News & Views

January 30


Debt Relief- Series Premiers on STRT this Week!

Snowmobile Safe and Fun

Ron Price's "Relationship Germs"

Debt Dominoes

Graphic Credit: Lyndon Davis/Jennifer Brooks

Debt Primer Program Premier

Debt abuse can cause a lot of stress, ruin relationships, and limit your Christian service. Professional financial planner Lyndon Davis wrote a book on this chronic program he sees and produced a program for our Strong Tower Radio listeners entitled "Debt Dominoes" debuting on Sunday at noon, Monday at 9:30 p.m., Tuesday at 3:30 a.m., and Friday at 4 p.m. only on STR. stations, STR apps, or

Hear the best relationship seminars here on STR.

Graphic Credit: Templeton Hills Seventh-day Adventist Church

Ron Price in Person

Strong Tower Radio's "Relationship CPR" host brings his classic "Relationship Germs and Their Antidotes" seminar this Friday (1/31) at 1 p.m. and Saturday (2/1) at 5 p.m.

Guided snowmobile tour in Yellowstone National Park

Graphic Credit: National Parks Service

Snow Ride Safe

Snowmobiles can be fun but there are risks that can be mitigated with awareness and following safe practices. Also, learn about this and Ron Price's article on 1 Corinthians 13:2 topic "Love" this Sunday at 5 p.m., Monday at 10 a.m., and Wednesday at midnight only on STR stations, STR apps, or

Healing in Christ's method.

Graphic Credit: Sourced from Wikipedia

Another Look at Health Delivery

Medicine has lost its mission of healing former hospital administrator share a new delivery system this Sunday at 3:30 a.m., Monday at 4 p.m., Wednesday at 9 p.m., and Thursday at 1 p.m. only on STR stations, STR apps, or

Owosso station dedication this Saturday at 3 p.m.

Graphic credit- Brooks Elite Contracting

STR Events Calendar

Be a part of Strong Tower Radio by joining us personally at one or more of the following scheduled events:

2/8 11:00 a.m. David at Marion SDA Church

2/15 10:45 a.m. Kam at Holland SDA Church

2/22 11 a.m. Kam at Grayling SDA Church

2/22 4 p.m. Strong Tower Radio Variety Hour, Grayling SDA Ch.

3/1 (mission feature time) Kam at Cedar Lake SDA Church

3/15 11 a.m. Kam at Kalamazoo SDA Church

3/22 10:45 a.m. Kam at Midland SDA Church

"David" is David Bolduc- Founder and President

"Jilane" is Jilane Fenner- Public Relations and Board Member

"Kam" is Kam Ferguson- Development Director

"Tom" is Tom Mejeur- Production & Marketing Director

"CAS" is the abbreviation for Camp Au Sable

"SDA" is the abbreviation for Seventh-day Adventist

"STR" is the abbreviation for Strong Tower Radio

Pastor David Austin sermon airs this Friday.

Photo source: Nancy Duman

Sermons on STR

Here are the upcoming Fresh Manna sermons and speakers that will be streamed on,, and on Strong Tower Radio's local stations Monday-Friday at 2 a.m. and 11 a.m.

This Week's Sermons-

1/30 Mike Lambert- "The Church of the Living God"

1/31 David Austin- "The Case for Liberty of Conscience"

Next Weeks' Sermons-

Marriage and relationship sermons to be announced.

STR Sabbath Sermons- Saturdays at 11 a.m.

2/1 Chris Holland- "God is the Finisher"


Elephant on a chain.

Graphic Credit: Loic Furhoff on Unsplash

The Elephant's Chain


I once learned that an elephant in captivity grows up with a chain around its leg. As a baby, it tugs at a chain, but to no avail. The chain is too strong, and the stake is set firm. Over time, the elephant gives up trying to escape. But that’s not the surprising part. For now, as a grown beast, it has the power to just step away and be free. 


According to Revelation 1:5, you and I have been “freed” (NIV; “released” NASB) from the power of our sins through faith in the greater power of Christ’s sacrificial blood. In addition, it is by the power of this same “blood” that we are enabled to overcome Satan’s temptations today, and tomorrow (12:11). 


Depending on how, or by whom, you were led to the Lord, you may or may not understand the power that you now have “in Christ.” Like that elephant, you may be convinced that life is good just by eating some fresh grass. However, the “good news” of the gospel is that you have been set free—completely released from that chain! Ironically, you are so free in Christ that you find it impossible not to turn around and offer yourself as a forever “servant” to the One who has set you free from the power and bondage of death (1:1). 


Therefore, the next time you see an elephant, you might want to give your leg a quick shake just to remind yourself of your freedom in Christ (just be sure that no one is watching).


Dear friend, as you experience freedom in Jesus Christ do you want to be a partner of His? He gave all, He only asks that we return our tithe and give an offering, but what will it profit a person if they give a little when they could give more, maybe all? The returns are completely out of this world. Strong Tower Radio is poised to take this gospel to the world through radio, streaming, and uniting with our churches, “this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the entire world then shall the end come.”


George Dronen, retired development director


STR's Program Schedule

Click HERE to get your monthly Program Schedule

STR's Printable Newsletter

Photo Credit- Adventist Giving.

Ways for STR Giving

You can donate to Strong Tower Radio in several ways with different effects.

The first is the fastest, most effective donation by giving directly via a mailed check, calling in a donation, or donating on our website at This allows you to designate a station or support the whole radio network through a one-time or recurring donation.

Another way is by giving to the Michigan Radio Ministry fund with a tithe envelope or via your church's Adventist Giving online

QR Giving Code

Breaking news- STR now accepts PayPal

Photo Credit- PayPal


Another Way to Give

PayPal is a popular way to make payments, transfer money, and give to Strong Tower Radio. We have now arranged to accept PayPal for giving.

PayPal is an easy way to give.

Go to:




4) or your PayPal account and designate West Central Michigan Media Ministries (our legal name for business as Strong Tower Radio).

You may give, as with other methods, one time or give automatically. You choose. Thank you for your prayers and financial support of Strong Tower Radio.

QR Giving Code

Strong Tower Radio giving QR code

Graphic Credit: Jennifer Brooks  

STR Giving Graphic

You can give to Strong Tower Radio by accessing the giving page with your smartphone. Point, click, and give!


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