January 9

Praise the Lord Edition-

1) God provides for all 2024 bills

2) Two new stations this week

3) 20 radio & 1 TV station

Progress report on nine station expansion.

Graphic Credit: Jennifer Brooks of Brooks Elite Contracting

Three STR Stations Last Week 

Strong Tower Radio Network added three new stations in the last week, bringing the total number of radio stations proclaiming the Gospel to 20, and it will reach 24 by June of this year. Manistique, 90.3 fm, went on the air last Thursday, Owosso WHSR, 88.7 fm, joined the network on Friday, and South Haven, 91.7 fm, was added on Tuesday. Praise to the Lord!

Strong Tower Radio is current with all bills and payroll!

Graphic credit: Alan Cleaver Pixabay

God Provided Again! 

The last six months tested our employees' faith, God's people heard His voice, provided for all the ministry's bills, and brought the payroll up to date this past week. God provided again!

Dr. Jeffery Hudon giving the Horn Archeology Museum tour airing this week.

Graphic Credit: Horn Archeology Institute

Archeology Tour #2

Join Biblical Archeologists Drs. Paul Ray and Jeffrey Hudon's back-to-back Andrews University's Horn Institute of Archaeology Siegfried Horn Museum tours the next two weeks on Fridays at 1 p.m. and Saturdays at 5 p.m. only on STR stations, STR apps, or STR.fm.

Mission aviation support ministry interview.

Graphic Credit: Mission Wings

Mission Wings

Find out about an amazing niche aviation ministry on Strong Tower Radio Feature. Most missionary aviation ministries train pilots and airplane mechanics or make mission plane flights. This ministry repairs mission airplanes for other ministries and is embarking on an innovation service to extend planes' lives and keep other aviation ministries in the air. Hear about it on Sunday at 3:30 a.m., Monday at 4 p.m., Wednesday at 9 p.m., and Thursday at 1 p.m. only on STR stations, STR apps, or STR.fm.

Rose in a winter garden.

Graphic Credit: Ralph's Photos on Pixabay

Off-season Gardening

What should you be doing in your gardening off-season? You thought you could take it easy because nothing is growing in your garden in January but snow.

Think again. This is no time for ease. What do orchardists and vegetable farmers do in the so-called, "off-season?" Find out from Gary Heilig, the Strong Tower Radio Garden Guy this Sunday at 5 p.m., Monday at 10 a.m., and Wednesday at midnight only on STR stations, STR apps, or STR.fm.

David Bolduc, Strong Tower Radio president.

File photo- Tom Mejeur

STR Events Calendar

Be a part of Strong Tower Radio by joining us personally at one or more of the following scheduled events:

1/11 11:00 a.m. David at Marion SDA Church

1/18 10:50 a.m. Kam at St. Charles SDA Church

1/25 9:00 a.m. Kam at Allegan SDA Church

1/25 11:00 a.m. Kam at Gobles SDA Church

2/15 10:45 a.m. Kam at Holland SDA Church

2/22 11 a.m. Kam at Grayling SDA Church

2/22 4 p.m. Strong Tower Radio Variety Hour Grayling SDA Ch.

3/1 (mission feature time) Kam at Cedar Lake SDA Church

3/15 11 a.m. Kam at Kalamazoo SDA Church

3/22 10:45 a.m. Kam at Midland SDA Church

"David" is David Bolduc- Founder and President

"Jilane" is Jilane Fenner- Public Relations and Board Member

"Kam" is Kam Ferguson- Development Director

"Tom" is Tom Mejeur- Production & Marketing Director

"CAS" is the abbreviation for Camp Au Sable

"SDA" is the abbreviation for Seventh-day Adventist

"STR" is the abbreviation for Strong Tower Radio

Photo source: Annette Meyer from Pixabay

Sermons on STR

Here are the upcoming Fresh Manna sermons and speakers that will be streamed on StrongTowerRadio.org, STR.fm, and on Strong Tower Radio's local stations Monday-Friday at 2 a.m. and 11 a.m.

This Week's Sermons-

1/9 Mike Lambert- "The Joy of Jesus"

1/10 David Austin- "The Final Crisis Begins"

Next Weeks' Sermons- New Years

1/13 Steve Schefka- "Be Kind to One Another"

1/14 Shane Anderson- "Chosen"

1/15 Jim Nephew- "Do you have True Faith?"

1/16 Mike Lambert- "Fickle Followers"

1/17 David Austin- "Eyes Wide Open"

STR Sabbath Sermons- Saturdays at 11 a.m.

1/11 Chris Holland- "God Knows the End from the Beginning"

1/18 Chris Holland- "God is the Unifier"

Graphic Credit: Pixabay

Love Wins

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.” I Cor 13:1

We tend to appreciate those who seem to have a way with words. Well-crafted speeches catch our attention. Sometimes they are memorized. Often, they are copied, printed, and repeated. We like to air them on the radio. Some speeches have even been memorialized in stone. Here, Scripture lets us know what is of eternal value.

Sounding brass refers to what are commonly called ‘brass instruments’ – from trumpets to tubas – penetratingly loud, even painfully intrusive sounds. The cymbal would include the hand-held instrument and the bell that may weigh tons and whose sound reaches across the miles.

God tells us that as strident and far-reaching as those sounds may be, effective communication is really found in love and how we live in relationships. God’s tender, compassionate love is first revealed as He forms Adam from the dust of the ground and puffs that first breath so intimately into his body. Then, when we choose another master, God’s love is revealed as He sacrifices Himself to rescue us if we accept His rescue.

Now, Paul reminds us that love in word and deed is more powerful and effective in communicating the gospel than mere speeches. We who call ourselves Christian must live out that word – we must love like Jesus loved, even to the point of suffering, to help another on the path to glory.

We treasure and appreciate sacrificial gifts to get the message of God’s character proclaimed across the airways. More important is witnessing the lives transformed by hearing about God’s love. I am very happy to send my monthly contribution to keep Strong Tower sharing the story of God’s character. But I realize the testimony of my life is even more essential for the advancement of God’s message.

Pastor Fred Calkins, STR January 2025 Ministry News lead article

STR's Program Schedule

Click HERE to get your monthly Program Schedule

STR's Printable Newsletter

Photo Credit- Adventist Giving.

Ways for STR Giving

You can donate to Strong Tower Radio in several ways with different effects.

The first is the fastest, most effective donation by giving directly via a mailed check, calling in a donation, or donating on our website at StrongTowerRadio.org. This allows you to designate a station or support the whole radio network through a one-time or recurring donation.

Another way is by giving to the Michigan Radio Ministry fund with a tithe envelope or via your church's Adventist Giving online https://adventistgiving.org/donate/ANFFFF

QR Giving Code

Breaking news- STR now accepts PayPal

Photo Credit- PayPal


Another Way to Give

PayPal is a popular way to make payments, transfer money, and give to Strong Tower Radio. We have now arranged to accept PayPal for giving.

PayPal is an easy way to give.

Go to:

1) STR.fm,

2) StrongTowerRadio.org/donate,

3) https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=HUSEG6XLACE2E,

4) or your PayPal account and designate West Central Michigan Media Ministries (our legal name for business as Strong Tower Radio).

You may give, as with other methods, one time or give automatically. You choose. Thank you for your prayers and financial support of Strong Tower Radio.

QR Giving Code

Strong Tower Radio giving QR code

Graphic Credit: Jennifer Brooks  

STR Giving Graphic

You can give to Strong Tower Radio by accessing the giving page with your smartphone. Point, click, and give!


Click Here to Visit StrongTowerRadio.org