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Thank You For 12 Amazing

Years of Leadership!

We are at once happy and sad to announce the retirement of our CEO, Chandra Engelbert. She has been an outstanding leader for more that 12 years of dedicated service at Pemi-Baker Community Health and a true inspiration for all of more

  • The American Heart Association is celebrating the 56th American Heart Month this February, a time when we turn our attention to cardiovascular health and Heart Disease.
  • Heart disease kills more people than all forms of cancer combined.
  • The Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention is shining a light on hypertension (high blood pressure), a leading risk factor for heart disease and stroke.
  • Nearly half of U.S. adults have hypertension, or high blood pressure, and only about 1 in 4 of those individuals has their hypertension under control.

American Heart Month


High blood pressure usually has no symptoms. Get your blood pressure checked by your Nurse Practitioner or PCP


  1. Eat a healthy diet
  2. Keep yourself at a healthy weight
  3. Be physically active
  4. Do not smoke
  5. Limit how much alcohol you drink
  6. Get enough sleep
  7. Manage and cope with stress

click on links above or below

Managing Stress to Control High Blood Pressure

Hints from AHA!
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apps for adults & kids

Exercise for Controlling Your Blood Pressure

Hints from the CDC
How to help kids get active indoors!

How to help kids get active indoors!

Following the DASH Eating Plan

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Hints from the National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute

Sign Up For Your Vaccine!

The number of lives that can be saved by the end of 2021 if 50% or more of the U.S. population initiated Covid-19 vaccinations by March 1, 2021.

Click Here for Direct Link to NH.Gov

Building Renovations...

Locker Rooms Are Coming Along!

The women's and men's locker room renovations are nearing completion with new shower fixtures and the rubberized flooring resurfacing hopefully starting this month!

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"Make Every Bite Count"

Coming next month in our March Newsletter, an article by our Registered Dietitian, Denise Pourdrier Normandin, about the new federal guidelines for making your dishes healthier.

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