August 12, 2020
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party
News & Updates

Thursday, August 13

Virtual Phone Bank for Tom Jackson
5:00 PM | Register HERE

Solon Democratic Club
7:00 PM | Register HERE

Euclid Democratic Club
7:00 PM | Register HERE

Town Hall with Monique Smith for State Rep. & Dr. Christina Collins for State School Board
7:30 PM | Watch HERE

Visit Our Calendar for Future Events!
We're less than 85 days away from the November 3, 2020 election. Below are 5 ways you can turn out the vote in your community!

1) Sample Ballot Door Hangers: Contact your City/Ward Leader or email us to request a precinct list and a bundle of sample ballot door hangers. Following guidance from the national and state parties the CCDP is not encouraging volunteers to canvass door-to-door due to COVID-19. Placing door hangers on voters homes without having to knock is a safe activity and helps get out the list of endorsed Democrats.

2) Voter Engagement Postcards: Contact your City Leader or email us to request a list of voters and postcards. Volunteers can personalize their message and we can provide a sample script. CCDP will supply the postcards but request volunteers to mail at their convenience.

3) Phone Bank: Call a list of likely voters from the comfort of your home. All we ask is for you to supply your own phone and we'll provide a list of voters, a sample script and guidance on how to make calls.

4) Bundle Literature: Help CCDP bundle literature to distribute to volunteers requesting precinct lists. Email CCDP today!

5) Volunteer at Party HQ: Want to help answer the phones, prepare materials, welcome visitors and more at Party HQ? Email Executive Director Ryan Puente with your availability.
Bedford Hts. Precinct Committee-Person Phil Stevens distributed a letter to neighbors in his precinct introducing himself, his role as precinct member, and opportunities for involvement in getting out the vote. Mr. Stevens gave permission to share as an example for other Central or Executive Committee Members wanting to engage voters in their precinct.

Lisa Forbes for 8th District Court of Appeals

Welcome again to our “Opposed Judicial Candidate Spotlight” section on getting to know our six endorsed judicial candidates running opposed on November's ballot.

This week, please welcome Lisa Forbes to the newsletter! Lisa is running for Ohio 8th District Court of Appeals this year.

What is the greatest problem facing the courts today? 

The greatest issue the Court faces today is the deterioration of respect for the institution. If people do not trust the courts to dispense justice and to apply the law fairly in both criminal and civil matters, we risk a breakdown of orderly democratic society. The recent "Serial" podcast that focused on the Cuyahoga County Courts did nothing to help build community respect for the courts and decisions they render.
To restore/engender public trust and respect, it is critical that judges who serve on our courts are independent, beholden to no one. Above all else, the law, fairness and justice must guide each decision. 

We must actively strive to live up to the ideal articulated by John Adams, that ours is a government of laws, not of men.

What changes would you pursue if elected to the bench?

If elected to the Court of Appeals, I would work to ensure that I and my fellow judges are actively involved in the community, including the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association and other bar associations, and other philanthropic organizations. The purpose behind this community involvement would be to increase public confidence in the courts and Judges. Over the years, the Eighth District Court of Appeals has decreased the time from oral argument to decision, which is commendable. I would continue to work to ensure that decisions are rendered in an efficient and timely way. I plan to dedicate myself to writing opinions that address key legal issues efficiently and that offer a window into the analysis that led to a particular outcome, toward the goal of providing guidance to future litigants. Of course, fair and just application of the law would guide every decision.

Why should voters vote for you? 

From day one, I will be able to do the job of judge and to do it well. My professional experience in the trial courts and courts of appeals, addressing a wide variety of legal issues, will give me the foundation to make the hard decisions and to write clear opinions. But, justice requires empathy and compassion, just as much as it demands intellectual integrity and fidelity to the law. I have the experience in our community to understand how the law impacts people, and vice versa, and that will guide me to be fair.

Please visit Lisa’s campaign website to learn more about her journey on the campaign trail: 

Be Sure to VOTE DOWN THE BALLOT for Your Entire Slate of
Opposed Democratic Judicial Candidates!
Emanuella D. Groves
for 8th District
Court of Appeals
Lisa Forbes
for 8th District
Court of Appeals
William Vodrey
for Common Pleas Court
Andrew J. Santoli
for Common Pleas Court
Richard A. Bell
for Common Pleas Court
Colleen Ann Reali
for Domestic
Relations Court