I Care International

-Fall Fundraiser Highlights-

9/30/23 - 10/18/2023

-Fundraiser Kickoff-

The I Care fundraiser kickoff was held at the Grundy County Fairgrounds in Morris, Illinois on 9/30. Our volunteer students helped with the early 6:00 a.m. setup. The event started at 8:00 and ended at 4:00. It was a great opportunity to see old friends, meet new people, and spread the word about what we do. We had many pleasant conversations throughout the day and recruited a nurse to join us on future clinics. We had a successful day of ticket sales. The Booze Wagon definitely helped to get people's attention.

If you didn't get a chance to stop in, you did miss out on a little fun. I’m pretty sure our neighboring booths knew who we were way before 10 a.m.! Our sales techniques were very amusing to watch, I am sure! The I Care booth contained pictures of past clinics and beautiful colorful linens from clinic locations. We had a poster of maps that Kelly Davis put together with the help of our volunteer students, which really told our story. All past clinic locations were marked which is very impressive to see from such a small organization.

Thank you to Bill and Sue Aplington, Tim McNulty, Dave and Colleen McClure, Steve Storey, Kelly Davis and our students, Haven Perdomo, Maggie Stuebinger, and Angela Georgaklis, for doing such a great job working the I Care booth!

Kelly with volunteer students at setup: Haven Perdomo, Maggie Stuebinger, and Angela Georgaklis. Not pictured: Gracie Nelson and Miranda Muffler

Booth at Fairgrounds

Madeline Luke and Ally Fisher

Tim McNulty, Bill Aplington, Dave McClure, and Steve Storey

Barb Ragan - Our First Customer!

Poster of Past Clinic Locations

-Fundraiser Raffle Drawing-

Congratulations to the 2023 Fundraiser Winners!

Lucy Gibbs and Mike Roche!!

Please click on the video below to view the raffle drawing:

The prize of the night, the 50/50 raffle, went to Lucy Gibbs from Morris! Lucy received half of the 50/50 pot totaling $2,139.50! She was beyond excited to get the call from I Care!

Mike Roche won the Booze Wagon raffle! Mike purchased the $20 winning ticket at the fairgrounds. The Booze Wagon value was $567. He is so excited to share the contents with his friends and family!

Jennifer Jacobs, Vice President of I Care International, did a great job hosting the raffle drawing with help from Mindy Waite and Mindy's daughter Ava, who drew the winning tickets. Local board members were there to support the exciting end to our fundraising campaign. The final 50/50 pot was $4,279.00 with a payout of $2,139.50, and the Booze Wagon earned $2,776.00, amounting to a fundraiser grand total of $4,915.50!

We would like to thank everyone who supported our fundraiser whether it was by selling tickets, making a donation, or participating in our 50/50 raffle and/or Booze Wagon raffle. Your support has ensured that I Care is prepared for emergent costs at future clinics.

Now it's time to switch gears and start preparing for our 2024 clinic. We will keep you posted.  That's a wrap!

I Care International, 880 Bedford Road, Morris, IL 60450

