Happenings at LCR

Below are updates and happenings at LCR!

Bible Study - October 30 at 1pm & 7pm

Join Vicar John Evans and his wife, Samantha on October 30 at 1pm or 7 PM in a scriptural meditation and interactive Bible study. Have you ever wondered how the bible's supernatural worldview influenced our own understanding of all hallows eve or Halloween? Join Samantha and John as they explore these topics. All are welcome at church!.

Thank you to the Choir!

Emergency Shelter Partnership

We will again be hosting our neighbors in need providing food and shelter during the week beginning November 4th - November 10th. Please see attached donation needs here

We still need donations of fruit, water & breakfast bars/muffins.

All Saints Day

On Sunday, November 3rd we will pray for and read aloud the names of those loved ones who have died during this past year. If you would like to include someone on our prayer list, please forward those you would like to be remembered by Wednesday, October 30th. Click here to submit name.

Inclusive Worship - Sunday 11:30am

Join us this Sunday for our Joyful Noise worship service at 11:30am. The format will have all of the components of worship but will be shorter in length and have less “rules” about movement and noise. It will be interactive and casual. While LCR is an incredibly welcoming place, this service is a direct invitation for those who perhaps have been uncertain about entering a church. If you would like to help with this service or know of any family that might enjoy it, please let us know. And spread the word!

These services will be held the first Sunday of every month following our regular 9:30am worship service.

Mount Kisco Ecumenical Election Day Vigil

On Tuesday November 5th from 7am - 7pm there will be an ecumenical election day vigil at St. Mark's Episcopal church (across the street from Mt. Kisco library). Regardless of faith and belief, this is a day to breathe, rest or pray.

Fall Food Pantry Needs

The Mount Kisco Interfaith Food Pantry is asking us to participate in their Fall Food Drive. Please consider donating these much needed items to the pantry:

  • cereal,
  • canned tuna or salmon
  • canned beans
  • pasta.

Thank you for your support of this important mission!

Dove Tree Toy Drive

We will again be sponsoring Christmas gifts for children in need through the the Boys & Girls Club. This year, we are focusing our efforts on collecting toys.

Popular items on the children's wish lists are: 

Matchbox cars, remote control cars, super hero figures, Legos (pre K and ages 5-10) puzzles,Barbies, baby dolls, "kitchen sets"- play dishes, pots/pans. books to read, paint sets.

Please consider donating a toy for this collection by Sunday, December 8th

Little Blessings News

The children are having fun with pumpkins as they get ready for Halloween!