

December 15, 2023

Congregational Church of Laconia, UCC

Church Office Hours

Monday & Wednesday 9 AM – 3 PM/Friday 9am –1 PM

Office Closed on Tuesdays & Thursdays

The front door is unlocked during office hours. 

This Sunday we turn the corner from Advent toward Christmas! A special Pageant Prequel and wonderful music will highlight the morning service of worship. Advent candle lighting, familiar hymns, and surprising prayers will also be included. Sundays were made for Congregational Church of Laconia. 


Sundays were meant for the Congregational Church of Laconia!

Love God, Love Neighbor. Include Everyone.


December 17th

Third Sunday of Advent – “Hope for Those Who Are Watching”

A “Pageant Prequel” Service of Worship at 9:30 a.m.

Based on Gospel of Luke, Chapter 1

December 24th

Fourth Sunday of Advent – “Hope for Those Who are Wounded”

A Festive Christmas Eve Day Service of Worship

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 4:00 p.m.

Special Music, Familiar Carols, Warm Candlelight

December 31st

New Year’s Eve Morning Service of Worship at 9:30 a.m.

A Service of Resolve and Resolutions


Poinsettias for Christmas!

There's still time to order poinsettias to place on our Advent/Christmas altar. You may give a poinsettia in memory of a loved one or simply wish the congregation a Merry Christmas. Forms are available in church and in the church office. A donation of $20 is suggested, but give as you can. If you are writing a check, please note Christmas Poinsettia in the memo line. You may also email Louise Bastille at or call her at 603.630.8804 with what you would like to say no later than Sunday, December 17.


Christmas Caroling

Cocoa & Cookies

Sunday, Dec. 17th, 4-6 p.m.

You're invited to join in Christmas Caroling. Meet in the Church Hall to divide into groups to sing for some church members who can't get to church. Bring jingle bells if you have them. After caroling, Hollis will be at the church to welcome us back with Christmas cookies and hot chocolate.



The Educational Ministries Committee invites you and your family to sign the Church Christmas Card. By signing the card, you will be reaching hundreds of church members without the fuss of buying, signing, and posting lots of Christmas cards. There’s no specific dollar limit – just what you would spend on mailing Christmas cards to church friends. 

All donations will go directly to the church’s Campership Fund. The Fund helps send Faith Formation kids to places like Horton Center on Pine Mountain where they experience God’s love in a caring community.  It also covers registration for youth to attend the Confirmation Retreat as well as the Regional Youth Event coming up in 2024.  

Sign your name, make a donation to the Campership Fund, and we take care of the rest!  See us after any worship service in the Pleasant Street foyer November 26-December 17. Or send your donation to the Church Office indicating in the memo line “Campership Fund” and email: so we can add your name to the Christmas Card. The list of names will appear in the December Tower Tidings with Christmas Greetings. Thank you!


Women's Breakfast

Wednesday, Dec. 20, 8:30 a.m.

Water Street Cafe. Please RSVP to Betty Bergstrom

Men's Breakfast - Friday, Dec. 22, 8 a.m.

Come and Worship

We welcome and invite you to worship with us in any of these ways. 

!!! In Person !!! at 9:30 AM, or via Livestream

●      Via livestream through YouTube Sundays starting at 9:20 AM:

Go to YouTube and search for Congregational Church of Laconia

●      On our website any day and any time.

●      On Public Access TV Channel 25 Sundays at 4pm and 9:30pm or Mondays at 5am.

If you are new to the church, please introduce yourself! Let the Church Office know if we can help you in any way! 603-524-0668. Seeking to be the church God desires for us to be.

Visit our website

Congregational Church of Laconia, UCC | 18 Veterans Square, Laconia, NH | 603.524.0668