

August 30, 2024

Congregational Church of Laconia, UCC


Pictured here are the dolls our church sent to Ukraine via Alex Ray's Common Man for Ukraine program last December.

Another convoy leaves in early December including peace dolls to distribute to the children's shelters.

Stitches of Love is busy making these dolls and we invite anyone in the church/community to help us knit or sew the dolls together. Contact Sandy Brallier at salobr44@gmail for the simple pattern or yarn. We meet every Tuesday evening @ 6:30 in the Beane Parlor, all are WELCOME!  

“What do our church kids do over the summer besides go to camp? They volunteer for Got Lunch! Odin and Logan are clearly enjoying volunteering, as do Haily and Caleb who volunteer every week with their Mom, Angel!”


Sunday, October 6th, 3pm

Installation of the Rev. Eliza Tweedy

as Pastor of the Congregational Church of Laconia

Reception to follow

Book Club

September 25th 10:00a.m. in the Library

Dutch House

by Ann Pratchett

In Loving Memory of their mothers, Marie Salvage Duff & Quida McCoy Intorcio

given by Shawn & John Intorcio

Altar Guild is responsible for the lovely flowers on the altar every Sunday. The following is a list of members to contact if you would like to donate:

Sept: Catherine Tokarz, (603) 998-3811

Oct: Diane Lockwood, (616) 826-7311

Nov: John Gill, (603) 520-4248

Dec: Claudia Wright, (603) 387-5275

Women's Breakfast September 18th, 8:30am at the Water Street Cafe

please RSVP to

Men's Breakfast September 6th & 20th at the Water Street Cafe

Come and Worship

We welcome and invite you to worship with us in any of these ways. 

!!! In Person !!! at 9:00 AM, or via Live-stream

●      Via live-stream through YouTube Sundays starting at 8:50 AM:

Go to YouTube and search for Congregational Church of Laconia

●      On our website any day and any time.

●      On Public Access TV Channel 25 Sundays at 4pm and 9:30pm

or Mondays at 5am.

If you are new to the church, please introduce yourself! Let the Church Office know if we can help you in any way! 603-524-0668. 

Seeking to be the church God desires for us to be.


 Worship Changes

to 9:30am on

Sundays starting September 8, 2024

Visit our website

Congregational Church of Laconia, UCC | 18 Veterans Square, Laconia, NH | 603.524.0668