Ritsema on STR
We see it all around us. Hollywood, popular music, TV, video gaming, spectator sports (it will be back), excessive social media use, and pornography are saturating the lives of God's professed people. But what does the latest science say about the mind-altering effects of 21st century media? And what is the spiritual agenda in the entertainment and advertising industries?

Good news! Scott Ritsema has released his eye opening  Media on the Mind  and  Raising the Remnant  series for streaming on and on your local Strong Tower Radio station Mondays at 4 a.m. and Tuesdays at 4 p.m.

Tell you friend and family and tune in your radio!

Photo Credit: Belt of Truth Ministries
STR Engagements-
7/11 11:00 a.m.
Marion, MI Seventh-day Adventist Church David Bolduc

7/11 11:00 a.m. Kalkaska, MI Seventh MI Seventh-day Adventist Church JB Salisbury,
(JB is the host of 'Joy in the Morning' and 'Restful Reflections')

Photo Credit: Allegra Printing Cadillac, MI
July Newsletter On-line!
The Strong Tower Radio July 2020 Newsletter is on our website for you to read or download. Please go to to sign up for the mailed newsletter.
STR's 3rd Quarter Schedule
Nothing to Lose

The message of Revelation 14 has the devil trapped. He will attack God’s people who keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus Christ.

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