St. Peter's Lutheran Church
to Christ with Us
April 15, 2022
Good Friday

“Witnesses to Christ: John, the Gospel Writer”

Pastor Steve Ahlersmeyer
April 16, 2022
Holy Saturday

Witnesses to Christ: Nicodemus
Text: John 19:38-42

Vicar Nathan Widener

Worship Readings
Old Testament: Isaiah 43:16-21
Epistle: 2 Corinthians 5:14-19
Gospel: John 19:38-42
April 17, 2022

“Surprise...Jesus is Alive”

Text: John 20:1-18

Pastor Adam McDowell

Worship Readings
Old Testament: Jeremiah 31:1-6
Epistle: Colossians 3:1-4
Gospel: John 20:1-18
in His Grace
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”  
Colossians 3:16
LWML Fort Wayne 3 Zone Spring Rally
Saturday, April 23, 2022
Christ Lutheran Church, 4412 Park St., Woodburn, IN
$6 Registration at the door - 9:00 am - 11:30 am
"Using the Hymnal in the Home"

Dr. Jon Eifert, Director of Parish Music at St. Michael’s Lutheran Church in Richville, MI - Using the Hymnal as a Guide for Personal and Family Devotions. He will also share his musical gifts during a short hymn sing.

St. Peter’s Compassionate Care Collection this month is part of a larger district ingathering. We are asked to collect burp cloths. Collection baskets in the Ministry Center and North Corridor. 

Please pre-register to Elise Koenemann by Sunday, April 17 at [email protected] or 493-3923
Pastor Steve’s Bible Study
Pastor Steve's Bible Study continues every Thursday at noon in the Large Conference Room. We'd love to have you join us.
Sunday Bible Study
Join us for class this Palm Sunday, but remember there is no Bible Study on Easter. We'll resume classes April 24th.
Ladies Bible Study
Tuesdays @ 9:30 - 11:00 am
Large Conference Room
Bring pictures, etc. of Noah/ark
Next meeting, Sunday April 24th from 6-8 pm at the Parish House.
Middle School Youth Group
6:30-8 pm
School Cafeteria
Confirmation Rehearsal - Friday, April 22nd @ 6:00 pm

Confirmation Service - Sunday, April 24th @ 1:00 pm
Him with Others
Blood Drive

As we head into the heart of spring, we remember that the need for blood does not go away. By donating 45 minutes of time and one pint of blood, you are impacting the lives of up to THREE patients in need! All healthy and eligible donors are encouraged to donate blood. The American Red Cross will be at St. Peter's on Monday April 25th in the church gym from 1-6pm with a blood drive. This blood drive will provide much needed units of blood for patients in need, and ALL PRESENTING DONORS WILL RECEIVE A $10 E-GIFT CARD. Pre-scheduled appointments are highly recommended. You may schedule in any open slot and you can do so at the button below.
Upcoming Quarterly Awareness Event
Sunday, May 1st @ 5 pm
Speaker: Toni Lovell
Toni Lovell is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Licensed Addiction Counselor with over 22 years of experience in the fields of social work, mental health and addiction. She specializes in the areas of trauma, anxiety, depression, addiction, chronic homelessness, and relationship issues. She has spent 21 years working at The Rescue Mission working with the homeless population before transitioning to LSSI in August of 2019. She was the Vice President of Programs and was responsible for all of the programs that were offered for men, women and children.

Currently, Toni serves as the Director of Clinical Services for LSSI and oversees the Balance Works Program, which is their mental health initiative and includes office-based therapy. Toni has been happily married for almost 22 years and has two children, ages 14 and 16.

Join us May 1st at 5 pm to listen to Toni going into a deeper dive with ways family members, loved ones, and friends can be helpful and supportive to someone dealing with substance abuse.
Mental Health Focus: Self-Harm & Warning Signs

Warning signs that someone may be injuring themselves include:
  • Unexplained frequent injuries including cuts and burns,
  • Low self-esteem,
  • Difficulty handling feelings,
  • Relationship problems or avoidance of relationships, and
  • Poor functioning at work, school or home.
  • People who self-injure may attempt to conceal their marks, such as bruises, scabs or scars with clothing, and you may notice them wearing inappropriate clothing like long sleeves and pants in hot weather. If discovered, a person who self-injures may often make excuses as to how an injury happened (for instance, “I fell” or “The cat scratched me”).
The EASTER LILY sign up sheet is in the ministry center. 
You can still sign up this weekend.
You may take the Easter Lily home after the 10:30 service on Easter or leave it for a donation to a member in need. A thank you Easter treat is waiting for those who sign up!
Cemetery clean up time. Seasonal decorations in the cemetery will be removed before Easter weekend unless they are new ones for the spring season.
Compassionate Care Collection

St. Peter’s Compassionate Care Collection this month is part of a larger district ingathering. We are asked to collect burp cloths for Chris' Cupboard, the Burmese Ministry. Collection baskets in the Ministry Center and North Corridor. 
What are you thankful for? While there is no special offering this month, consider using one of your Thank Offering envelopes in your mailed packet. You can drop them in the offering plate or the little wooden church in the Ministry Center.

School Updates
Preschool Celebration
We are excited to invite the congregation to a Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Preschool with an Open House and reception on the 23rd and 24th of April following the 5pm and 10:30 am services respectively. Tour the preschool and celebrate the changes and updates that have happened throughout the years.

You'll also have the opportunity to provide support for laying a new brick path that replaces the loose rock leading out to the Preschool playground. Bricks can be engraved with a name or inscription of your choosing. Medium bricks will be $75 each and Large bricks will be $100 each. The Open House will be the kick off of the sale of these bricks.

Your next adventure awaits!
Our annual Wildcat Pride Benefit Auction will be held Saturday, May 14th. Experience far away lands, see incredibly sights, and marvel at the wonders of the world! Limited tickets available here.
Contact Emily Campbell to learn how you can help! Sponsorships opportunities and all donations will be graciously accepted.

Scrip Sale
Scrip Sales are winding down. Mark your calendars for the last two weekends Scrip will be available in the Ministry Center: 4/30-5/1 and 5/21-5/22.
Be on the lookout for Mother's Day and Graduation Specials.
Remember, you can order scrip anytime through the School Office. Orders in by Tuesday at 2 pm will often be ready for you to pick up by Thursday. There won't be any in-person Scrip Sales in June or July.
Community Bulletin Board
Lord's Week at a Glance
Friday, April 15
Good Friday - Church Office Closed/No School
12:00 pm - Worship Service (Sanctuary)
7:00 pm - Worship Service (Sanctuary)
Saturday, April 16
Holy Saturday
8:00 am - Altar Guild Easter Set-Up (Sanctuary)
5:00 pm - Easter Vigil Worship w/ Communion
7:00 pm - HSYG Basketball (Church Gym)
Sunday, April 17
Easter Sunday
6:30 am - Sunrise Service w/ Communion
8:00 am - Easter Worship w/ Communion
9:15 am - Adult Bible Study (Cornerstone)
9:15 am - Public School Confirmation (Large Conference Room)
10:30 am - Easter Worship w/ Communion
KOTK Available
Monday, April 18
Easter Monday - Church Office Closed/No School
6:00 pm - Finance Committee (Zoom)
Tuesday, April 19
9:30 pm - Ladies Bible Study (Large Conference)
11:00 pm - Senior Saints Planning Team Meeting (Large Conference Room)
5:30 pm – HOPE Sessions Dinner
6:15 pm – HOPE Sessions Classes Begin
Wednesday, April 20
10:00 am - Nicole Cichocki Calling
11:00 am - Nicole Cichocki Funeral
3:00 pm - Honor Flight Meeting (Cornerstone Rm)
6:00 pm - Support Group (Staff Conference Rm)
6:30 pm - Adult Choir Rehearsal (Cornerstone)
8:00 pm - Brass Band Rehearsal (Sanctuary Balcony)
Thursday, April 21
6:30 am - Men's Bible Study (Cornerstone Room)
9:00 am - Ladies Aid Quilting (Cornerstone Room)
12:00 pm - Pastor Steve’s Bible Study (Large Conference Room)
6:30 pm - Board of Directors Meeting (Large Conference Room)
7:00 pm – Ministry Impact Team Meeting (Cornerstone Room)
Friday, April 22
6:00 pm – Confirmation Rehearsal
The altar flowers are placed by the Altar Guild
Those Serving in the Armed Forces
Nick Lundin, James Moeller, Sgt. Adam Skelton, Cayden Whitacre

Wedding Anniversaries
April 16
Justin & Carla Peake
Brian & Maureen Rehmer
April 18
Mike & Debbie Stephan
April 19
Ben & Jennifer Hartman
Members with Healing Needs
Dennis Shadle
Candy Brenneke
Michael Ganaway
Susan Wiggins
Karl Frick
Lauren Slygh
Brett Motter
Jan Hieber
Pat Hieber
Judi Brunow
Jean Scherer
Kathy Hart
Dan Smith
Lisa Morrical
Dan Doehrmann
Jerry Springer
Merl Bloom
Marjorie Dressler
John James
Rosemary Young
Cindy Parker
Norma Bloom
Hannah Zillman
Renee Bleke
Phyllis Stair
Perry Ehresman
Brad Hieber
Ivan Bossler
Gale Fiebig
Others We Know with Healing Needs and Prayer
Landon Romines (Tike & Verna Ehle's great-grandson)
Linda Toirac (Aldine Benecke's daughter)
Archie Maus (Father of Jamie Stone)
Sue Johnson (Hannah Johnson’s mother-in-law)
Judy Ervin (Chad Ervin’s Mother)
Pauline Craft (Phyllis Bienz's daughter's mother-in-law)
Bethany Koenemann (Granddaughter of Marty & Christa Koenemann)
Trudy & Eugene Reddin (friends of Helen Johnson)
Lillie Russ (granddaughter of Mike & Debbie Stephan)
Rev Patrick Henry (Father of Dana Walters)
Chris (nephew of friend of Elise Koenemann)
Annie Smith (Mother of Stacey Brooks)
Tammy Dahling (Gloria Buhr's daughter)
Paul Eberhart (friends of Dennis & Sue Dubay)
Dorothy Neugebauer (friend of Gene & Sandy Fredrich)
Bev Martin (mother of Tim Scott)
Rick Miller (brother-in-law of Mark & Jenny Bradtmueller)
Barbara Johnston (mother of Danny Marquart)
Kurt Seehofer (son of Jan Briede)
Mitch Vonderau (son of Bill & Nancy Vonderau)
Emily & Amanda Miller (Curt Miller's nieces)
Doug Bennett (Ty Bennett's Father)
Sherri Nord (daughter-in-law of Barb Nord)
Justin & Ashley Fasel (grandchildren of Jan Briede)
Wilma White-Bradley (Mother of Shelby Cobb)
John Nahrwold (Brother of Carol Nahrwold)
John Cook (Maureen Rehmer's brother)
 Michael (Son of Ed and Sue Johnson)
Gerry Brooks (father of Carolyn Kanalos)
Isca Family (close friends of Hudson Family)
John Shaw (Curt Miller’s neighbor)
Peggy & Richard Miller (Curt Miller's neighbors)
Steve Krause (neighbor of Curt Miller)
Jan Lynch (Vic Robbin's sister)
Dennis Olson (Darryl Olson's brother)
Morgan Vorndran (friend of Maureen Rehmer)
Jonelle Kanouse (mother-in-law of Zachary Koenemann)
Kimberly Skelton (Daughter of Jan Briede)

 Please call the church office with prayer card updates. Thank you!
A printed version of the News & Notes is available on the Ministry Center wall by the Portals of Prayer. If you are ever in need of this printed version to be mailed to you, please call the Church Office to request this service.