Does this bill only cover graduate degrees in social work?
It covers master’s degree programs that lead to social work or counseling occupations.
How much will this bill cost taxpayers?
It is estimated to cost $6 million over four years.
When will the UDC Master of Social Work scholarship program start?
We’re hoping to fund this program in the budget (budget season starts now!) and want the program open by Spring 2024.
How many students will this scholarship program serve?
It would serve 20 students in the first year and 40 in each subsequent year.
Is this program limited to people who live in DC?
Anyone with a bachelor's degree who lives or works in DC is eligible for this program.
Which Councilmembers support this bill?
A majority of my colleagues signed on to join me in introducing this bill! Thank you to Councilmembers McDuffie, Bonds, Allen, Nadeau, Gray, Pinto, Lewis George, Frumin, and Parker.