Newsletter - November 15, 2019
President's Message
Hello Highland Park! 

This month has been full of celebrations and it will continue into the New Year! We started out this month by celebrating Dia De Los Muertos/Otono Festival; an event for the community that we were given the opportunity to support thanks to Avenue 50 Studios. We also celebrated Veteran’s Day this past week where both CD1 and CD14 were able to honor myself and Al Strange as Veterans of the Year for our respective districts. It was truly an honor and a pleasure to be amongst my fellow Veterans. As the only female Veteran, I was very proud to represent our community and grateful for that opportunity! 

Thanksgiving is coming up and there are many volunteer opportunities in our community as well as throughout the city. In the spirit of the season I would like to challenge each and everyone of you to do something kind for your neighbors and your fellow community members.  READ MORE
News from HHPNC Committees

Land Use Committee: Next meeting is scheduled for November 19, 2019, 7pm to 9pm at the Senior Center. 

Sustainability Committee: We invite you and hope to see you at our next meeting December 10, 2019 at 7:30 pm Location to be determined. If you have any concerns, questions or interest in the meeting,
Contact [email protected] .
Councilmember Cedillo Honors
Veteran Stephanie E. Maynetto-Jackson
Photo Credit: Sheri Mandel

Councilmember Cedillo honored SSG(R) Stephanie E Maynetto-Jackson in Council on Wednesday as part of 2019 Veterans Day.

Stephanie is a decorated combat engineer who served in both Afghanistan and Iraq, and continues to serve now as the President of the Historic Highland Park Neighborhood Council. We thank her for her continued service to the country.

Citizenship Workshop Tomorrow (Sat. Nov. 16)
Oxy Events
Community Workshop
Renters Relief Program
Census 2020
LA needs your help to ensure all of our communities are counted accurately in the 2020 Census so our city can receive the federal funding and the representation we deserve! We're asking all NCs to designate two liaisons to be trained as Census Ambassadors. Liaisons needn't be board members. Learn more.

Home Composting Workshops
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One Degree
One Degree, is a technology-driven nonprofit organization that helps low-income families access the resources they need to achieve social and economic mobility, and ultimately, improve their lives. Visit the website
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