News & Views
February 25, 2022
How to Be the Engineer of Your Own Financial Train
By David Strege, CFP®, CFA, CKA®, Senior Financial Planner
Be the engineer of your own financial train.
As the engineer, you are in charge of plotting your financial destination. But more than that, you are also responsible for your train and its fuel, the people you take with you, and the things you’ll need to reach your destination.
What will your journey look like?
What Joe Namath Knows About Medicare
By Janis Van Ahn, guest blog author from Health Insurance Advisor
It seems the ads are on multiple channels ALL the time. Joe Namath tells us we can get additional benefits like dental, vision, and hearing, and encourages us to make sure we get everything we deserve.
Other than being annoying, what is this commercial really talking about?
Announcing … new Junior Staffers arriving in 2022!
It appears that Syverson Strege employees (and their spouses) are in the process of creating their own new mini baby boom generation! Congratulations on these upcoming additions to Syverson Strege families!
Mike and his wife, Jill, welcomed baby Ellie this month.
Jason and his wife, Liz, are due in April.
TC and his wife, Sarah, are due in June.
Jerin and her husband, Nathaniel, are due in July.
Money Memories - Johnne Syverson
5¢ per week = Johnne Syverson’s allowance at age 7!
Watch our new video to learn:
- what Johnne’s first purchase was as a kid
- his parents’ views on money
- how he learned frugality the hard way
- what he thinks about giving money away
- how Johnne measures success
You won’t want to miss this video…it’s priceless!
Client Service Associate
The Client Service Associate supports the firm’s objective of building caring relationships that empower those we serve to lead fulfilling lives. They help accomplish this by providing operational and administrative support to Financial Planners and Associate Financial Planners in the development of comprehensive financial plans and service to our clients.
If you know of anyone who would like to apply, have them please email a copy of their resume and why they are interested in the job to Ben Geiger at
For more information about the position, click below.
Client Orientation Workshop
We are offering an in-person (and virtual) Client Orientation Workshop for new and established clients. The workshop will be held at the Syverson Strege office or via Zoom on Thursday, March 10 at 1:30 PM.
The workshop will cover the following areas:
- How to read your statements
- Tax forms
- Client portal/online access
- APS (Annual Planning Session) process
- Recordkeeping/shredding documents
- Handling charitable gifts from your IRA
If you come in-person, please bring your devices so you can practice logging in to your client portal. If you join virtually, you will have ample opportunity to ask questions and interact with the financial planners.
Register for the event on Thursday, March 10 at 1:30 PM.
Educate to Give Summit
Do you serve on a nonprofit board or are you a major donor at a nonprofit? If so, you may be interested in encouraging your favorite nonprofit to participate in the Educate to Give Summit on March 29 from 2-4 PM at the Syverson Strege office.
At the Educate to Give Summit, attendees will have an opportunity to join their fellow nonprofit leaders to gain knowledge on how to strengthen relationships with their major donors and educate them about effective philanthropic and tax-avoidance strategies.
Attendees will have the opportunity to learn how to:
- Educate major donors
- Increase legacy gifts
- Gain knowledge about charitable gift planning tools
- Grow a planned giving and endowment program
- Become the "Charity of Choice"
Click here for an evite to send to your favorite nonprofit.
Save the Date
Save the date for these upcoming 2022 events!
March 10; Client Orientation Workshop
April 27-29; Shred-It
June 2 & 9; Financial Foundations (for children & grandchildren of clients)
September 15; Client Orientation Workshop
Chris Norton Foundation
Syverson Strege was a sponsor for the 9th Annual Chris Norton “Overcoming Adversity” event earlier this month. Funds from this event were used for the Family Wheelchair Camp as well as assisting local organizations that seek to better the lives of those with disabilities. Chris Norton, a former Syverson Strege event speaker, is known for his resilience and positive perspective after suffering a debilitating spinal cord injury during a football game.
Charity Discovery
Blessman International
This month’s Charity Discovery is Blessman International. The mission of Blessman International is to bring to South African children and their families God’s love and eternal hope through faith formation and locally sustainable programs.
Formed in 2001 by Dr. Jim and Beth Blessman, Blessman International is a Christian, faith-based mission organization working to meet the needs of impoverished children and families in the South African province of Limpopo.
They provide meals to 60,000 impoverished children 5 days a week, promote sustainable sources of food for the children through their Mountain View Training and Research Farm, and offer dignity through provision of basic water and sanitation. And lastly, they have two churches where they help faith formation and offer eternal hope to 3,000 students weekly.
How can you help calm financial anxiety? Ask the right questions. Learn what questions to ask and why it’s important to find the answers by listening to Lance Gunkel’s new Finance Moment mini-podcast.
Chief Investment Officer Jason Gunkel gives a market update on recent stock market trends, rising inflation, unemployment rates, and much more in his latest market update article.