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Sunday, October 18th
A Message from Bishop Skirving
Around the Diocese
News from Diocesan House

We are delighted to announce that Emily Gowdy Canady’s position is changing. Effective immediately she will now be the Missioner for Lifelong Christian Formation.

Recognizing that Christian Formation is a lifelong journey, in this newly created position Emily will focus on supporting and facilitating individuals of all ages and congregations of all sizes across the diocese who seek to grow their faith in Jesus Christ through the lens of the Episcopal Church. 
Important Update Regarding Diocesan Convention

Our 2021 Convention will be virtual!

Because of the unusual nature of our upcoming Diocesan Convention being held virtually, a decision has been reached that rather than being held over 2.5 days, it will be contained to one day, Saturday, February 13, 2021. (Yes, that is the Saturday before Valentine’s Day, but we will be finished before dinner time.)

With this transition to a virtual convention comes the understanding that delegates to convention will need to be tech-savvy, at least to the point of using a smart phone and joining a Zoom conference on a computer. Most of the ways we have done convention in the past will be different – how different is still up in the air – but if nothing else, 2020 has taught us to be flexible. Stay tuned for more information.
United Thank Offering (UTO) Annual Ingathering & Grant Application

It's that time again! If you'd like to learn about how to apply for a 2021 UTO grant and how you can support the work of UTO, click here.
Resources & Events for Ministry & Faith Formation
List of Spiritual Directors

If connecting with a spiritual director is something you or someone you know would be interested in, check out this list.
Space for Grace: Supporting Relationships in the Midst of an Ongoing Pandemic

Space for Grace seeks to be a place where adults can gather for support, resources, and prayer as we continue to navigate the effects of an ongoing pandemic.

There are two upcoming sessions, both of which will be facilitated by Anne M. Erickson and take place via Zoom. Anne is the primary practitioner at New Garden Counseling. She is a certified Imago Therapist. Imago Relationship Therapy is an approach to couples counseling that views conflict as growth trying to happen. She helps couples restore connection and rekindle intimacy by teaching them the tools for how to listen with empathy and curiosity.

  • October 27, 7:30 - 8:45 PM (register by Noon, October 26)
  • October 29, 12 - 1:15 PM (register by 5:00 PM, October 28)

Both sessions will have the same content. Registration is required to receive the Zoom link. If you'd like to register to attend, click here. If you have any additional questions, contact Emily Gowdy Canady.

If you'd like to view the full event flyer, click here.
The Early Fall 2020 Formation Update is now live and includes resources for young adults and formation leaders for the coming months. Click here to check it out.
Click here to register.
This 3-part series for young people in grades 6-12 is meant to provide an open, faith based, safe space for conversation about their concerns around mental health and wellness. We hope to help begin removing the stigma often associated with mental health and illness. We hope to provide a beginning tool kit so young people can advocate for their own mental well-being as well as ways to offer appropriate support for friends, and most importantly when to ask for help. Click here to register.

Though the first session has already taken place, all who would like to participate are encouraged to register for the latter sessions.
College students are invited to this discussion with the Campus Ministry Communities from The Well: ELCM in Greenville and E.C.C.O. in Wilmington. Please contact the Rev'd Donna Kraus for registration information.
Happening: Emerge

It is important that the Happening community have an opportunity to gather, even if it's not in the same way attendees may be accustomed to. This year, a modified Happening gathering called Happening: Emerge will take place via Zoom on Saturday, October 24 from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM.

This event is only open to those who have been a Candidate at least once at a Happening. Our hope is that Happening will be open for new Candidates in the Spring of 2021.

Registration is required and the deadline is October 15th. All additional information can be found on the registration pages here:
Tied Together: Unity in Community

COVID-19 and the guidelines and restrictions that have followed have certainly changed some of the way we do things. It is important that young people in our diocese have time to gather in Community even it is not the way we usually do. This year, we are combining the two fall conferences for youth, Sr. High Fall Break and Fall Conference for Middle Schoolers into one event for 2020.

This gathering will take place online on November 7 and is open to youth grades 6 through 12. Click here to learn more & register to attend. The registration deadline is October 14.
Learning to Read the Liturgy in Spanish

We will be offering an upcoming opportunity for reading the Liturgy in Spanish online on Thursday, October 15 from 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM. This class is free, but if you wish to obtain a bound Spanish-Language Book of Common Prayer, you may do so by sending a check payable to the Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina for $26.00 to PO Box 1336, Kinston, NC 28503. Alternatively, a free PDF of the Spanish BCP can be found here.

To register to attend this upcoming training, click here.
Beloved Community Now Webinars

Thousands of racial justice and healing leaders and practitioners across The Episcopal Church gathered to build community, craft strategy and equip each other for action during a series of “Becoming Beloved Community NOW” online gatherings at the end of July 2020. These webinars are now available for viewing here.
Welcome Wednesdays

Amanda Norwood from Christ Church, New Bern is working with a non-profit to change the conversations about refugees and immigration from one of fear to one of welcome. This series is called Choose Welcome and is a campaign of We Welcome Refugees.

Every Wednesday night until the end of October, they're hosting webinars where speakers and pastors from all over the world will discuss a topic related to immigration/refugees. Here is a list of the upcoming webinar speakers and topics:

  • 10/14 - Karen Gonzalez // The Theology of Migration
  • 10/21 - Vicki Courtney // Choosing to Use My Voice 
  • 10/28 - Ann Voskamp // Embracing God's Call to Welcome

For link to register, email Amanda Norwood.
Open Positions Around the Diocese
137th Convention Journal Now Available

The Journal of the 137th Convention of Diocese of East Carolina, which took place in February 2020, is now available for viewing.

It can be found on our website here.
If you've viewed the home page on our diocesan website recently, you may have noticed this map beneath the "Find a Church" header. This is the Episcopal Asset Map.

The Asset Map is now used by The Episcopal Church, Episcopal Relief & Development, and the Diocese of East Carolina. Each parish in our diocese has page of its own on the Asset Map. If you have not yet taken the time to check out the Asset Map or your parish's page, you can do so here.

If you notice that service times, contact information, photos, or any other content is out of date, there's an easy way to suggest changes. Click on the text that says, "update this place," make any recommended changes, and once you submit them, Lindsey Harts will review them and approve changes accordingly.
Contact Lindsey Harts if you have any additional questions.
Click here to view & download the 2020 cycle of prayer.
Click here to learn about events going on in parishes and in communities around the diocese.
For news regarding the wider Church, check out the Episcopal News Service and Anglican News Service websites by clicking the icons to the right: