Friday, June 17, 2022
News & Notes
Economists provide some insight on where the economy is headed
   Josh Lehner of the Oregon Office of Economic of Analysis' explored and explained a scenario for state's economy this week in his blog.
   The hot U.S. economy is experiencing record inflation (a 40-year high of 8.6%), so now the Federal Reserve is trying to cool the economy by increasing interest rates.
   In a KGW report, University of Oregon Economist Tim Duy said the Federal Reserve's raising interest rates will cause housing to be unaffordable for a larger number of people.
   Federal officials are hoping the higher interest rates will slow consumer demand and lessen inflation.
   In the past, Lehner has warned that increasing the interest rates could put the economy into a recession, and that's what he and his colleagues are starting to predict in their scenario.
   Lehner said his office anticipates a recession in 2023 or possibly 2024, depending on the timing of the Federal Reserve's changes.
   In KGW's report, ECONorthwest's Bob Whelan said the upside to rising interest rates, and cooling the economy, would be that prices should go down, and the return on savings accounts should go up.
   Unfortunately, he also said the unemployment rate will most likely increase too as businesses pull back on spending.
   Whelan said it's a good idea to find a job you like and stick with it, plus keep a cushion in savings.
   To learn more, visit Lehner's blog or KGW's report.
Joint committee meeting delivers discussion on transportation study
   Three of WEA's committees met recently to hear from ODOT's Stephanie Millar and Metro's Kate Hawkins.
   Millar and Hawkins provided a presentation on the Westside Multimodal Improvement Study.
   This study was created to look at transportation conditions in the Westside corridor.
   There is a concern travel times for commuters and freight are unreliable and are affecting the region's economic competitiveness.
   The study is also taking under consideration data, previous studies, and community input in addressing transportation issues in the corridor.
   To see the presentation slide deck, click here.
King City gathers & says a lot of thanks at its "State of the City" address
King City Mayor Jaimie Fender
   Members of the King City community gathered at City Hall this week to hear from Mayor Jaimie Fender in her "State of the City" address.
   Fender thanked a number of partners for their attendance, including Westside Economic Alliance's Teresa Dunham and WEA Board member Nina Carlson from NW Natural, along with a number of other WEA members.
   The Mayor listed out the city's changing demographics.
   Originally, King City was founded as a retirement community, but has since evolved into a diverse city with residents of all ages, including young families.
   It will change even more as the city works on its Master Plan, which will guide the growth and development of more than 500 acres known as Kingston Terrace.
   To learn more about King City, visit its website.
Hillsboro School District apprenticeship program receives BOLI approval
   A Hillsboro School District apprenticeship program is the state's first industry-recognized and registered youth apprenticeship program, and it has earned the approval of the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI).
   The Advanced Manufacturing Apprenticeship is a two-year program that will provide a career pathway for high-school students in advanced manufacturing with hands-on, paid training.
   For employers, it expands the opportunity to have a diverse, skilled workforce. 
   The school district credits its partners in this program, which includes WEA member Intel.
   To read more, click here.
Odds & Ends
  • Metro is seeking feedback for its Regional Flexible Funds and Trails Grant funding allocations. This survey closes on Tuesday (June 21).

  • This weekend marks the celebration of Juneteenth - the end of slavery in the United States. The Hillsboro community is hosting a celebration this evening at Jerry Willey Plaza in Orenco from 4-8pm. Tomorrow the City of Wilsonville is hosting a celebration from 10am-12pm in its Town Center Park. There is also a Juneteenth parade and festival in North Portland this weekend too.

  • It's also Pride month, which is the LBTQ community's celebration. This weekend a Pride parade and festival is happening at the downtown waterfront.

  • Tigard is hosting a Restaurant Month and offering prizes for those who participate in a passport program. Click here for more information.

  • Congratulations to the class of 2022! We join in celebrating your accomplishments and are excited to see what the future holds for you.

  • Finally, if you find this weather makes you want comfort food, maybe the Oregon Zoo's Desi and Buttercup can encourage you with some healthy eating habits. See their snack time video below.
Events coming up
Mon. 6/20 Juneteenth observed - WEA laptops will be closed in observation.

Wed. 6/22 Board meeting canceled

Fri. 6/24 at 12:00 p.m. - The Fundraising/Golf Committee will meet to talk about the July 25 Westside Golf Scramble at Langdon Farms. There is opportunities to sponsor, donate, and/or volunteer. For more information, contact Teresa Dunham.

Mon 7/4 July 4th holiday - WEA laptops will be closed

Wed. 7/13 at 7:30 a.m. The WEA Transportation Committee will meet. All members welcome.

Wed. 7/20 at 12:00 p.m. The WEA Land Use & Housing Committee will meet. All members are welcome.

Mon. 7/25 The Westside Golf Scramble tees off in the afternoon at Langdon Farms Golf Club.