News & Views Summer 2022 | Volume XXXII ~ Issue 2
In This Issue

Supervisor's Message

Out & About

Voter Outreach

Training News

Customer Service

Vote-by-Mail Updates

Candidate Qualifying

Election Services


Important Dates & Deadlines

Supervisor's Message

One of our most sacred rights as American citizens is the right to have a voice in our government by electing the leaders who will
represent us. As Supervisor of Elections, I am proud of the work we do to ensure the integrity of our elections while providing convenient opportunities for voters to cast their ballot whether by mail, during early voting or on Election Day.

With decades of experience, the Collier County Supervisor of Elections is THE trusted resource for elections and voting information in Collier County; which is why we have partnered
with the National Secretary of States, Florida Supervisors of Elections and the Florida Secretary of State’s office to participate in their #TrustedInfo2022 campaign.

Confidence in elections and faithful maintenance of the voter roll are key factors in voter turnout.
Collier County has repeatedly led the state in voter participation, including in the 2020 General
Election when over 90% of our voters cast a ballot. Our goal is to continue this trajectory by
ensuring that every voter has a positive voting experience.

We encourage you to visit our website at for information pertaining
to the upcoming elections and follow us on our verified social media channels for important
announcements made about voting in Collier County.

The leaders in 2022 will be our decision makers in our community and our voice in Tallahassee and in Washington D.C. When we do not take full advantage of the right to vote, we not only give away our voice, we also give away the ability to shape our community’s future. In 2022, be an informed voter and use your vote to voice what is important to you.

Catch up with my entire staff in this edition of News & Views! | (239) 252-VOTE (8683)