St. Peter's Lutheran Church
to Christ with Us
August 20-22, 2022
The Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost
Communion Weekend
"What Do You See?"
Text: Luke 13:22-30

Pastor Nathan Widener
Worship Readings

Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 66:18-23

Epistle Reading: Hebrews 12:4-24

Gospel Reading: Luke 13:22-30
New to St. Peter's?

If you are new to our St. Peter's community, we invite you to attend a special information meeting on August 28 at 9:15 am called St. Peter's 101. We will share more information about our ministry and how you can join our membership. 

Join us for lunch after the 10:30 service at our Community Celebration in the Church gym!
Community Celebration: A Time to be Together

  • Realm HELP table: need some trouble shooting help? Or just help remembering to do it? We're here for you! Stop by the booth and get it all done at once.
  • Family Photo Booth: Our directory is about 3 years old. Let's get some updated family and individual photos to keep Realm up-to-date. (You'll get a copy of the photos too.)
  • Lunch Menu: Pork Cutlet or Rosemary Chicken, side salad or pasta salad, key west veggie blend, baked potato, dinner roll, dessert
  • FREE Gift: there are several options. Pick which fits best for you!
New National Mental Health Emergency Phone Number
Join the Altar Guild
Ladies of all ages, if you would like to serve in the St. Peter’s altar guild, please call Sue now at 486-2841. We enjoy helping to prepare for worship. You would choose only 2 months to serve, and it involves minimal time. We feel blessed to do it, and to get to know the other 25 ladies better, along with helping the pastors and elders.
REALM App - do you have it yet?
We've already had some feedback from our first wave of on boarders. You've helped us learn just as much as we've helped you! Thank you! So far everyone who is on and seeing the potential are LOVING Realm.
Sign up and tell us what you're learning.
Need some Realm Help?

We'll have a booth set up at the Community Celebration Event, August 28th in the Church Gym. We'll help you get set up and answer any questions you might have.
Have questions or want more instructions before August 28th? Click on the button below to get ALL the helpful details you're looking for or call the Church Office.
in His Grace
Hope Sessions will return on Tuesdays this fall starting September 27th. These will include a variety of classes and groups and will always start with dinner! Options will range from a traditional learning experience such as a standard Bible study to something more conversational and will encourage our members to connect around a particular area of their Christian life. This year we want to add classes for increasing physical activity as well as one to allow a group to work on a service project each week together. 
We've already had some great feedback, but we'd like to hear from YOU what classes, topics, groups, or projects you want to see as part of Hope? Click the button below to let us know:
Summer Bible Study Schedule
Sunday Bible Study
This study in Leviticus, led by Pastor McDowell, illuminates and teaches God's early plans to dwell with us and for us to be in His presence.  Join us in-person in the Cornerstone Room Sundays at 9:15 AM (treats included) or online through our YouTube channel
Next HSYG Meeting is Sunday, August 28th from 6-8 pm at the Parish House.
Parents and this year's Confirmands. This area of News & Notes is just for you! We'll keep this button here all year so you can have access to print sermon reports, lost pages of your portfolio, sign-up for Worship units and MORE! Click the button below to find what you need.
Public School Confirmation Students

Classes will start September 11th. If you're in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade at a school other than St. Peter's, OR you are in High School, but have not yet been confirmed you're invited to attend! Call the Church Office at 749-5816 and ask for Michelle Leahy to register or for more details.
Senior Saints Lunch & Learn - September 26 at 11:30
Join us for a delicious lunch and an opportunity to learn more about the Lutheran Heritage Foundation. Imagine trying to understand Scripture in all its richness without the benefit of Luther’s Small Catechism. For Lutheran churches around the world, these situations are a reality, because no one has translated them into their languages. LHF translates, publishes, distributes and introduces books that are Bible-based, Christ-centered and Reformation-driven. Lunch is $10 per person. Please sign up today in the Ministry Center. 

October Field Trip - Brookside Mansion Tour
Join us for a tour of this incredible, recently restored Fort Wayne gem. Brookside was the Romanesque summer home of John Henry Bass before it was purchased by the Sisters of St. Francis for the college. The tour will begin at 11 am and will last 1 hour. The cost $10, and the tour is handicap accessible. Please sign up in the Ministry Center.

Click the Senior Saints banner above to see the Fall Newsletter with events from September through December.
Him with Others
Compassionate Care Collection


A few more 70 page notebooks and we can all celebrate and be thankful for making 70 School Kits for Lutheran World Relief. In October they will be on their exciting journey to students who would not have school supplies except for you. Thank you!

Collection baskets are in the Ministry Center and North Corridor.
Our Schools
St. Peter's Preschool
Hello St. Peter’s Family,

As the preschool staff and I are preparing for our next school year, I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself. My name is Alyssa Nix. I am the Interim Preschool Director for the upcoming school year. I am very honored and excited to be fulfilling this role. I have an associate’s degree in Early Childhood Education. I have taught preschool for 8 years and have been teaching here at St. Peter’s for the last two. I am a lifelong member of the church and grew up attending our day school. St. Peter’s is a very special place to me.

My husband Ryan and I have been married for 9 years. Together we have two daughters. Zoey is 6, and Phoebe is 3 years old. We enjoy spending time together doing family fun days, going to the zoo, vacationing at Myrtle Beach, and playing games. As I continue to transition into this new role, I ask for your patience and grace. Please always feel welcome to come and chat with me. One of the things I enjoy most about working in preschool has always been interacting with the children, families, and our members.
Community Events
More details on events through the button above!
Updated 8/19/2022
Use the Registration Buttons below for different events on the Virtual Board
Lord's Week at a Glance
Saturday, August 20
10:00 am - Calling: Susan Hirsch
11:00 am - Funeral: Susan Hirsch
5:00 pm - Worship w/ Communion (Sanctuary)
7:00 pm - HSYG Basketball (Church Gym)
Sunday, August 21
8:00 am - Worship w/ Communion (Sanctuary)
9:15 am - Adult Bible Study (Cornerstone)
10:30 am - Worship w/ Communion(Sanctuary)
5:00 pm - Pickleball (Church Gym)
Monday, August 22
5:30 pm - Preschool Board Meeting (Large Conference Room)
6:00 pm - Day School Board Meeting (Cornerstone Room)
7:00 pm - Worship w/ Communion (Sanctuary)

Tuesday, August 23

Wednesday, August 24
6:00 pm - Support Group (Staff Conference Room)

Thursday, August 25
6:30 am - Men's Bible Study (Cornerstone Room)
9:00 am - Ladies Aid Quilting (Cornerstone Room)
6:00 pm - Properties Team Meeting (Cornerstone Room)
The altar flowers are placed in memory of Betsy by her family, Larry and Pat Rothenhofer, Laura, Erin, & Eric
Those Serving in the Armed Forces
Nick Lundin, James Moeller, Sgt. Adam Skelton, Cayden Whitacre

McKenzie Lynn, Jase Louis, & Wyatt Dawson Jehl (8/21)
Wedding Anniversaries
August 20
Leslie & Lisa Rogers
August 22
Gary & Mary Koenemann
Joey & Madison Pope
August 25
Thomas & Cathy Hemsoth
August 26
Dan & Mari Clauser
Susan Hirsch (8/16)
Robert Heller (brother of Linda Thiele) (8/13)
Eugene Reddin (friend of Helen Johnson) (7/28)

Members with Healing Needs
Norma Davies
Phyllis Berning
John James
Addie Yaden
David Boness
Rosemary Young
Linda Varner
Steve McMaster
Al Selking
Cindy DePue
Dorothy Doctor
Alice Witte
Greg Baumert
Hank Hartman
Leslie Anderson
Renee Bleke
Craig Hoffman
Jan Hieber
Patt Hieber
Patti Massucci
Michael Ganaway
Karl Frick
Dan Smith
Lisa Morrical
Jerry Springer
Merl Bloom
Cindy Parker
Norma Bloom
Hannah Zillman
Phyllis Stair
Brad Hieber
Ivan Bossler
Gale Fiebig 
Others We Know with Healing Needs and Prayer
Helen Schall (relative of the Berger family)
Jim Lantz (friend of Barb & Dave Ehle)
Stacy Kaeser (Friend of Helen Johnson)
Pauline Craft (Phyllis Bienz's daughter's MIL)
Katie Petzold (DIL of Susan Paul & sister of Sarah Horacek & Rachel France)
Lowell Miller (Curtis Miller's brother)
Paul Eberhart (friends of Dennis & Sue Dubay)
Bev Martin (mother of Tim Scott)
Sherri Nord (daughter-in-law of Barb Nord)
Karen Novinger (Michelle Leahy’s Step-Mom) 
Daniel E. Ryan (friend of Tim Donovan)
Scott DeWalt (Friend of Mike Bultemier)
Jill Burnett (Susan Rode's sister)
The McBride Family
Steven Shank (Norma Bloom's Nephew)
Linda Toirac (Aldine Benecke's daughter)
Judy Ervin (Chad Ervin’s Mother)
Trudy Reddin (friend of Helen Johnson)
Chris (nephew of friend of Elise Koenemann)
Annie Smith (Mother of Stacey Brooks)
Tammy Dahling (Gloria Buhr's daughter)
Dorothy Neugebauer (friend of Gene & Sandy Fredrich)
Rick Miller (brother-in-law of Mark & Jenny Bradtmueller)
Barbara Johnston (mother of Danny Marquart)
Kurt Seehofer (son of Jan Briede)
Mitch Vonderau (son of Bill & Nancy Vonderau)
Emily & Amanda Miller (Curt Miller's nieces)
Doug Bennett (Ty Bennett's Father)
Justin & Ashley Fasel (grandchildren of Jan Briede)
John Nahrwold (Brother of Carol Nahrwold)
 Michael (Son of Ed and Sue Johnson)
Isca Family (close friends of Hudson Family)
John Shaw (Curt Miller’s neighbor)
Steve Krause (neighbor of Curt Miller)
Jan Lynch (Vic Robbin's sister)
Dennis Olson (Darryl Olson's brother)
Morgan Vorndran (friend of Maureen Rehmer)
Kimberly Skelton (Daughter of Jan Briede)

 Please call the church office with prayer card updates. Thank you!
A printed version of the News & Notes is available on the Ministry Center wall by the Portals of Prayer. If you are ever in need of this printed version to be mailed to you, please call the Church Office to request this service.