New Brunswick will host one of the state's first Ciclovias (literally "bike ways") through the city on this Sunday, October 6, 2013 from 10 am to 3pm. This "Open Streets" event will be closed to cars with more than three miles of streets open so residents can walk, push baby strollers, skate, run, bike, use wheelchairs and walkers, rollerblade, dance and utilize the roadways in countless creative and active ways. You can learn more about the Ciclovia here.
Friday Conference at Rutgers on Cycling and Walking
To kick off the Ciclovia weekend, Gil Penalosa and John Pucher will be giving talks on this Friday afternoon,October 4, from 3 pm to 5:30 pm at Rutgers University's Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy on the topic of "Cycling and Walking for Sustainable, Healthy, and Socially Just Cities." Admission is free, and there will also be a free reception after the event sponsored by the NJBWC. The first 100 registrants for the conference will receive a free, autographed copy of City Cycling, published by MIT Press. Register for the talks here.
The NJBWC is proud to be a leader of this event, along with the City of New Brunswick, New Brunswick Tomorrow, and Johnson & Johnson!