God Speaking from Heaven
Image credit: by Brett Rritchie via Unsplash
God is Speaking to You!
The Bible contains many amazing statements—all credible—and in many instances, God describes Himself or what He will do or has done. In the book of Isaiah, God tells the prophet how He guides people who seek God’s counsel: "You shall hear a word behind you saying this is the way, walk ye in it, when you turn to the right hand or when you turn to the left.” Isaiah 30:21
The phrase “hear a word behind you” not only refers to an audible voice, like that of a friend talking to us as they walk up behind us, but especially to the Holy Spirit speaking to us at the thought level, impressing us to either do/say something or refrain from a particular thought/word/action. I’ve experienced this many times, and, sadly, I recognize some examples only looking back and realizing the guidance I have missed.
A few years ago, I was clearing a few wind-blown trees from our woods and using the hammer end of a splitting maul to move the bottom of a cut tree from a cramped space near a fence. I kept being impressed with the thought to give myself more room to swing the maul, and repeatedly decided I had enough room. A few swings later, I drove the hammer into the side of my foot; mercifully, my boot took most of the impact.
Several months later, I was clearing trees in a different part of our land and had just piled some cut sections for later splitting and moved to a nearby downed tree. As I began cutting up that tree, I looked back to the wood I had just piled up, and the thought came strongly to me you need to move that wood pile.” ‘I just put it there, it should be fine I retorted in mind, then remembered my foot-hammering incident. OK, I hear you Father, it doesn’t make sense to me now, but I trust you’re leading me.
I moved the wood pile another 15 feet away and resumed working. I was up about 5’ working on a downed tree root ball when I lost my balance. I was able to lay my chain saw down on the ball while falling, then turn and leap off instead of tumbling down. Where did I land? Right where that pile of wood had been. I landed with both feet on flat solid ground instead of a wood pile that would have severely injured my ankles. I literally jumped up from where I landed and praised God for His merciful guidance and helping me to listen!!
What word has God been speaking to you recently? Has He impressed you to move forward with supporting His work, perhaps for the first time, or more than you have so far? Don’t delay, go forward in faith today! Please continue to pray for STR and, as the Holy Spirit impresses you, become a monthly supporter of STR and help to share the everlasting gospel. Today is the day of salvation!
Kam Ferguson, Development Director
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