Happenings at LCR

Below are updates and happenings at LCR!

A Message from Pastor Nicole

I read a quote today that our former interim Tom Crossman posted on Facebook. Thanks Tom! It is the one I keep going back to as I think about the election we just went through (and the deep division that is evident). St. Augustine said, “Hope has two daughters: Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are.” No matter how you voted in this election I hope you can see that there is need for more care, common decency and love in our communities. As Christians we should be appalled at the rhetoric of hate, half-truths and fear that were propagated during this election. No matter who was elected our call remains the same: to be an alternate voice to the haters in the world. If the election results have angered you, you are not alone. If you are pleased with the election results remember that no one person, even if they claim it, has the ability to save you. That job is left for God alone. So, wherever you stand it is now time for courage. Time to have the courage to be people who will love one another and love those who are on the margins of society, have the courage not to look just at what is best for you but what is best for those left out of the halls of power, have the courage to reach out to those who are often forgotten. That is the call we have as Christians. Things cannot remain the same, nor should they. But our call remains the same. A friend of mine recently was told by her mother, “You cannot wring your hands and roll up your sleeves at the same time.” If you need to wring your hands, it is okay to spend some time doing that. But then let’s roll up our sleeves together and get on with the very important work of being carriers of love, joy and justice in the world. 


Pr. Nicole

Emergency Shelter Partnership

We are hosting our neighbors in need providing food and shelter during this week through November 10th.We still need one meal on Saturday, November 9th and donations of breakfast bars or bananas. If you can help please let us know here

Beautiful Music from Sunday!

click on the images below and enjoy!

Saints Around Us

We celebrated All Saints Sunday this past weekend and remembered together the great cloud of witnesses of which we are a part. Martin Luther called us all saints and sinners. So true, but I don’t want to talk about sin today! Instead, I want to thank all of the saints who come together to make this place what it is. This week Enid Petriccione spent a day repainting the lettering on our sign outside. Thank you Enid (and thank you Pasquale who put together a bench donated by their friend and raked up leaves!)! So many of you quietly do and give, shining your lights as the body of Christ. I am grateful for you.  

Holiday Food Pantry Collection

Once again the Pantry would like cookies, family size Oreos or Chip Ahoy for their Holiday Food collection. Please note no tins or homemade baked goods. They are also requesting 2 pound bags of white sugar. Thank you for helping to make Thanksgiving & Christmas a bit sweeter for our neighbors in need!

Dove Tree Toy Drive

We will again be sponsoring Christmas gifts for children in need through the the Boys & Girls Club. This year, we are focusing our efforts on collecting toys.

Popular items on the children's wish lists are: 

Matchbox cars, remote control cars, super hero figures, Legos (pre K and ages 5-10) puzzles,Barbies, baby dolls, "kitchen sets"- play dishes, pots/pans. books to read, paint sets.

Please consider donating a toy for this collection by Sunday, December 8th

Little Blessings News

The children had so much fun dressing up for our Halloween Parade!