Click to watch our most current ministry video.
Welcome to  
Fresno/Madera Youth for Christ

You have heard the story of Youth for Christ... now we ask you to BE the story!  Help Youth for Christ reach more kids with the great news of Jesus Christ!  Your end-of-year donation is tax deductible, and makes a BIG difference in the lives of kids!

Thank you.
Christmas Tree Crafting!

Main Idea: YFC Summer Camp 2014!

We want to propose a special year-end opportunity because we know you care about kids like we do.




You should see the look on kids' faces when they ride a zip line for the first time. They beam with pride for conquering the fear they felt at the top of the ride. Same with jumping off the high dive, or winning the camp olympics.


Teens need meaningful challenges to discover their potential...

And YFCamps provide the adventure they need to grow.


When kids take risks in a supportive environment, they build courage to overcome challenges in other areas of life. Teenagers like Kevin, a shy ninth-grader: "I overcame a lot of fears and doubts that hold me back in life." Many embrace life's greatest adventure by responding to the gospel message they hear at camp.


This year, Fresno/Madera YFC is committed to taking more than 20 high school kids to YFC summer camp at Oakbridge Camp near San Diego, July 24-29.  The cost is $399 per camper. Many kids will need scholarships to be able to attend. 


Will you help kids, who rarely receive encouragement or praise, gain confidence through your support of YFCamp?


Your investment of $25, $100, or $200 dollars above regular giving to YFC reduces the cost of camp for every camper and provides financial assistance for kids who need help the most. Make a difference in the lives of more than 300 kids next summer...


Today, please consider giving a kid the gift of adventure...friendship...hope...


Computech Kids!

From the Executive Director's desk...

God chose US.  It was His loving choice to come in human form.  We did not deserve this free gift of love, nor do we merit the free gift of eternal life.  It is a gift available for the asking; those who are lost need only receive.  We never need to be "good enough" to receive God's grace... frankly, we will NEVER be good enough to deserve it.  Jesus covers an infinite multitude of sins.  This Christmas, let's bask in God's abundant grace!

Ed Kaczmarek
In This DECEMBER Issue
TeenMom and Mentor
Calendar of Events
STS nodate


See The Story
Friday, January 10th, 2014
No charge; not a fundraiser.
Lunch sponsored by
Chipotle - Riverpark.

 This one-hour informative presentation of the  

YFC ministry will  

encourage and inspire you.



Student Leadership

I want to give
every kid a chance...
Click Here

Food for Thought


Psalm 25:5

Lead me; teach me; for you are the God who gives me salvation. I have no hope except in you.



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