October 3rd Edition

News & Views

The October Protestant Reformation programs on Strong Tower Radio.

Picture Credit: Jennifer Brooks

"Sharing Opportunity"

The Strong Tower Radio "Protestant Reformation Month" is a great conversation starter. Ask someone or everyone "What do you know about the Protestant Reformation? and just see what doors the responses open for sharing your faith and Strong Tower Radio.

Your follow-up response could be, "If you would like to learn more tune to Strong Tower Radio's Reformation specials daily at 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. all of October only on STR stations, STR apps, or STR.fm." Many of your protestant friends will thank you for helping them learn more about their faith roots and they may choose to make Strong Tower Radio their favorite station. They will thank you now and in eternity!

The Protestant Reformation and the Investigative Judgement program.

Picture Credit: Jennifer Brooks

Protestant Reformation &

Investigative Judgment

Have you ever made the connection between the Protestant Reformation and the Investigative Judgment? Listen to Dr. Steve Bauer's recording, "The Reformation & the Investigative Judgment," on Friday, October 11 at 1 p.m. and Saturday, October 12 at 5 p.m., only on STR stations, STR apps, or STR.fm. This is the debut of one of two new Strong Tower Radio program recordings with Southern Adventist University's religion faculty on the Protestant Reformation.

Priesthood of Believers

Graphic Credit: Wenceslas Hollar via Wikipedia

Believers' Priesthood

Professor Alan Parker explains the Protestant priesthood of believers on Friday, October 11 at 1:30 p.m. and Saturday, October 12 at 5:30 p.m., only on STR stations, STR apps, or STR.fm. This is the debut of one of two new Strong Tower Radio program recordings with Southern Adventist University's religion faculty on the Protestant Reformation.

Islam to Christianity pastor interview this week.

Picture Credit: Pastor Jermaine Gayle

“From Islam to Christianity"

“From Islam to Christianity- An Iranian Pastor’s Story" with Jilane Fenner is an eye-opening testimonial in real-time. You will not want to miss this program, it will air on 10/4, Friday at 1 p.m., and on 10/05, Saturday at 5 p.m., only on STR stations, STR apps, or STR.fm.

Interview with Blueprint for Men founder.

Photo Credit: Blueprint for Men

Blueprint Discussion

Take a tour to Blueprint for Men's clubhouse with its founder this Sunday at 3:30 a.m., Monday at 4 p.m., Wednesday at 9 p.m., and Thursday at 1 p.m. only on STR stations, STR apps, or STR.fm.

Fall gardening tips on the Garden Guy.

Graphic Credit: Pixabay

October Gardening

October's Garden Guy includes a rose quiz, soil building, and fall lawn tips. Listen and learn this Sunday at 5 p.m., Monday at 10 a.m., and Wednesday at midnight only on Strong Tower Radio stations, STR apps, or STR.fm.

David Bolduc, receiving the key for the broadcast center in 2017.

Graphic Credit: Strong Tower Radio file photo

President’s Perspective


Whenever I walk into a church sanctuary, I look for a Bible on the communion table in front of the podium. While its being there is symbolic, the Bible tells a silent story of how the scriptures are for the common person. You or I don't need permission from a priest or a pastor to read it. The Bible is on the same level as the congregation, not hidden away or behind the pastor. The Protestant Reformation is symbolized in that open Bible. At Strong Tower Radio, we believe that the scriptures are for everyone. On September 5 at 9:30 pm, our Tower Hill station WWJR went on the air. Our Greenville station will begin broadcasting in the coming weeks as well. As I type this article, I await a transmitter manufacturer to call me back about prices for our Bridgman and Manistique stations. We have the antenna and feedline for our Bridgman station. I am about to order the antenna for Manistique, and we have enough feed line (transmission cable that connects the antenna to the radio transmitter) that will work there. I have been in touch with tower companies for our Iron Mountain and Houghton stations in the past day or so. Our Port Sanilac, Owosso, and South Haven construction permits have experienced many setbacks, but in God's strength, we press forward. While I do the above, I also edit three audio programs Tom has recorded for the next week, keep station logs, and maintain the weekly broadcast schedule. Oh, and I resolve any problems at our now 16 radio stations and one TV station. Our new Office Manager, Amy Fox, is a big help in so many ways. We all love Sandy, but her health problems made it necessary for her to step back from being our Administrative Assistant. Amy is handling the tasks Sandy did and many new tasks that we had not considered needing. We trust that the Lord will bring other individuals on as He sees new ways STR can grow. 

Debriefing regarding current and recent on-air programs.

Graphic Credit: Pixabay

On-air Update- October

October is Reformation Month at Strong Tower Radio. Our extensive and growing Protestant Reformation programs are awaiting your listening and sharing. Annually, we can celebrate and reflect on what these courageous reformers did. I have shared the Reformation schedule and my favorite programs with friends, family, and a pastor. Check out our STR.fm link to find the specific Reformation specials. Our listeners tell us they enjoy our on-location recorded programs around the state. These include great programs such as the Soo Locks tour, Hersey House of Hope, Dow Gardens, Leader Dogs for the Blind, Cranbrook Natural History Museum, the Lake Sturgeon Reclamation, and the reintroduction of the locally extinct Arctic Grayling fish. Recently we recorded future programs such as a ride on the historic SS Badger Steamship, the Ludington Pier Lighthouse, Southern Adventist University Archaeology Museum’s new Lachish exhibit with the museum director Dr. Michael Hasel, Gianna Missions, international aviation missions, Mexico (& Cuban) Missions, Blueprint for Men’s clubhouse, and interviews with the Southern Adventist University Religion Department Faculty on the Protestant Reformation, the Three Angels’ Message, and other topics of their expertise. Finally, we recorded the Adventist pioneer stories on-location in New England with Dr. Brian Strayer. Amazingly, we produced these Strong Tower Radio exclusive special programs at no extra expense to the ministry!

Mio STR station tower lease renewal increase.

Photo Credit: Jennifer Brooks

We Need Your Help


https://gofund.me/d1258b84 Our Mio, MI radio station tower lease renews on September 1, 2024, and Strong Tower Radio is in need of $20,035 for rent. We are asking for donations of any size to help us reach our goal. Mio is located in the northeastern corner of Michigan's lower peninsula. This station reaches the counties of Crawford, Otsego, Oscoda, Montmorency, and parts of the surrounding counties, including Cheboygan, Kalkaska, and Charlevoix.

STR has been in negotiations with the tower owners for over a year. The cost of our rent has doubled. There are no other tower options in the area that will maintain our current coverage. The FCC is allowing us to run at reduced power to help with our operating costs. The amount owed will clear our debt to the tower owner.

STR Events Calendar

Be a part of Strong Tower Radio by joining us personally at one or more of the following scheduled events:

10/5 11:00 a.m. David at 13th Street SDA Church, Cadillac

10/12 11:15 a.m. Kam at Chikaming SDA Church

10/12 11:00 a.m. David at Marion SDA Church

10/26 10:45 a.m. Kam at Stewardson, IL SDA Church (Feature)

10/26 6:30 p.m.

STR Variety Hour at Stewardson, IL Seventh-day Adventist Church


11/2 11:00 a.m. David at Idlewild SDA Church

11/2 11:00 a.m. Kam at 13th Street SDA Church, Cadillac

11/9 11:00 a.m. Kam at Holly SDA Church

11/30 9:00 a.m. Kam at Mesick SDA Church

11/30 11:00 a.m. Kam at Cadillac SDA Church

"David" is David Bolduc- Founder and President

"Jilane" is Jilane Fenner- Public Relations and Board Member

"Kam" is Kam Ferguson- Development Director

"Tom" is Tom Mejeur- Production & Marketing Director

"CAS" is the abbreviation for Camp Au Sable

"SDA" is the abbreviation for Seventh-day Adventist

"STR" is the abbreviation for Strong Tower Radio

Pastor Malcolm Douglas of the Clio and Flint Seventh-day Adventist Church

Photo source: Strong Tower Radio file photo

Sermons on STR

Here are the upcoming Fresh Manna sermons and speakers that will be streamed on StrongTowerRadio.org, STR.fm, and on Strong Tower Radio's local stations Monday-Friday at 2 a.m. and 11 a.m.

This Week's Sermons-

10/3 Malcolm Douglas- "The Day of Atonement Part 2"

10/4 Malcolm Douglas- "The Judgment"

Next Week's Sermons-

10/7 Malcolm Douglas- "The Feast of Tabernacles"

10/8 Malcolm Douglas- "The Jubilee"

10/9 Malcolm Douglas- "The Cities of Refuge"

10/10 Malcolm Douglas- "A Final Look"

10/11 David Austin- "The Sanctuary"

10/14 Jermaine Gayle- "Faith Alone Part 1"

10/15 Jermaine Gayle- "Faith Alone Part 2"

10/16 Jermaine Gayle- "God's Grace Alone Part 1"

10/17 Jermaine Gayle- "God's Grace Alone Part 2"

10/18 Jermaine Gayle- "Through Christ Alone"

10/21 Raymond Holmes- "A Light Was Kindled Part 1"

10/22 Raymond Holmes- "A Light Was Kindled Part 2"

10/23 Raymond Holmes- "A Light Was Kindled Part 3"

10/24 Raymond Holmes- "A Light Was Kindled Part 4"

10/25 Raymond Holmes- "A Light Was Kindled Part 5"

STR Sabbath Sermons- Saturdays at 11 a.m.

10/5 Ron Kelly- "Elijah in Ahab's Time of Trouble"

Not selling truth.

Image credit: Pixabay

Buy the Truth, Sell it Not

The prophet Isaiah describes a time when truth has fallen in the streets (Isa 59:14). He identified with it in his time, as did Jesus’ disciples in the years after His resurrection, and many martyrs and reformers lived it in their time. We see truth disregarded in our time as well, both from relativity (each has their own truth) and the growing trend to oppose truth because it offends someone. God’s Word has no expiration date; only fulfillment renders any part of it obsolete. The Bible directs us to buy the truth, never to sell it, and it also directs us to proclaim the everlasting gospel to every people group on Earth. [Pr 23:23, Rev 14:6] With those instructions, Strong Tower Radio operates as a non-commercial radio ministry, broadcasting the everlasting gospel 24/7/365 across much of Michigan, Central Illinois, and to the world via web streaming. Strong Tower Radio doesn’t sell airtime; it relies, instead, on the regular support of listeners and Seventh-day Adventist members who see this ministry as a powerful way to reach the world with the truth! We praise God and thank each of you who generously support STR! We’ve received many blessings this year, for which we further praise the Lord. New stations being developed are beginning to broadcast, or nearly so, and several more STR listeners have been baptized this summer! As I write this, two STR listeners will commit their lives to Jesus in baptism this weekend; all glory to God! The Holy Spirit continues changing lives through STR broadcasts. Summer 2024 has also been testing our faith, as financial giving to STR has yet to keep pace with operating expenses and is now behind more than $50,000. Reading this article now, will you become part of God’s provision for this need? Will you also begin to give monthly to keep STR broadcasting the full gospel that sets the captive free? If not already, become an active reader and join with over 200 others who each month give to help STR reach much of Michigan and Illinois with the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ. Buy the truth, share it with others: it’s the greatest investment of all time!


Kam Ferguson, Development Director

How to Make Your Investment Donations:

For credit card or bank account withdrawal go to our secure website, StrongTowerRadio.org/Donate, or

call 231-468-2087.


You may also donate by check or money order mailed to

Strong Tower Radio, PO Box 567, Cadillac, MI 49601

STR's Program Schedule

Click HERE to get your monthly Program Schedule

STR's Printable Newsletter

Photo Credit- Adventist Giving.

Ways for STR Giving

You can donate to Strong Tower Radio in several ways with different effects.

The first is the fastest, most effective donation by giving directly via a mailed check, calling in a donation, or donating on our website at StrongTowerRadio.org. This allows you to designate a station or support the whole radio network through a one-time or recurring donation.

Another way is by giving to the Michigan Radio Ministry fund with a tithe envelope or via your church's Adventist Giving online https://adventistgiving.org/donate/ANFFFF

QR Giving Code

Breaking news- STR now accepts PayPal

Photo Credit- PayPal.


Another Way to Give

PayPal is a popular way to make payments, transfer money, and give to Strong Tower Radio. We have now arranged to accept PayPal for giving.

PayPal is an easy way to give.

1) Go to STR.fm,

2) StrongTowerRadio.org/donate,

3) https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=HUSEG6XLACE2E,

4) Your PayPal account and designate West Central Michigan Media Ministries (our legal name for business as Strong Tower Radio).

You may give, as with other methods, one time or give automatically. You choose. Thank you for your prayers and financial support of Strong Tower Radio.

QR Giving Code

Strong Tower Radio giving QR code

Graphic Credit: Jennifer Brooks  

STR Giving Graphic

You can give to Strong Tower Radio by accessing the giving page with your smartphone. Point, click, and give!

First-time offering of a four-piece Strong Tower Radio pin set

Image Credit: Strong Tower Radio

STR Pins


Attention Strong Tower Radio fans! We have a brand new 4-pin set you can have for a suggested donation of only $5.00 per set plus shipping and handling. Go to STR.fm to see a sample set. Call 231-468-2087 to order your set.


Click Here to Visit StrongTowerRadio.org