Area26 news & updates
October 2019 | Issue 2
Revealing the Champion in all of us...
Athlete's Corner with Billy Duquette
Billy and the WPBA
Special Bowling Day...

On September 20, JP, Lin, a few other athletes near the Richmond area and I participated in an exhibition bowling match with some of the women pro bowlers of the Women Pro Bowler Association ( WPBA). The ladies were finishing up their 2019 season at the Old Dominion Building at the Richmond international Raceway, and they coordinated with SOVA to have a few athletes to take in part of an exhibition of a few 6 frame games with them. Among the stars were pro bowlers Sandra Anderson, Anneli Bloomqvist, Shannon O’keefe and Shayna Ng. Besides taking the time to play with the us, they gave each one a signed bowling pin. A very special experience for all!!!
October Featured Sport: Cycling
Cycling is a great family activity! In order to participate an athlete needs to be able to ride a bicycle and have their own bike and helmet. Most of our rides are on weekends and we usually ride on the W&OD in Virginia or the C&O Canal Towpath in Maryland. 

Contact: Nancy Julia- [email protected]
Practices: Year round
Practice Location(s): W&OD or C&O
Levels and Equipment: Athletes must be able to ride a bicycle and provide their own equipment (bike and helmet)

Currently we have two competitions available-in September we participate in the Special Olympics Delaware Fall Festival and in June we participate in the Special Olympics Rhode Island Summer Games. We also compete in the One More Tri in New Jersey. Athletes are selected for these based on their local participation during the year.
Upcoming Events
14-26 October Weber Dogwashing Fundraiser
2-3 November Fall State Games, Virginia Beach VA
Area 26 Points of Contact
Area 26 Council

Elaine Tilton

Billy Duquette
Bruce Fingerhut
Veronica Jennings
Nancy Julia
Abby Lacy
Nancy Robbins
Paul Tierney
Bernie Woolfley

Season Directors
Elaine Tilton, Fall/Winter

Nancy Julia, Spring/Summer


Senior Director, Potomac Region
Veronica Jennings

Area 26 Special Olympics |