When: Monday, August 7
Time: 7:00pm
Where: OCA
As the month of August quickly approaches, we need to prepare for the upcoming fall sport seasons. This note is an introduction to the steps parents and athletes need to take before practices begin on August 7. OCA’s Fall Sports offerings include Football, Volleyball, and Girls and Boys Cross Country. We compete as members of the Nebraska School Activities Association and the Nebraska Frontier Conference. Our programs and athletes compete in accordance with the rules of the NSAA.
High School students who wish to participate in fall sports can contact Mr. Thompson (mthompson@ocamail.org) or the coaches of the sports.
Football: Chuck Kuhns (ckuhns@ocamail.org)
Volleyball: Kendra Eveland (keveland@ocamail.org)
Boys and Girls Cross Country: Shanna Erwin (serwin@ocamail.org)
NSAA Eligibility Rules
In order to participate in High School athletics student must complete the following:
Physical Examination All Participants must have a current physical Exam clearing the for sports before the first practice. Forms for the physicals are available in the school office and online on Sycamore Education.
NSAA Consent Form Parents and Athletes are required to sign a release form issued by the NSAA. Again, that form is available online and in the OCA office.
OCA Procedures
Each OCA Head Coach will share team expectations. These will be shared with parents and athletes at a meeting for fall sports on Monday, August 7 at 7:00 pm. It is especially important that families attend this meeting so that questions can be answered, and the philosophies of the coaches can be understood.