August 6, 2020
A twice monthly summary of news, events, and information for the people of the Episcopal Churches of West Missouri.
For the latest news and information visit the New Spirit Front Page
Beirut Devastation
One-minute read.
Like many of you, I am aghast at the news coming out of Beirut, Lebanon. The huge explosion in the city's port area claimed many lives and injured many, many more. Authorities are still investigating, but what concerns me most is the city's hospitals. Already overwhelmed by COVID-19 (like so many places), this mass casualty scenario is stretching medical facilities and supplies to the breaking point. We can pray, and I encourage us all to do so. I also encourage you to donate to the city's recovery and to rebuilding the hospitals' capacities. +Bishop Marty

Two Diocesan Conventions to be held in 2020
One-minute read.
On Wednesday, July 29, the Executive Committee of the Diocesan Council met to discuss this year’s 131st Annual Convention of The Diocese of West Missouri. At the meeting, it was agreed to call a short Special Convention of the Diocese on Saturday, October 3, at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kansas City. The Special Convention will pave the way for an online Annual Convention on Saturday, November 7.

MissionPalooza @Home - Five Days of Virtual Ministry
Six-minute read.
Read all about this year's online MissionPalooza event. It's not too late to try out some of the ideas shared.

Episcopal Church House of Bishops July 2020: A Word on Protest and Federal Policing
Four-minute read.
The House of Bishops met virtually July 28-29, 2020. The following statement was adopted on July 29. While the situation on the ground in Portland has changed, the bishops believe it is important to share their statement about protest and policing.

Aviso: La siguiente información se presenta en inglés y en español

Witnessing to the God of Life
Five-minute read.
Bishops United Against Gun Violence has composed a letter to the Church and our society regarding the alarming spike in gun purchasing and gun-involved violence during the time of the current pandemic.

Aviso: la siguiente carta se presenta en inglés y español

Christian Formation
Check out our Christian formation resources
One-minute read.
Need help with Christian Formation? There are lots of published formation related articles to help you. Take a moment to check them out.

Going beyond coping, parenting with mindfulness
Two-minute read.
Parents, grandparents, caregivers – grab a donut, coffee, and slippers and join us in an online Parenting With Mindfulness Workshop on Saturday, September 12. This workshop, the first of a new series of Wellness Gatherings, will provide practical information to take parenting beyond coping and lead to understanding.

Your Daily Life Is Your Temple: Following the Temple Path
Two-minute read.
Spirituality thrives at the convergence of cultures and traditions. Katie continues with more from Your Daily Life Is Your Temple.

How to view Sunday School (formation) through a new lens
One-minute read.
As we each settle into our ‘new normal’ let’s embrace this opportunity and see formation through a new lens.

You Are In Good Company
Two-minute read.
If you find being a follower of Christ in today’s world hard – you are in good company. This is not new, people have been facing challenges like those we face today since the beginning of Christianity.

Book of Common Prayer Treasure Hunt – Fun & Formation In One
One-minute read.
Go on a Book of Common Prayer Treasure Hunt to rediscover how it unites us all. If you find yourself surprised to discover something you never knew existed, you won’t be alone.

Race and Diversity Resources for Adult Christian Formation
One-minute read.
As Christians affirm the dignity of every human being; that all are created in the image of God and all are beloved. Here are some resources that can be used to spark conversation and understanding on this complex subject.

Diocesan office staff return to working from home
One-minute read.
Due to the resurgence of COVID-19 numbers in the Kansas City Metro area, members of the Diocesan Staff once again have the choice of working from their homes or from the Diocesan Center.

Timing for the 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church uncertain. Decision due in the Fall.
One-minute read.
A letter to Episcopalians from Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry and President of the House of Deputies the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings. “In the event that we cannot convene safely in person from June 30 to July 9, 2021, we will postpone the 80th General Convention to 2022…”

Aviso: La siguiente información se presenta en inglés y en español

Your Stories Needed – Bishop John Buchanan

Do you have an interesting story or anecdote about Bishop Buchanan? Please send them to us.

Sign Up For Education for Ministry

Participating in Education for Ministry is an investment in your spiritual life.

Diocesan COVID-19 Webpage

The COVID-19 webpage to provides links to all the key resources you need.

What's Happening
Many churches in the diocese are offering daily prayers, reflections, and Sunday worship online. We've compiled a list of all we know about. If you know of others, please let us know.
Wellness Gathering: Parenting With Mindfulness Workshop

When: September 12, 2020. 9 a.m. to Noon.
Where: Online – Facebook and YouTube. There will be a limited ‘by invitation only’ audience present in person at the event.
For: Parents, Grandparents, Caregivers and extended families raising children (and young adults).

Youth Events
August 3-7
Camp WEMO @Home. Online.
Church Events
None at this time
External Events
None at this time.
Education and Training
None at this time.
August 5 - September 9
Small Group Facilitator Development. 6-week training course (90 minutes per session), for anyone looking to hone their small group leadership skills. Limited places. Grants available.
September 12
September 12
BKSM - New Testament Greek Class. Have you ever wanted to read the New Testament in its original Greek language? Online. Noon - TBA.
August 8
Diocesan Council. Online. 10 a.m.
August 12
Diversity and Reconciliation Commission. St. Augustine's, Kansas City. 4 p.m.
August 14
Commission On Ministry. Online. 10:30 a.m.
August 18
Standing Committee. Online. 9 a.m.
September 1
Episcopal Ministry Support Team. Online. 10 a.m.
September 5
Southern Deanery Council. Online. 10 a.m.
September 8
Finance Committee. Online. 3 p.m.
September 9
Diversity and Reconciliation Commission. St. Augustine's, Kansas City. 4 p.m.
September 11
Commission On Ministry. Online. 10:30 a.m.
September 15
Standing Committee. St Peter and All Saints Episcopal Church, Kansas City. 9 a.m.
September 19
Central Deanery Council. St. Mary Magdalene Church, Belton. 10 a.m.
September 26
Northwest Metro Deanery Council. Online. 10 a.m
September 30
Diocesan Council Executive Committee. Online. 3 p.m.
August 14
United Thank Offering 2021 Annual Grants
For all the latest information about events around the diocese visit the Events Home Page.

Spot an error or omission? Let us know: [email protected]
Keep in touch - Tell us what you are doing
The next News Update will be published on Thursday, August 20, 2020
Clergy, Administrators, and Church Leaders
Diakoneo Magazine August, 2020
Eight-minute read.
The latest issue of Diakoneo, the magazine for deacons is available to read online. In this issue: Deacons respond to COVID-19, a brave space for racial healing, who were the deaconesses?

Changing the times of your online services?

Don't forget to let us know so we can keep the list of online services up to date.

Email any changes to [email protected]
Bulletin Inserts
Bulletin & church newsletter inserts for you to consider and include.
Inserts from The Episcopal Church

These weekly bulletin inserts provide information about the history, music, liturgy, mission and ministry of The Episcopal Church, and may be of help to churches with limited time and resources to prepare weekly bulletins.

In Case You Missed It
Anti-racism covenant launched
Three-minute read.
Over the past month, 14 bishops of The Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, including our bishop, the Rt. Rev. Martin S. Field, have worked together to produce an anti-racism covenant.

Diocesan Council special meeting paves way for online Annual Convention
One-minute read.
With the increasing likelihood of an online diocesan Annual Convention this year, thought has turned to the legal preparations required to enable online voting.

Diocesan Website Updates
One-minute read.
The diocesan websites are continually updated. This short post provides details of some recent updates that have taken place.

Spread The Word