Poinsettias for Christmas!
It’s time to order Poinsettias to place on Advent/Christmas altar. You may give a poinsettia in memory of a loved one or simply wish the congregation a Merry Christmas. Fill out the form below and place it in the church offering. A donation of $20 is suggested, but give as you can. If you are writing check, please note Christmas Poinsettia in the memo line. You may also email Louise Bastille, elrevs@earthlink.net or call her at (603) 630-8804 with what you would like to say, no later than Sunday, December 15. Christmas blessings, The Altar Guild
Poinsettias for Christmas
Given by: ______________________________________________________________________________
Message (In loving memory of ….In honor of….or another message….
I will take the flower home after the Christmas Eve Service ____________
Please give my poinsettia to a shut-in __________