Elephant on a chain.
Graphic Credit: Loic Furhoff on Unsplash
The Elephant's Chain
I once learned that an elephant in captivity grows up with a chain around its leg. As a baby, it tugs at a chain, but to no avail. The chain is too strong, and the stake is set firm. Over time, the elephant gives up trying to escape. But that’s not the surprising part. For now, as a grown beast, it has the power to just step away and be free.
According to Revelation 1:5, you and I have been “freed” (NIV; “released” NASB) from the power of our sins through faith in the greater power of Christ’s sacrificial blood. In addition, it is by the power of this same “blood” that we are enabled to overcome Satan’s temptations today, and tomorrow (12:11).
Depending on how, or by whom, you were led to the Lord, you may or may not understand the power that you now have “in Christ.” Like that elephant, you may be convinced that life is good just by eating some fresh grass. However, the “good news” of the gospel is that you have been set free—completely released from that chain! Ironically, you are so free in Christ that you find it impossible not to turn around and offer yourself as a forever “servant” to the One who has set you free from the power and bondage of death (1:1).
Therefore, the next time you see an elephant, you might want to give your leg a quick shake just to remind yourself of your freedom in Christ (just be sure that no one is watching).
Dear friend, as you experience freedom in Jesus Christ do you want to be a partner of His? He gave all, He only asks that we return our tithe and give an offering, but what will it profit a person if they give a little when they could give more, maybe all? The returns are completely out of this world. Strong Tower Radio is poised to take this gospel to the world through radio, streaming, and uniting with our churches, “this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the entire world then shall the end come.”
George Dronen, retired development director