St. Peter's Lutheran Church

News & Notes

Click below on the link you'd like to start with, then navigate between sections within the Google Site.

News & Notes HOME

Top 3 - Livestream Link - Bulletin


Worship Details - Join a Music Ministry


Fall Bible Studies - Emotional & Physical Wellness Care Groups - Ministry Center


Coming Soon: The Hub - Just for Women - Mission Trip Opportunity - Supporting Our School - Stewardship Corner - Special Monthly Offering: Christian Community Healthcare - Compassionate Care Collection - Virtual Bulletin Board


Lord's Week at a Glance - Celebrations: September Birthdays - Sponsors and Thank You notes - July Church Records - Prayer Card


This format of News & Notes utilizes a Google Site which is refreshed every week. If you would like to look back at past News & Notes, PDF versions are archived for your reference by clicking the Archives heading above.


The bulletin and livestream buttons are in the HOME: Top 3 Section of News and Notes.

Pieces of the Rock: School Newsletter
The Pebble: Preschool Newsletter

 Please call the church office or use the button below with prayer card requests and updates. Thank you!

Submit a PrayER request using this Google Form
OR Email a Prayer Request to the Church Office HERE

A printed version of the News & Notes is available on the Ministry Center wall by the Portals of Prayer. If you are ever in need of this printed version to be mailed to you, please call the Church Office or use the button above to request this service.

On Call Pastor Phone Line

(Call or Text)


New National Mental Health Emergency Phone Number


CLHS Growth & Worship Forms

Use the link above or in the Confirmation Hub to print your own copy of the form you need for your sermon summary.

As a curtesy you might find printed copies of Growth & Worship, Confirmation Sermon reports in the Ministry Center by the Portals of Prayer. If there are none, you can take notes on any piece of paper and rewrite them onto a form you print at home or get from school. Please do not ask Elders, Pastors, or other staff to make these copies for you.

*Please do not click the unsubscribe button below to change your preferences. If you'd like to be removed from any email list sent from St. Peter's Lutheran Church & School, please send that request to Clicking unsubscribe will remove you from all church, day school, & preschool newsletters as well as ministry groups. If you have accidentally unsubscribed, we can help. Please call or email the church office.