Cereal Grains Course Applications Now Open!
It's been a busy few months since our last newsletter, with the final week of the first GREAT course in February, followed by our annual meeting in Kampala, and with applications now open for our upcoming Gender-responsive Cereal Grains Breeding Course. We'd love for you to help spread the word to research teams working in sub-Saharan Africa, and be sure to hurry, as the application deadline is June 9th!
Our first cohort of trainees, from the GREAT Gender-responsive Roots, Tubers and Bananas Breeding Course, are now our first group of GREAT Fellows! We're excited to induct this new group into our GREAT Community of Practice, and to stay in touch with them through case studies, blog entries, and more! See stories about the graduation ceremony, and check out our photo album from Week 2, in this newsletter.
GREAT Fellows are on their way to publishing their research from the RTB course! CABI Review will host a special issue on RTB research in SSA, highlighting emerging gender-responsive research, bringing due attention to the importance of gender issues in RTB research. This is an exciting opportunity that will showcase Fellows' gender-responsive research and gender issues in RTB research more broadly.
During our annual meeting in February, representatives from the GREAT External Project Advisory Committee (EPAC), and GREAT partner organizations, joined a conversation to reflect back on the first year of GREAT, and review the course we're setting for our future.
GREAT will collaborate with the Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA), for our institutional transformation strategy,
to broaden the impact of the courses we offer to shift how research is thought of, planned for, and conducted across the continent.
Lastly, be sure to check out the other GREAT information in our newsletter, including: new resources from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and UN Women; the new AWARE resource database, and a compilation of our blog posts from the past few months!
Margaret Mangheni and Hale Tufan, GREAT Co-PIs
Scenes from Week 2
The first cohort of GREAT Fellows finished up the Gender-responsive Roots, Tubers and Bananas course in February, and we have photos of the training to share. Congrats to all the Fellows for their hard work and dedication!
How ASARECA plans to link the GREAT gender project to National Agricultural Research Systems
ASARECA GUEST BLOG - Following the formalization of a partnership agreement for the implementation of the Gender-Responsive Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation (GREAT) project in January 2017, ASARECA is on course to foster an enabling environment for GREAT fellows to undertake gender-responsive research. This activity effectively starts in March 2017. ASARECA will work with GREAT fellows to plan meetings and identify ongoing events where fellows can present their findings as case studies. It is also expected that the GREAT fellows will present their results during the annual and semi-annual research seminars at institutional level. Continue reading on the ASARECA blog...
CAB Reviews
special issue to highlight root, tubers, and bananas research in SSA
CABI Research is pleased to partner with
to highlight the importance of roots, tubers, and bananas research across Sub-Saharan Africa in a special issue of the peer review journal CAB Reviews. The issue, slated for distribution in late 2017, will highlight emerging gender-responsive research, review articles, and emerging research in order to bring due attention to the importance of gender issues in RTB research. The issue will also feature scientists who have significantly revised their research process using field survey apps or who have embarked on new ways of data collection and analysis. Dr. Hale Tufan and Dr. Joseph Ndunguru will provide introductions to the journal.
Spotlight on gender resources
GREAT is much more than a series of courses - our aim is to
equip researchers to create more inclusive and effective agricultural systems, and it takes more than just training to accomplish this! To that end, GREAT is building up a Community of Practice (CoP), and curating resources to to provide the CoP and the broader research community with the information and tools needed to work toward positive change.
UN Women - The UN Women Training Centre recently released a series of four working papers aimed at advancing the field of training for gender equality:
- A Theory of Change for Training for Gender Equality
- Feminist Pedagogies in Training for Gender Equality
- Quality in Training for Gender Equality
- Education and Training for Gender Equality
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) - The BMGF, in conjunction with KIT Gender, released developed a conceptual model and measuring guidelines to better establish working definitions and implementation of project aimed at women's and girls' empowerment. Two outputs - a model (PDF) and white paper (PDF) - were recently released. An overview is available here.
GREAT Resource Hub - The
GREAT Resource Hub is a constantly growing, curated collection of resources specifically selected for relevance to GREAT course participants and GREAT Fellows. With each new cohort the Resource Hub grows - check back frequently, and if you know of GREAT resources to share, send them to
[email protected].
Advancing Women in Agriculture through Research and Education (AWARE) - An initiative of Cornell University's International Programs office,
AWARE has been disseminating gender-related resources through its weekly newsletter for several years, and now these resources are available in
a publicly searchable database. New material will be added with each newsletter issue. And if you're not already a subscriber to the AWARE newsletter,
join now!
Catch up on GREAT blog posts!
Below is a rundown of the latest blog posts from the GREAT blog. Want to explore the full collection?
Click here for more...
Hillary Mara
After an intensive week covering topics including quantitative and qualitative data analysis, stakeholder engagement, and institutional change, 28 participants concluded Week 2 of the GREAT Roots, Tubers, and Bananas (RTB) training and graduated with a certificate marking their newly acquired... Read more
Hillary Mara
Twenty-eight agricultural researchers from 11 project teams specializing in roots, tubers, and bananas (RTB), have arrived back in Kampala, Uganda for Week 2 of the GREAT training on gender-responsive agricultural research. Olamide Deboarh Olaosebika presents on her team's field research in... Read more
Peace Musiimenta and Brenda Boonabaana
Two key members of GREAT's Makerere team, Peace Musiimenta and Brenda Boonabaana, recently received a high-level award for their work incorporating gender into a study of the impacts of development interventions on the human development of communities in northern Uganda following the cessation of... Read more
on the latest GREAT News & Updates!