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Sunday, March 14th
Around the Diocese
Journey Through East Carolina T-Shirts on Sale

If you didn't get a chance to purchase a t-shirt at the start of the Journey Through East Carolina or would like to purchase another, there's good news!

All shirts are on sale for $10 and the proceeds of these purchases will go to Trinity Center.

Click here to learn more.
Exciting News

Campus Ministries in the Diocese of East Carolina received a $2000 Project Grant from The Episcopal Church's Office of Young Adult and Campus Ministries. This grant will help fund a one-time initiative called "Measure + Mean: Finding Community in a Rule of Life."

This program will seek to engage not only the students who are currently part of the Campus Ministries in Greenville and Wilmington, but it will also work to engage college students who are on campuses or communities who do not have necessarily have an active ministry on their campus. Click here to read more.
Join us on Sunday, March 21st at 7pm
Click here to register.
Middle and High School young people are invited to be part of this community during Lent. Gatherings will take place on Sundays in Lent from 11:15 - noon via Zoom. Prayer, scripture, and small groups will be lead by the East Carolina Youth Council.

Registration is required. Click here to sign up.
A Call to Serve

Many things have changed because of this pandemic. We have learned to show our love for those we do not know by wearing masks and adhering to physical distancing rules. We have learned to live with the reality that we are all potentially propagators and victims of a microscopic virus that is capable of turning a world of 7.6 billion people upside down when loosed. In light of all of the people lost, and with the mass immunization in the foreseeable future, how will we use the newly rediscovered freedom that we took for granted most of our lives? Whom do we feel called to meet, and how do we feel called to serve in order to discover the gifts God may have in store?

Given the blessing of over seven hundred thousand Spanish-speakers in our state, the Spanish-Language ministries in the Diocese of East Carolina are putting a call out to those who may feel moved to serve on the Spanish-Language Commission. To serve, one does not have to know Spanish. To serve, one simply has to have a passion to proclaim God’s love and a curiosity to see what God is doing amongst our Spanish-speaking neighbors to enrich our congregations.

If, after prayer and discernment, you feel God is calling to serve on the Spanish-Language Ministry Commission, please contact The Rev. Frederick Clarkson by calling (713) 392-7725 or emailing him at
Resources & Events for Ministry & Faith Formation
The Winter 2021 Formation Update is now live and includes resources for people of all ages that are well-suited for the coming months. Click here to check it out.
Click here to sign up.
Amor en Tiempos Difíciles

The Rev'd Fred Clarkson is hosting a bible study during lent called "Love in Difficult Times" on Wednesdays at 8pm.

If you'd like to join in, click here.
Click here to register.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, churches and faith communities have had to move many of their ministries online, including worship and faith formation. As we look forward with hope as vaccinations are distributed and something resembling normal appears on the horizon, how can congregations carry what they have learned from this time, from new technologies to new skills, and ways of connecting with local and distributed communities in the future?

This webinar hosted by Virginia Theological Seminary's Department of Lifelong Learning will take place on Thursday, March 18th at 3pm EST.

Click here to register.
From Many, One: Conversations Across Difference
“From Many, One: Conversations Across Difference” is a campaign inviting Episcopalians and our neighbors to engage in one-to-one listening and sharing across the many differences that separate us. The conversations center on four questions: What do you love? What have you lost? Where does it hurt? What do you dream?

Anyone can join in these life-changing conversations, by engaging one on one, exploring the questions in small groups, and talking with people of different ages and backgrounds. In so doing, we begin to discover how our differences make us stronger as the human family of God.

Here you'll find explanations for each of the questions, suggestions on going deeper, and additional resources to keep your conversations going.
Upcoming Webinars:

The How and Why of Conversations Across Difference
Friday March 12, 2:00-3:00 p.m. EST - Register here

How We’re Practicing and What We’re Learning
Thursday, March 25, 2:00-3:00 p.m. EST - Register here

From Many One “Listen-In” – Sharing Our Stories and Growing Our Practice
Thursday, April 8, 6:00-7:00 p.m. EST - Register here
The Episcopal Church, in partnership with RenewalWorks, a ministry of Forward Movement, is offering My Way of Love, a free, eight-week email series that provides personalized suggestions for spiritual growth based on the seven practices of the Way of Love.

Click here to learn more.
Open Positions Around the Diocese
Contact Lindsey Harts if you have any additional questions.
Click here to view & download the 2020 cycle of prayer.
Click here to learn about events going on in parishes and in communities around the diocese.
For news regarding the wider Church, check out the Episcopal News Service and Anglican News Service websites by clicking the icons to the right: