Statement on New North American Trade Deal Taking Effect

June 30, 2020

Borderplex Alliance CEO Jon Barela issued the following statement on the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) taking effect tomorrow: 

"Since 1817, when David Ricardo first described the law of comparative advantage, international trade has proven a powerful tool for economic growth, lifting people out of poverty, and building alliances. As North America's fifth-largest manufacturing hub and with over $108 billion in trade flowing through our area's ports of entry in the past year, the Borderplex region is the gateway of trade for the Americas. After years of advocating and promoting the USMCA in both Washington and Mexico City, today, we celebrate a new chapter in our trilateral relationship with Mexico and Canada. In our region, where one in four jobs is connected to cross-border trade, this accord will improve our region's competitiveness, build on our strengths, and move us forward into a new era of economic development and prosperity."

—Jon Barela 

CEO, The Borderplex Alliance


About The Borderplex Alliance

The Borderplex Alliance is an economic development and policy advocacy organization. The Alliance is independent, non-partisan, and private sector led. Our mission to bring jobs, hope, and opportunity to the Borderplex region. 
Media Contact
John A. Meza
The Borderplex Alliance