Happenings at LCR

Below are updates and happenings at LCR!

Bible Study - Today at 7pm

Join Vicar John and Samantha on Wednesday, December 11th at 7 PM for a Christmas Bible study. Who were the wise men or magi? What was the Christmas star? Why, Bethlehem? We will explore some of these topics together from Matthew's Gospel. We hope you can join the discussion!

If you would like to join via zoom see info below:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 826 1892 9012

Passcode: 740446

Blue Christmas Service & Lunch

December 19th at 12:30pm

Christmas is supposed to be a joyful time of year. However, for people who are grieving this is often a very difficult time of year. As we enter the darkest time of the year we want to recognize those of you who need a space beyond just yuletide cheer, so we will be offering prayers for grief and healing on Thursday, December 19th at 12:30pm in the chapel. We will follow the service with a luncheon in honor of Marion Krumlauf in our back lounge. Since Marion’s memorial service is not until the spring this will give those of you who would like to come together now a time to do so. Please let us know here if you will join us for the luncheon so we can more accurately order food.

Holiday Food Pantry Collection

Once again the Pantry would like cookies, family size Oreos or Chip Ahoy for their Holiday Food collection. Please note no tins or homemade baked goods. They are also requesting 2 pound bags of white sugar. Thank you for helping to make Thanksgiving & Christmas a bit sweeter for our neighbors in need!

Dove Tree Toy Drive

On Sunday the children helped Pastor Nicole bless all the wonderful toys that were collected for children in need. Thank you to all for your generous donations!

Christmas Craft Brunch

Thank you to Laura Atwell for organizing such a fun event! Thank you also to our tree decorators! It was such a fun fellowship celebrating the season of Advent.

Music of the Season - December 22nd

We have so many beautiful music offerings for the Christmas season that we will be celebrating a special “Music of the Season” on Sunday, December 22nd during our morning worship. Regular worship will still happen with readings, prayers, and communion but we will have extra music from our choir and other small groups. Join us for this wonderful Christmas preview. And thank you to Xiaojing and our many talented musicians for sharing their gifts.

Immigration Discussion - Tuesday December 17

Last week a few of us from the church attended a meeting with Carola Braco from Neighbor’s Link in Mount Kisco to educate ourselves and learn ways we can be most helpful to our immigrant neighbors in the coming days. The incoming presidential administration has talked about enacting new immigration policies that could drastically affect Mount Kisco, which has a large immigrant population. In addition, the rhetoric that has been employed to speak about immigrants has been dehumanizing and serves to embolden acts of violence and othering. No matter where you fall on the spectrum of immigration legalities this, at the very least, should be concerning to you. We are all called as followers of Christ to love our neighbors and to welcome the stranger. If you have concern for our immigrant neighbors and would like to both learn some of what we were told last week and also talk about how we can move forward most effectively please join us at the parsonage (42 McLain St) on Tuesday, December 17th at 7pm. Please let Pr. Nicole know if you are can make it.  

Christmas Worship Service

Our Christmas Worship Service will be Christmas Eve at 4pm.

We will have a service of Lessons & Carols on Sunday, December 29

Koinonia Retreat

Save the date for our congregational retreat to Koinonia on February 28 - March 2, 2025!

There were some conflicts with our traditional weekend for retreat this year, but the retreat is still happening. We will begin sign-up in January, but let us know if you are interested so that we can guesstimate how many rooms to reserve. Looking forward to a fun weekend together! 

Little Blessings News

The fours class had fun making rainbow toast for "R" week!