; Tuesdays, 1:15-4:00 p.m., on a rotating schedule.

In2It Café instructors
to teach thirty-minute enrichment classes--from yoga to chess to dance to creative writing--to Chicago Lights Tutoring students on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays, the first week of October through mid-December, from 5:25 to 5:55 p.m.

Sunday School office assistant to perform administrative tasks one Sunday each month from 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

for the Chicago Lights Tutoring program

To sign up for any of these volunteer opportunities or to learn more about them, stop by Coffee Hour on Sunday morning or email
A complete list of volunteer needs is available online