District 6 Matters: Coronavirus Update
From the Office of Councilmember Loren Taylor

Hi Neighbor,

I want to first thank you and our fellow neighbors who are taking this pandemic seriously and have adjusted your daily activities to accommodate the lifestyle changes necessary to slow the spread of Coronavirus. Your actions are helping to not only protect your family, but many others in our community, including the most susceptible members of our community.

During yesterday's City of Oakland Town Hall on COVID-19 (click here to watch the recording) , we learned that Governor Gavin Newsom had just issued a state-wide order directing all Californians to shelter in place - similar to what we have been doing for the past few days in the Bay Area. THANK YOU to our Bay Area Public Health leaders who took the bold step earlier this week that others are now following across the state to ensure our safety.

If you’re still not sure what it means to "Shelter in Place", please review our March 17th newsletter . Alternatively, you can check updates from the Alameda County Public Health Departments by clicking here.  
We remain thankful to all those who continue to provide essential services during these critical times. This includes our doctors and nurses, firefighters and police officers, Public Works employees, grocery store and bank operators, and so many more. This type of dedicated service allows us to get through this uncertainty with the necessary services and supplies to stay safe and healthy. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!

In addition, I am inspired by how we, as Oaklanders, are responding to support eachother through these uncertain times. These powerful displays of our Oakland Values are shown through emails, phone calls, social media posts, and news stories. You can help even more by donating to the recently announced Oakland COVID-19 Relief Fund . Your tax-deductible donations will go to non-profit community organizations or public agencies who are diligently working to protect the health of Oakland and support our most vulnerable community members. The Fund will focus on four priority areas: food, homelessness, community health, and economic security. Click here to learn more and donate. (Special thanks to those organizations who have already invested into supporting our community in this way including the Hellman Foundation, Blue Shield of California, The Stupski Foundation, Crankstart, The Oakland A's, and Wells Fargo Foundation).

In the remainder of this newsletter you will find additional information regarding the following topics:

  1. Governor Newsom's Recent Actions To Support California Residents During COVID-19 Pandemic
  2. Securing Food for Seniors
  3. Update on Parking Enforcement in Oakland
  4. Homeless Encampment Management Policy - SURVEY RESPONSE REQUESTED
  5. Local Business Support & Other Updates

As always, please feel free to reach out to our office with any additional questions/ follow-up. - Email us at district6@oaklandca.gov
Also, Please share this email with any neighbors who may not have received this update!

Yours in Service of Oakland,
Loren M. Taylor, Councilmember
Oakland - District 6
1. Governor Newsom's Recent Actions To Support California Residents During COVID-19 Pandemic
On March 18th, 2020 Governor Gavin Newsom took to facebook to formally address Californians on COVID-19, if you missed it, click here. During his official statement he announced the release of a new one-stop website for COVID-19 resources .

On the website you will find information on:

Additional Statewide Updates of Interest:

2. Ensuring that our Seniors and Low-Income Neighbors Have Healthy Meals

A. Meal Delivery For Seniors - Expanded Eligibility for Meals on Wheels 

  • Seniors 60+ who are now “homebound” due to Covid-19 isolation, are eligible for Meals on Wheels programs.
  • Meals on Wheels delivers nutritious meals to homebound seniors throughout all of Oakland (as well as Hayward, Castro Valley, San Leandro and San Lorenzo)                  
  • All seniors who qualify will be accepted; while no fee is required to be eligible, a $3.50 per meal donation is suggested (this is a key piece required by the County)
  • Interested parties can contact SOS at info@sosmow.org or by calling 510-582-1263

B. Volunteer Opportunities


  • During “normal” times, SOS MoW has many types of volunteer opportunities; currently the need is for meal delivery.
  • Meals on Wheels delivers meals Monday- Friday, from 9am to 3pm; volunteer routes typically take 1.5-2hours, and most begin at our HQ near Oakland International Airport.
  • Complete Volunteer application form and email it to info@sosmow.org
  • Would you like more information? Please fill out the contact form at https://www.sosmow.org/volunteer


C. Grocery Stores Opening Earlier For Seniors.

Please see which store location are nearest to you .
3. Update on Parking Enforcement in Oakland
The City of Oakland  will continue to enforce the following violations:

red curbs, fire hydrants, sidewalk and crosswalk blocking, double-parking and bike lane violations, wheelchair ramp obstruction, and unauthorized use of disable person parking placards.

As a matter of public sanitation, we will continue our street sweeping program , as it represents the single most efficient way to keep our streets clean. 

We will not ticket for street sweeping violations

However, street sweeping will continue and we ask the public to continue to move vehicles as you are able.

Additional resources
4. Homeless Encampment Management Policy

While we shelter in place to flatten the curve of coronavirus transmission, it is important to continue the efforts we started before COVID-19 emerged –aggressively addressing our homelessness crisis.

Your input is vital to the City Council as we make critical decisions about how homeless encampments should be managed and serviced.

Please complete the survey below, designed to capture the perspective of those who live and work in Oakland. 

Homeless Encampment Management Policy Survey

Read full language of announcement here.

5. Local Business Support & Updates

A. Oakland Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber is launching the " Oakland's Open " list of small businesses that are providing modified services in response to the COVID-19 emergency. This list will grow and change everyday. It will be used as a resource for residents, visitors, and organizations who want to support our small businesses during this difficult time. 

Help us build the list by telling us how you're adapting or which local spots you know are open! Oakland's Open is available to any Oakland business that has had to modify operations due to Alameda County's Shelter in Place Order - whether a member of the Chamber or not. The document will be updated daily; we thank you for your patience as we add new listings. 
Email  officemanager@oaklandchamber.com  to be included!
B. Waived Business Tax

City of Oakland has made some modifications on taxes for businesses.

Follow the following links for resources:

C. California & Federal Taxes Extended Dates

1. For CA- All filings and payments are now due by 7/15!

2. For Federal- Filing date stays the same, 4/15, but you can ask for a 6-month extension. Payments are now due by 7/15!

More information here.
D. Department of Motor Vehicle Update

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the California Department of Motor Vehicles will exercise discretion for 60 days in their enforcement of driver license and vehicle registration expiration dates beginning March 16, 2020.

The 60-day period also applies to vehicle registration renewals for customers with:

  • Outdated insurance information
  • Registration expired for 90 days or more
  • Smog issues
  • Recent transfer
For more questions visit the website
Question or Concerns? Contact The District 6 Team:

Councilmember Loren Taylor; ltaylor@oaklandca.gov

Chief of Staff/Policy Lead: Pamela Ferran; pferran@oaklandca.gov

Scheduling/Events: Lina Hancock; lhancock@oaklandca.gov

Constituent Liaison: Rowena Brown; rbrown3@oaklandca.gov