Celebrating the "Gift" of Pre-Kindergarten
We know from research that Pre-Kindergarten is a gift that benefits everyone. Children who participate in Pre-Kindergarten receive the gift of learning, growing and developing skills that will set them up for success in school, career and life. In turn, we at MECK Pre-K receive the gift of bright young children who enter our program every year.
Here's a great example from Brittney, a MECK Pre-K parent. "My daughter is much more social and has warmed up to the idea of being away from me or her grandmother everyday. She thrives from a structure and enjoys knowing exactly what she will be doing daily.
"I love the placement she received. Her teachers and the entire preschool staff are fantastic.
"I know the quality of education and services she is receiving is what she deserves, but I would not be able to afford. If she was not part of the MECK Pre-K program, she would be doing pre-k virtually and would not be thriving the way she is now."
If your child is enrolled in MECK Pre-K, we would like to hear your story! Tell us about your experience using our Testimonial Form.
Scenes From MECK Pre-K Classrooms
This fall, MECK Pre-K students have been busy learning, growing and having fun while developing important skills for lifelong learning.
Students learn fine motor skills through creative arts.
Teachers show creativity in teaching students the alphabet.
Students practice writing while enjoying outdoor time.
Still Taking Applications for the
2020-2021 School Year
MECK Pre-K is still taking applications for the current school year! Find out if you qualify for MECK Pre-K by answering two simple questions:
- Do you live in Mecklenburg County?
- Did your child turn four on or before August 31?
If you answered “yes” to both questions, you can apply! Visit our Enrollment Page to download an application and learn more.
Registration for the
2021-2022 School Year
Now that we are almost halfway through the 2020-2021 school year, MECK Pre-K is busily working on plans for 2021-2022. We will announce registration details early next year. In the meantime, if you know someone with a child who will turn four on or before August 31, 2021, encourage them to sign up for our 2021-2022 mailing list.
MECK Pre-K classrooms follow the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools calendar and will be closed Dec 22 - Jan 4 for winter break. MECK Pre-K offices will be closed Dec 24 - Jan 1. We wish everyone a wonderful winter holiday, and look forward to welcoming our families back in the New Year!
MECK Pre-K continues to follow safety measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including daily health screenings, increased cleaning frequency, hand washing and mandatory mask wearing.
For full details on these measures, and the latest childcare safety guidance from the state, visit our COVID-19 Page.
MECK Pre-K was at a Mecklenburg County Immunization Event on October 17, passing out information about MECK Pre-K. If you are a community partner interested in having MECK Pre-K at an upcoming event, contact Anabel Paniagua-Doyle, MECK Pre-K Community Outreach Recruiter, at APDoyle@SmartStartofMeck.org.
7,000 Children's Masks Donated By BCDI
MECK Pre-K is extremely grateful to The Black Child Development Institute-Charlotte, who is donating 7,000 child -sized cloth masks to MECK Pre-K in partnership with Too Small to Fail (an Early Childhood Initiative of the Clinton Foundation), Bella+ Canvas, and the National Black Child Development Institute.
In this season of giving, MECK Pre-K is very thankful for the gift of these masks that will help keep our students, families, teachers and staff safe.
Dr. Devonya Govan - Hunt, President of BCDI-Charlotte, had this to say about the donation:
"Our early education providers are doing everything they can in order to educate our youngest citizens while keeping them safe. We know how important it is for our children to be able to receive in-person instruction, we also understand the seriousness of what COVID has done to our current state of things. We are always looking for ways to help solve issues affecting our children. So, supporting Meck Pre-K in this way has been very important. The 'normal' has been flipped upside down so we have to look for ways to make it easier (using a village perspective) for our teachers to do their jobs and for ways that will make it easier for our families to be just a little more comfortable sending their children into learning spaces."
Help Spread the Word About MECK Pre-K!
Important Community Updates
Mecklenburg County Budget Survey
As you may know, MECK Pre-K is a County-funded service. Mecklenburg County is now conducting its FY2022 Resident Budget Priority Survey. The survey is available through December 23, 2020. We hope you will take a moment to complete the survey and provide your comments on MECK Pre-K and other County-funded services.
Time For a Reading Checkup!
Calling all Mecklenburg County families! Over the summer, 2,500+ local children received a Reading Checkup to curb learning loss. Now, you can help your pre-kindergarten through 3rd grade child stay on track throughout the school year with Read Charlotte's new and improved Reading Checkup. Give it a try today!
With school interruptions and the many challenges families continue to face during this time, the potential for learning loss remains a real concern.
The online Reading Checkup, from Read Charlotte in partnership with Learning Ovations, has undergone several upgrades and is now available for families to support their pre-kindergarten through 3rd grade children’s progress during the 2020-21 school year.
Virtual Public Pre-Kindergarten Options
For families who are looking for a public pre-kindergarten program with virtual instruction, there are two programs available in Mecklenburg County. Bright Beginnings (Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools) and NC Pre-K are offering virtual instruction at this time.
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