Western Michigan's leadership have voted to accept our invitation.
April 13, 2019

Dear Friends,

Today, the Diocesan Council, Standing Committee, and Bishop of the Diocese of Western Michigan gathered in a joint meeting to consider our invitation issued at our last convention - to enter into a period of conversation around deepening our shared ministries and to share a bishop during that time

I have just heard from Bishop Hougland that they have voted unanimously to support their bishop in accepting our invitation.

Here is the text of their joint motion:

We, the Diocesan Council and Standing Committee, support our pastor and Bishop, the Right Reverend Whayne M. Hougland, Jr., as he lives more fully into his calling, particularly as concerns also serving as bishop provisional of the Episcopal DIOcese of Eastern Michigan and leading our two dioceses for up to five years, in the embrace of the expansive opportunity that this calling offers to the Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern Michigan and Western Michigan.

The group recorded a video greeting to our two dioceses from their meeting:

I offer my sincere gratitude for your prayer, your patience, and your contribution to this conversation and discernment over the past two years. I look forward to seeing how the Holy Spirit leads us as we walk alongside our siblings on the sunset side.

Yours in Christ,
The Rev. Dan Scheid
Standing Committee
This email has been sent to the following contact lists: general interest, senior wardens and junior wardens, treasurers, clergy, transition interest, and all appointed or elected diocesan leadership roles. We do not have contact emails for every member of our diocese, so we invite you to share this information with all who may be interested.