Council of Producers & Distributors of Agrotechnology

Terry Kippley, CPDA

January 11, 2024

In this Issue:

  • New CPDA Members
  • EPA Releases Pesticide Registration Maintenance Fee Materials for FY2024
  • Government Shutdown
  • CPDA Washington DC Fly-In

Welcome New CPDA Members!

Please help us welcome our newest members...Drexel Chemical Company and Syensqo! Membership dues fund our advocacy efforts which include working with the EPA on the possibility of giving growers credit for the use of Drift Reduction Adjuvants as an ESA mitigation tool alternative to No-Spray buffers.

Drexel Chemical Company

For over 50 years, Drexel Chemical Company has been a leader in the agrochemicals industry, setting the standard for post patent pesticides. With over 500 products, they offer one of the most comprehensive portfolios available.

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Syensqo is focused on breakthroughs that advance humanity. They are a team of explorers – passionately pushing the boundaries of science to find groundbreaking solutions that make a real difference to our planet and the people on it.

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EPA Releases Pesticide Registration Maintenance Fee Materials for FY 2024

Last week, EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) updated its annual pesticide registration maintenance fees webpage and fee tables. Registrants will need to access their product filing forms, pay maintenance fees, and return completed documents to OPP for processing by January 16, 2024.


Fiscal year 2024 maintenance fees for each registered pesticide product will be $4,875, the same amount as 2023. The Pesticide Registration and Improvement Act of 2022 (PRIA 5) directs EPA to collect an average amount of $42,000,000 in maintenance fees annually for FYs 2023-2027.


Fees increased from $3,400 to $4,875 for FY 2023 to comply with PRIA 5 after it was passed by Congress in December of 2022. PRIA maintenance fees and pesticide registration fees together account for approximately one-third of funding for OPP, with the remaining funding appropriated by Congress. 

To access the new fee tables, instructions, product listing, and filing forms, registrants should visit the Annual Pesticide Registration Maintenance Fees webpage for more information.

Government Shutdown

Congressional leaders announced Sunday they have reached an agreement on the overall spending level for the remainder of 2024 as they seek to avoid a January 19 government shutdown.  

The $1.66 trillion deal is slightly above the $1.59 trillion that was reached in a bipartisan deal last year. Because none of the annual appropriations bills that fund the government have made it through Congress, the House and Senate have passed short-term funding extensions to keep the government operating, the agreement is facing two deadlines.

The first is on January 19, when appropriations bills for veteran’s programs, transportation, housing, agriculture, and energy departments expire. Funding for eight other appropriations bills, including defense, expire on February 2.

This is important for CPDA members as a government shutdown means that EPA’s handling of PRIA and non-PRIA submissions comes to a halt.

Make Plans to Attend the CPDA Washington DC Fly-In: March 4–6

You are invited to attend the 2024 CPDA Washington DC Fly-In on March 4–6, 2024. The Fly-In is the focal point for CPDA’s federal advocacy efforts where we will meet with Congressional leaders, members of the Biden Administration and agricultural allies. This is an important meeting for all CPDA member companies as we kick-off our 2024 federal advocacy efforts.


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Until next time...

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