Heaven with Jesus and Children
Graphic Credit: Harry Anderson
Building in Heaven
A couple came to see their pastor and said that they wanted to give more money to the church and to world missions. “But we've always had this dream of a beautiful house in the country, and we've been planning on building that house,” they confessed. “But frankly, if we do that, we won't have money for the church and God's Kingdom. We keep praying about it, but we cannot seem to shake this vision that we have. We feel like God has given us our dream of this beautiful house. Are we wrong?”
The pastor thought about it for a moment and then said to them. “I don't think it's wrong. I think God has given you a dream of a perfect, ideal, wonderful home. The only problem is that you think you have to have that dream house here in this world.” God has a dream house far beyond anything we can comprehend. That dream house is coming. We don't have to build it here. Any house we build here is going to be ravished by time, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, carpenter ants, freeway bypasses, you name it! Even if, somehow, that house lasts, guess who isn’t going to? We will not last in this world, but we will last through all eternity. So, does it not make much more sense to lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven and give the building materials of our financial material assets to the Carpenter from Nazareth, right now, so that he can be using them to build that house in heaven?
Take a trip to a junkyard as a reminder of what will ultimately happen. Why are so many Christians today afraid to die? I think the answer to that question comes back to exactly the answer to the question, “What's the greatest deterrent to giving today?” The answer is that we have made this world our home. The Bible tells us something else -- we are pilgrims, aliens, strangers, and ambassadors.
Most Christians are storing up treasures on earth. What does this mean? That means that every day of our lives, as we get closer to the day of our earthly death, we are backing away from our treasures because we've laid them up on earth. Jesus says to turn around, look the other direction, and face eternity head on. Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven. Then, every day of our lives, we will be moving toward our treasures instead of backing away from them. He who spends his life backing away from his treasures has reason to despair. He who spends his life headed toward his treasure has reason to rejoice.
Strong Tower Radio has one goal in mind—Take this gospel to the world NOW! Join the team now! Send your building material on ahead, enjoy your mansion Jesus is building for you.
The late George Dronen
Quoted from BATTLE OF THE SPIRITS by G. Edward Reid Published 2001
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