This year, the Section has held over 20 free virtual mediator/arbitrator forums, four free mediation mixers, over 14 CLEs (including a series of joint webinars with the Trial Lawyers Section as well as an in-person panel discussion about diversity in the ADR profession), and the virtual Arbitration Advocacy Institute. Plus, the Section has submitted three comments on proposed rule changes that would impact the ADR industry in Florida and started a free listserv for its members. All of this hard work has truly helped our Section to be seen as a leader in the ADR industry—and has allowed us to forge connections with other groups in the industry.
Plus, we have an exciting event coming up: our meeting at The Florida Bar Annual Convention. We meet on Friday, June 21 at 2 PM and I hope to see you all there. I encourage everyone to attend—and participate in—our meeting so that we can start the next Bar year off strong (and welcome our incoming officers and new executive council members)!
Thank you once again for your exceptional efforts and commitment over the past year. I am grateful to have had an opportunity to Chair the ADR Section because it allowed me to witness firsthand how many leaders in our field are committed to improving the resources available to ADR practitioners in Florida—and how many amazing ADR professionals are part of this Section!
With Gratitude,
Christy L. Foley