APRIL  2017                                    top facebook                          Volume 65,   Issue 4
In This Issue
Kowalski-Diffusion Pottery
ACGA Online Sale
New Exhibiting Member
Member News.
ACGA Networking
April 12: Next Board Meeting: Wed, 7:00-8:45 PM at the SF Presidio Public Library, 3150 Sacramento St., San Francisco.
April 9: deadli ne - Brea entries
June 13 - August 19: Glass Currents: Richmond Art Center,
July 8 - 9, 2017: Palo Alto Clay Glass
July 8 - Anniversary Party - PACG - 5:30
2017 Board of Directors
Gerry Arrington, Bonita Cohn,  
Julia Feld, Bill Geisinger,  Lee Middleman,  Forrest Lesch-Middelton,  Kathy Pallie, Jan Schachter,  Whitney Smith,  Fred Yokel,  Jo Killen, Kala Stein, Siobhan Reilly Hughes,
Miki Rutter,
Wesley Wright, Vivien Hart,
and April Zilber 

2017 ACGA Officers

President: Bill Geisinger and
                   Lee Middleman
Vice Pres: Siobhan Reilly Hughes
Treasurer : April Zilber
Secretary:  Jo Killen    

Membership Changes

Please send all changes to:

Vivien Hart
New Associate Members

Sally Fairfax
59 Inverness Way,
Inverness, CA 94937

Lucie Dupuis
326 Holly Dr.
San Rafael,CA 94903

Diane Wood
14155 Carriage Oaks Ln.
Auburn, CA 95602

Sylvia Chesson
917 Versailles Ave.
Alameda,CA 94501

New Exhibiting members:

Flora Cruells Benzal, clay
1695 15th St. #8
Oakland, CA 94607
(510) 599-6386                                                                 
Mira Woodworth, glass
12900 Ivie Rd.
Herald,  CA 95638
(209) 748-2486
Ashwini Bhat, clay
135 Belle View Ave.
Petaluma, CA 94952
(415) 465-3683
Clayton Thiel, clay
159 Bowling Green
San Leandro, CA 94577            
(510) 332-6808
Mary Anderson, clay
2950 Lakemont Drive
P.O. BOX 3341, Arnold, CA
(209) 795-1620    

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With the Palo Alto Clay and Glass Festival preparations underway, we all need to be thinking about our customer mailing lists and encouraging people to attend the show. 

Would you like to save yourself a little time and money ?  Did you know that you can submit your customer mailing lists (both snail mail addresses and email addresses) to ACGA ?  We send out the Palo Alto Clay and Glass postcards for you.  We have a very large database so we pay much less postage per postcard than you do.  In addition, having as many names as possible in one database reduces duplicate mailings to the same customer. 

Your list is used to promote (1) the Clay and Glass Festival through the postcard mailing and email flyers.  2) An email flyer sent out in the Fall to alert our customers about member holiday open studios.  If you have questions or need clarification, just email me.  You can submit your lists by email to me at  We can also accept paper copies if that is easier for you.  
Thanks!      ~ Cheryl Wolff

This year the Palo Alto Clay & Glass Festival is celebrating its 25th year. Part of the celebration that's being considered is a special exhibition of members' work who no longer exhibit. If you have a special piece of work by you or in your collection of an ACGA member who is no longer with us and would like to exhibit it at the festival please email or call me. We will help with its transportation if necessary.
President's Message     -   Bill Geisenger
Help make ACGA's 25th Clay & Glass Festival the best ever!

We dipped into our savings during the budget discussion in March and saved our Clay and Glass Festival. We need people this year to help our customers enjoy their experience plus we need help with our exhibitions, demonstrations and information.
Last month I wrote:

1.     OPT OUT!  Stop getting the printed newsletter ...

The online version of the newsletter looks better in color and has lots of links to information and opportunities. Save ACGA money and enjoy a better experience.  Go here to subscribe acga news sign up page.  Follow instructions.
One person opted out last month.  If more members Opt Out, we would not have had to use our savings.

2.     OPT IN! Go to our ACGA website and update your profile...
One member responded.  Should we remove incomplete profiles from our website? If you have no images come to Sebastopol and I'll help you with photos, I'm set up and ready to go.

3.     Hey Emeritus members (you know who you are...
Please contribute as much as you can. Mail your checks to Vivian Hart, 78 Coral Drive, Orinda, CA 94563
We had some response; we need more.

Thank you!
ACGA EXHIBITIONS ::  Call for Entries: Brea : Entry Deadline April 9

4th Clay & Glass Biennial: Juried and Invitational Exhibition
ACGA is proud to co-sponsor with the Brea Art Gallery the 4th Clay & Glass Biennial: Juried and Invitational Exhibition, a national competition for ceramics and glass artists, July 22 - September, 2017, in Orange County, CA.

At the request of the gallery, the exhibition will be composed of artwork selected through a national juried call, as well as hand delivered works by invited artists.  The juror for the 2017 competition is Suzanne Isken, the Executive Director of the Folk and Craft Art Museum, Los Angeles,  As Isken states, "In a world that continually clashes over ethnicity and difference, the museum's mission of cultural understanding through art becomes all the more relevant and inspiring".
We hope that you will apply to this national opportunity for ceramics and glass artists which ACGA cosponsors with the City of Brea, CA. All types of work are welcome, from functional to sculptural, as long as they are at least 75% clay, glass or a combination of the two. A link to the application may be found on the  homepage. Up to three pieces can be entered for $25 by ACGA members, $30 for non-members. Share the link and help spread the word about ACGA, thanks!

ACGA Corporate Sponsors  - Please support our Sponsors   
AFTOSA - 510/233-0334
1776 Wright Ave.
Richmond, CA 94804  

Black Bean Ceramic Art Center
Will Johnson & Ruben Reyes
561 Emory St.  
San Jose CA 95110    
(408) 642-6757

Chinese Clay Art Corp.
1518 S. De Anza Blvd. 
San Jose, CA 95129 

623 South 32nd Street
Richmond CA 94804
(800) 236-1492 (toll free)
(510) 236-1492

(408) 295-3352
1775 Russell Ave. 
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Creative Ceramics & Glass
5240 Aero Dr.,
Santa Rosa 95403

East Bay Clay - 510/233-1800  
200 S.First St. 
Richmond, CA 94804  

Higher Fire, Inc. 
499 S. Market St.  
San Jose CA 95113       

Leslie's Ceramics and Crafts 
1776 Wright Ave. 
Richmond, CA 94804 

Ruby's Clay Studio & Gallery  
552A Noe St. 
San Francisco 94114

Sonoma Community Center 
Sonoma Ceramics 
276 E. Napa Street 
Sonoma, CA 95476 
(707) 938-4626

 Kevin Kowalski  ::  Mocha Diffusion Pottery  ::  Workshop in Palo Alto   ::  April 8 & 9
Mastering Mocha Diffusion Pottery with Kevin Kowalski
SAT & SUN, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. April 8 & 9, 2017
Palo Alto Art Center, 1313 Newell Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303
In this two-day, hands-on workshop, Kevin Kowalski shares his knowledge of the 18th century decorating technique known as mocha diffusion.
Participants will learn how to use the mocha diffusion decorating process on their own handmade pottery. We will go over the history of the mocha diffusion process, new experimentations in dendritic slip recipes, effective mixing and application, and intermediate and advanced pottery techniques.
Participants must be able to make a vessel without instruction to enroll. Kowalski will primarily demonstrate a wheel thrown project, but slab construction is also an option for participants in this workshop. Please bring your own clay tools and lunch for each day.
Registration: $199     Register TODAY!

Meet the Artist: Kevin Kowalski
FRIDAY, 6:30 P.M. - 9:00 P.M., April 7TH, 2017
1313 Newell Rd., Palo Alto, CA
Free reception and presentation -  Please help us welcome Kevin Kowalski to the Art Center!
He will make a short presentation followed by Q&A.
Light refreshments will be served.
Questions: 650-329-2366      

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Silver Anniversary Party for the Palo Alto Festival   
Saturday, July 8, 5:30pm

We have started to plan the Silver Anniversary party at this year's Palo Alto Clay & Glass Festival.

Yes, it is our Twenty Fifth year at PA!  For those of you participating in the festival, we want you to know that this will be a special festival and a great Saturday night party.  For members who are not selling at the festival, we want you to know about the party and come join in.  All members are welcome.  It will start about 5:30 pm, Saturday, July 8, shortly after the Festival closes to the public.
We will have updates & more details in future newsletters.
Put the party on your calendar and plan to come.
~  The PAC&G festival team  

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Attendees: Board members:  Bill Geisinger, Vivien Hart, Siobhan Hughes, April Zilber, Gerald Arrington, Julia Feld, Fred Yokel, Scott Jennings, Jo Killen, Jan Schachter. Guests: Lyn Swan, Lynn Wood, Susan Troy, David Johanson.
Motion: The board unanimously approved the Feb 9, 2017 minutes.

25th Festival - April Zilber and Jan Schachter. The board has extended the application deadline for the festival to assure that all exhibiting members (including emeritus) have received the application. (Vivien H. and Julia F. are working on the member lists.)
The festival committee has selected the festival logo designed by Gerry Arrington, who has also volunteered to design the postcard for the festival.
Detailed planning for the festival includes a resource center with booths/tables for clay and glass studios, seating areas for food, community tables for Gunn and Paly High schools. CGAF has offered to purchase new pedestals for the emeritus exhibition in the member's gallery. Discussions are ongoing with the Art Center to keep the doors between the auditorium (ACGA member's exhibition) and the main PAAC gallery open during the festival. Clay Planet has offered to buy the clay for all clay demos including our activity called Clay for All, and Kids'N'Clay. Other demonstrations will include Ikebana, raku, and glass.
The ACGA information table will be located in the resource area to provide maps and information. A staff person will accept ACGA membership and sell our existing stock of water bottles, books, and T-shirts.
ACGA's board confirmed that CGAF will accept donations for ACGA in kind and monetary for this years Clay and Glass Festival and that CGAF will support a grant of approximately $500 for ACGA's 25th year festival exhibition.
Donors can give to ACGA through CGAF, with specific instructions that funds are for ACGA festival activities, food, or drinks. Giant Creative has also made a generous donation for food. Whole Foods and Bulleye Glass are a few of the potential donors.
Lynn Wood is filling out a grant application for ACGA to assure that exhibition materials are purchased and available in advance for the festival.
ACGA thanks the CGAF board for their support and assistance with this exhibition and festival.

The festival committee will meet on March 14th to resolve sponsorship issues related to the festival.

ACGA Budget - April Zilber.
The board approved the 2017 budget with approval to withdraw monies, if needed, from savings but not to exceed $3177. We are considering the need and costs for an ATM machine and a WIFI booster. The board allocated $500 for banners, located at map or path locations, to help orient customers.
Jury - Julia Feld. 19 artists, including 6 glass artists, have applied for the March digital jury. The jury will report results by Mar 20th.

Website Issue - Bill Geisinger. Artists are not populating the member website. Several board members expressed frustration with entering data on the website pages, and the basic design of the member directory. There is an immediate need to populate the member areas and a longer-term issue to improve the member directory. Encourage all artists to add their data to the member pages and contact board members for assistance.
Exhibitions - Jan Schachter. Nathan Lynch, CA College of Art's ceramics professor, has chosen 5 artists for the Davis Arts Center exhibition opening in April. The show ends at the close of CCACA.  
ACGA and Glass Alliance of Northern CA (GLANC) are sponsoring the Richmond Art Center show, Glass Currents. The call for entries has been extended to March 20th.
The call for artists is open for the national 4th Clay & Glass Biennial invitation exhibition at the Brea Art Gallery in Brea CA. The entry deadline is April 9th. Julia F. has volunteered to deliver and return any accepted ACGA work from the Bay Area.
Ceramics Monthly - Jan Schachter. Jan is on the advisory board for Ceramics Monthly that will meet at NCECA. She is soliciting ideas to share with the magazine.
Brochure - Fred Yokel. The board approved printing 1,000 brochures that have been updated by Fred Y. and Gerry A.
Adjourn 8:45 PM.
Minutes by Jo Killen
Next Meeting

2nd Wednesday, April 12, 2017, 7-8:45 PM
 SF Presidio Public Library
3150 Sacramento St., San Francisco


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ACGA Online Sale ::  Spring Blooms

For the month of May the ACGA website will be hosting an online sale called "Spring Blooms". We will be featuring clay and glass work with a theme of flowers celebrating this beautiful time of year.

May coincides with Mother's Day and is the beginning of wedding and graduation season, so think about gifts appropriate to these occasions.

We are open to a variety of interpretations of the "bloom" theme, so use your imagination and have fun!

This will be our second online sale on the website, and we are still learning and figuring out what kinds of things our customers are looking for. We suggest that your items be in the $75 to $250 range.

We will be promoting the sale on our social media channels and will send an email blast to our customers. Participants will be asked to share the sale through their own social media and mailing list  to help get the word out.

The sale is open to all ACGA members. To participate, please turn in an application by April 10, 2017. Go to the application by clicking here.

-Whitney Smith and Josie Jurczenia

New Exhibiting Member Profile :: Mary Anderson

New exhibiting member Mary Anderson lives and works in the rural Sierra Foothills of Calaveras County. 

Her ceramic vessels celebrate the natural world, with animal and plant forms integrated into the shape of the pot. 

Her most significant body of work was last year's show 'I Now Ring Hollow,' a memorial to the home and land she lost to the Butte Fire of September 2015.

 A series of Dotaku-style wood fired ceramic bells were inscribed with images from the environment destroyed in that fire, and glazed with the ash from her home.

Member News
Dean Bensen and Demetra Theofanous were awarded a 5 month residency at the Marin Museum of Contemporary Art, running Feb. 1 - June 30, 2017.   
Dean Bensen and Demetra Theofanous are also in a group exhibition at Kittrell Riffkind Art Glass, "All in the Family", running March 11 - April 2, 2017.

Mark Goudy and Liza Riddle'
duo show, "La Nouvelle Vague Californienne" opened on Sunday, March 26 at the Galerie du Don, in Le Fel, France, and is on view u ntil May 11. A visit to this stunning gallery, in the lovely Aveyron region, is well worth a visit at any time to see a fabulous collection of European ceramic artists.
"We are just coming down from a ceramics high, and will spend the next couple of weeks touring around before returning home." 

Lee MIddleman's newest textured work, "Winter Ridge," has been accepted by the jurors, Sandy Simon and Bob Brady of TRAX Gallery for the 1st Annual "Off Center: International Ceramic Art Competition Exhibition" in the Coker Family Gallery at Blue Line Arts in Roseville, CA from Fri, April 14 - Sat, May 27.

Check out ACGA board member Kathy Pallie in Ceramic Arts Daily!      "Kathy Pallie chose to emulate the natural beauty of Lake Tahoe in a commission for a resort hotel there. In today's post, an excerpt from Sculpture Techniques, Kathy shares how she created her wall installation that looks like a grove of aspen trees. -Jennifer Poellot Harnetty, editor"
'Shippouchi'  (Jeweled Pool).
Barbara Stevens Strauss is in the exhibit  'InFusion' @ Berkeley Art Center.  The Berkeley Sakai Association, a sister city program between Berkeley, CA and Sakai, Japan is celebrating its 50th anniversary.  "If you know me, you can imagine how excited I was when I was invited to curate and participate in their art show focusing on work inspired by Japan!"  'InFusion',  is an art show featuring eight Bay Area fine artists inspired by this shared aesthetic at the Berkeley Art Center. The exhibit will feature an array of multi-media work.  'Through study of traditional Japanese art forms, I developed a deep appreciation for the use of space ... the principles that govern the meditative spirit of ikebana and tea appear in my work: both disciplines depend as much on what is absent as what is present'. You're invited to attend the evening reception on Thursday April 20th, where live music will be provided by legendary jazz guitarist Hideo Date. The mayor of Sakai and  other representatives from Japan will attend. "Please come celebrate with us and enjoy a multi-media Japanese inspired feast for the eyes.   Hope to see you there!"

The NCECA conference for the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts was in Portland, Oregon, and the town was full of amazing ceramics. There were over 80 gallery shows. Many ACGA members were on view.  One of the venues, Cascade Paragon Gallery, was hosted by Marnia Johnston (left), Pushing Boundaries. The show features work completed at her Arts/Industry Residency at the Kohler factory, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. 

Jennifer Brazelton
curated an interactive group show called Interchange that was also at Cascade Paragon Gallery. Shown is Tiffany Schmeirer's interactive piece. (right) "The Lost Art of Conversation and Connection" for the interactive exhibition Interchange. The sculptural faces are pieced together by a quilt of patterns, symbolizing connections found in the natural landscape, our created environment, and within us as humans. Realizing and taking a moment to appreciate these connections, along with the connections between people, helps to promote much-needed empathy, love, understanding, care for the world around, and desire for meaningful dialog. Participants add yarn to the weaving throughout the exhibition. 

Jennifer Brazelton: Bumpy Terrain - Artist Jennifer Brazelton wants you to experience nationalism in new and unexpected ways. For the past three years she has been creating sculptures using maps of nations whose shapes are altered by human population data. These oddly distorted two-dimensional cartogram drawings were created by Benjamin D. Hennig's PhD research.  Jennifer transforms these maps through research and her creative process into three-dimensional sculptures. She layers organic and patterned surfaces over the "bumpy terrain" in an effort to make the sculptures pulse with life. The countries she sculpts are topical and in the media. Often, just the act of sculpting a particular country becomes a political act. These population-distorted maps are a Trojan Horse for a different view on a country or culture.

Neo Cali Clay show at Antler PDX Gallery in Portland featured ACGA Exhibiting members Crystal Morey (l.), Malia Landis, and Wesley Wright (r.).

This show at Lewis & Clark College's Hoffman Gallery included cutting-edge Bay Area artists like ACGA's
Arthur Gonzalez, Michelle Gregor, Marc Lancet, Richard Notkin, Mark Messenger, Lisa Reinertson, and more. This show made the list. "For three days Portland was invaded by more than 5,000 ceramicists. opb/org" "

Michelle Gregor
Here's a clip from the Omnus Terra exhibition that took place at Gallery 114 ( during this year's NCECA conference in Portland Oregon. The show is organized by ACGA member Linda Fahey  features ACGA members Michelle Gregor, Malia Landis, and Crystal Morey as well as a group of super talented artists from Australia.  "Linda Fahey from the U.S and Shannon Garson from Australia have invited seven Australian artists and seven American artists to produce new work for the exhibition 'All Land/Omnus Terra'.  "This isa first on many levels as Shannon and Linda bring a creative collaboration of Australian and American artists to NCECA introducing new work and new artists to the U.S. "Omnus Terra" meaning "All Land", creates a dialogue between two cultures of Australia and America connected through clay. Like the scientific expeditions of the great explorers "Omnus Terra" reaches out to far flung nations bringing a cargo of exotic, mysterious, mesmerizing objects to a foreign shore. This exhibition deliberately juxtaposes work using vessel forms against the experimental and figurative, creating a space where artists from different cultures can connect and communicate through their use of clay as the "Omnus Terra" - the earth that connects us all "Omnus Terra" follows this process in a visual metaphor.

Spotted at Oregon's Finest,
Mardi Wood 
was the work of Natasha Dikareva, in a two person show with an instructor Paige Wright from Oregon College of Arts and Crafts.

Michael Parsons Gallery, in Portland, 
chose to exhibit the works of two long time artists, Mardi Wood and Chasse Davidson.  Mardi Wood has been creating pottery for more than 50 years and is the great grand-daughter of historical Oregon painter C.E.S. Wood. In her own thoughtful words... "Classical form interest me. I like simple, elegant shapes. I love to see light passing through porcelain. I have always enjoyed throwing thin walls. Glaze and its application, creating layers, creating an atmosphere, often adding and subtracting through multiple firings, becomes 'painting' for me."

Eileen P Goldenberg has some venues coming up. West Portal Art Fair, is April 7, 8, 9 on West Portal Ave, in a great neighborhood!  Hour are Fri., Sat., and Sun 10-5.  Then she will be at the Menlo Park Art Fair  April 2.

"Artist Bowls! come with FREE brush!"

Nuala Creed's
piece titled 'Tweeting Twit' is included in the exhibit ''the NeuwPolitic'' at the Petaluma Art Center. Through May 20.

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           The Artery of Davis 2017 - CALIFORNIA CLAY COMPETITION EXHIBIT: Accepted Artists Announced
Sponsored by The Artery and held in conjunction with the California Conference for the Advancement of Ceramic Art (sponsored by the John Natsoulas Gallery in Davis), the exhibition will feature from 27 artists selected by jurors Pat Koszis and Kay Wooldridge.
Exhibition dates: April 28 to May 26, 2017
Location: The Artery, 207 G Street, Davis, CA 95616
Hours: Monday-Saturday 10-6, Fridays until 9 pm, Sunday 12-5
Opening Reception: Friday, April 28, 7-9 pm; awards announced at 8:00 pm
Monetary and gift awards will be announced at the opening reception April 28 at 8 p.m. Previous competition award donors include: The Artery, The Association of Clay and Glass Artists of California, The Artery Individual Donors: Pat and Gene Hill, Aftosa, Alpha Fired Arts, Clay Planet, Clay People , Creative Ceramics and Glass, East Bay Clay, Industrial Minerals Co., Laguna Clay, Leslie Ceramics, and Quyle Kilns Clay Company.
Jurors: Pat Koszis received her B.A. in Fine Art with an emphasis in ceramics from San Francisco State University. As a production potter, she sold her work at the ACC show in Baltimore for many years. Pat also taught ceramics at Butte Community College from 2006 through 2010. She currently teaches ceramics at her studio in Chico.
Kay Wooldridge is an exhibiting member of the American Craft Council with wholesale accounts throughout the US. Her work reflects her attraction to classic forms, intricate surface decoration and bold color.
Accepted Artists 2017
  • Jeffery Beckerleg of Georgetown             
  • Ashwini Bhat of Petaluma
  • Bruce Cadman of Stockton
  • Natasha Dikareva of San Francisco
  • Vanessa Ditullio of Concord
  • Jeannie Field Ichimura of San Francisco
  • Diana Greenleaf of Oakland
  • Crystal Kamoroff of San Francisco
  • Joanna Kidd of Davis
  • Francoise LeClerc of Petaluma
  • Lee Middleman of Portola Valley
  • Keith Mitchell of Daly City
  • Vince Montague of Cloverdale
  • Cornelia Nevitt of Woodacre
  • Ashley Pfister of South Lake Tahoe
  • Elaine Rasmussen of Castro Valley
  • Nicole Seisler of Los Angeles


The Potters Studio

Strictly Functional ~ Pottery for Everyday Use
through April 16 
Invited Artists: Scott Jennings, Robbie Lobell, Jan Schachter

1221 8th St.

SHIBUMI GALLERY through May 10, 2017

SHIBUMI GALLERY presents Fortitude, a show featuring avant-guard metal crocheted jewelry and wearables by Canadian artist Airelle de Pinto alongside paintings by local artists Christa Assad and Kevin Wickham.
CHRISTA ASSAD and KEVIN WICKHAM are the creative force behind ReUpped, a studio art and design business with a focus on sustainability and creating fine art and furniture from up-cycled materials. Assad's background in ceramics and Wickham's architectural design/build experience reveal a shared interest in clean lines and functionality. Their move toward collaborative works evolved organically along with their explorations with repurposing materials. The studio's works include original designs for sculptural furniture and vessels, large-scale public art, interior design and architecture.
HOURS: Thursday & Friday 11-5pm,   Saturday 12-6pm & Sunday 12-5pm,  + by appointment
1402 Fifth Street . Berkeley . CA . 94710        510.528.7736
TRAX gallery

Surface Stories

Justin Rothshank, Robert Brady, Ron Meyers, Jenny Mendes
through April 16.

Don't miss  Robert Brady at the Richmond Art Center's exhibition "Mapping the Uncharted"
* May 14,15, exhibiting in Minnesota,  Sandy & Bob at Connee Mayeron's The 25th annual St. Croix Pottery Tour!

Clockwise : Justin Rothshank, Robert Brady, Ron Meyers, Jenny Mendes

NEW 2017  Hours:  Thursday - Saturday    12 - 5:30pm  
 E-commerce website is open 24/7
1812 5th St.  -     510.540.8729 

Bullseye Bay Area Gallery   -  Surface and Atmosphere through April 29, 2017

Surface and Atmosphere is a group exhibition of kiln-glass paintings by artists Susan Harlan, Kari Minnick, and Catharine Newell.  Twenty years ago, while in residence at Bullseye Glass Company, renowned artist Narcissus Quagliata was essential in developing the techniques for kiln-glass as a medium for painting. Since then, kiln-glass "painting" has been adopted by many artists. The technique has matured into its own material language that uses meticulously layered and heated glass sheets, stringers, enamels, and powders - applied with sifters and brushes - that may be completely fused into seamless surfaces or only slightly joined, maintaining a textural, sculptural surface. It is this aspect of kiln-glass painting that allows for subtle transitions in color, intricate surfaces, and the creation of atmospheric spaces.
Image above: (left to right) Susan Harlan (Wave Architecture: Song of Achilles), Kari Minnick (Door), Catharine Newell (Oistres V).
4514 Hollis St.  Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10am-6pm, Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday Noon-5pm              


Premieres on PBS Friday, April 21, 2017, Earth Day Weekend 
Artists explore the beauty and wonder of the natural world. Featuring sculptor Patrick Dougherty, book artist Catherine Alice Michaelis, fiber artist Mary Merkel-Hess, glass artist Preston Singletary, and woodcarver Michelle Holzapfel
through May 13, 2017

Craft in America Center  8415 W. Third St. Los Angeles, CA 90048ter  8415 W. Third St. Los Angeles, CA 90048 


The Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts
Beatrice Wood, Marcel Duchamp, and ?? 
Dada: The Eternal Return

An Exhibition of Collaborative Works Celebrating Community - Inclusive of All Media: Paintings, Sculpture, Video, and Sound
through April 22, 2017 - Beato Gallery
Marcel Duchamp
  Fountain -1917
Dada: The Eternal Return is an exercise in collaboration, with individuals contributing their gifts, while relinquishing control of the results, in the interest of creating something that connects us all in the name of creation, invention, recreation and reinvention. - This is a Centennial Celebration,
as Beatrice Wood, Marcel Duchamp, and other artists in New York,
as well as Zurich, were creating important
  Raoul Hausmann - The Mechanical Head
works as part of the Dada Movement in 1917, ultimately having a major impact on art history. We are asking our friends - both artists and non-artists - to contribute to this exhibition.
BioDiversity: Celebrating the Natural World
Presented Online Only - April 15 - May 27.
The Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts is working with select galleries to present this online exhibition, featuring contemporary artists working in all media who celebrate the natural world in their work. As an activity of the Happy Valley Foundation, the Center is presenting this exhibition as a means of sharing the Foundation's guiding principles of protecting the environment, while celebrating the natural value of diversity in all spheres of life.  
8585 Ojai-Santa Paula Road, Ojai, CA 93023
Tel: (805) 646-3381 /   Email:  


Petaluma Art Center

2nd Annual Juried Regional Competition
Opening Reception:  April 1 , 5-7pm
Exhibition Dates:  April 4 - May 20, 2017

The exhibition will include works from 50 artists representing 12 counties in Northern and Central California and will explore the current political climate as each individual artist envisions it. Artworks include what the artists consider relevant to their interpretation of theNeuwPolitic, abstract or representational, functional or non-functional. Over 300 artists submitted work.
Artists were asked to consider this question: "Now is the time for a much-needed dialogue surrounding politics; can art help start these conversations and facilitate the connections that are so needed?"

Telephone: 707-762-5600
Address:  230 Lakeville Street
Petaluma, CA  94952

AMOCA - The American Museum of Ceramic Art      
Current Exhibitions : :  

Peter Olson: Photo Ceramica
through August 27, 2017
Olson's photographs are printed, repeated, and collaged to encase each ceramic piece. When fired, the prints burn away leaving permanent, rusty red colored images from the iron oxide in the ink. His delicately patterned pieces embody fluctuating visual narratives, as kaleidoscopes that span centuries and continents.  Opening Reception: Saturday, March 11, 6 - 9 PM with an artist presentation at 6:30pm. For more information: or call 909.865.3146.
 Lohengrin's Arrival, plaque, handpainted 
Mettlach: Folklore & Fairy Tales   Through July 31, 2018 
         Folktales have been found in cultures throughout the world. Many folktales emerged simultaneously and independently of one another, suggesting that cultures shared parallel narratives.
         Bob and his wife Colette Wilson amassed one of the most comprehensive collections of Mettlach ceramics in the world. They acquired over 3,200 objects ranging from steins, beakers (cups), dinnerware, tiles, plaques (plates), planters, and sculptures which they gifted to AMOCA in 2011. The vast majority of the work in their collection was produced by Villeroy & Boch prior to 1915. The Folklore and Fairy Tales exhibition includes 140 objects from this collection.

Ceramics A to Z: AMOCA's Permanent Collection
Keisuke Mizuno, Forbidden Fruit, 1998, Gift of Gail M. & Robert A. Brown.  
Through April 23, 2017 

Clay has been part of human culture for millennia, but it was not until the 8th century that the first alphabet was introduced. Just as the letters are the building blocks of the alphabet, letters also symbolize the foundation of AMOCA's collection. Each of the 26 letters of the alphabet will be used to highlight topics in AMOCA's permanent collection with a focus on geography, techniques, and artistic styles. While the vocabulary of ceramics cannot be limited to just 26 topics, this exhibition shares the rich and diverse range of ceramics works in AMOCA's collection.  

Free and open to the public. Gallery Hours:  Wednesday - Sunday, Noon - 5:00pm. Admission: General $7, Student/Senior $5, Members & under 12 Free -  
AMOCA - 399 North Garey Ave.  Pomona, CA  (909) 865-3146 -  

Crocker Art Museum

Forbidden Fruit       -         Chris Antemann at Meissen.  
through June 25, 2017

Described as lavish and provocative, this contemporary porcelain exhibition was sculpted and hand-painted by an Oregon artist who received a special invitation to collaborate with renowned master sculptors at the Meissen Porcelain Manufactory in Germany.
See the video on

Sacramento Into the Fold: Contemporary Japanese Ceramics from the Horvitz Collection
through May 7, 2017 
Exhibition to Feature Works by Female Artists Who Conquered Cultural Barrie
An exhibition highlighting the technical virtuosity of more than 40 artists, including many of Japan's greatest living ceramists. 

Katsumata Chieko_Akoda
      Japan has an exceptionally long and distinguished history of ceramic-making, dating back to the Neolithic period, around 10,000 BCE. Japan's ceramists have honed their craft while adher ing strictly to standards involving quality and creativity. Into the Fold features works produced in 20th- and 21st-century Japan, some of which are inspired by traditional themes and methods, while others break new ground as part of the avant-garde. Tensions between form and functionality, traditional and modern, national and international, are often evident across works in the exhibition and individual pieces. Groupings suggest particular elements associated with the medium's development, including tea vessels, geometric design, and sculptural forms.

Some of Japan's greatest ceramics artists, past and present, are represented, including pioneers Hamada Shoji (1894-1978), one of the founders of the Japanese Folk Art (Mingei) Movement, and Kitaoji Rosanjin (1883-1959), an enormously influential artist and restaurateur who created extraordinary tableware for use in his Tokyo restaurant. Other featured ceramists have been designated by the Japanese government as living national treasures for their contribution to reinventing and perpetuating Japanese ceramic traditions.

Of particular note in this exhibition are works by female ceramists, many of whom have achieved international acclaim. The traditional manner of becoming a ceramic artist in Japan involved apprenticing to a master - a process traditionally not open to women. After World War II, many women instead attended universities in Japan and abroad to learn ceramic arts, resulting in the opening of the field to diverse and important contributions by women. Ono Hakuko (1915-1996) is known for mastering yuri-kinsai, a difficult decorative technique involving gold foil underglaze. Katsumata Chieko (born 1950), an artist who pursued her ceramics career while studying in the West, covers her biomorphic vessels in cloth, through which she applies layers of vivid color between repeated firings. Tokuda Yasokichi IV (born 1961) is a fourth-generation head of a traditional potter's family. Tokuda produces richly decorated vessels of Kutani porcelain, an historic art form that has flourished in her hands. Tokuda's works are richly decorated with arrangements and gradations of glaze colors, using a technique unique to her family and passed down by her father, its inventor.

Says Kit-Yiu Chau, "This exhibition gives us a rare opportunity to appreciate the extraordinary work of many female ceramicists who have, in turn, mentored and inspired a new generation of potters, both female and male."
216 O St Sacramento - 95814 P: (916) 808-7000 F: (916) 808-7372

Mingei International Museum

American and European Folk Art ----- through June 25, 2017
An exhibition dedicated to three centuries of American and European folk art from the Museum's permanent collection. This exhibition is dedicated to three centuries of American and European folk art from the Museum's permanent collection, with many artworks on view for the very first time. Featured items include quilts, whirligigs and weather vanes, as well baskets and ceramic vessels. Figurative sculptural objects will also be on view, including works by Felipe Archuleta, Gerard Cambon and Beatrice Wood, in addition to anniversary tin gifts, a carnival knockdown figure, a carved and painted wood barber pole and needlepoint samplers. 

SMAart Gallery                through April 29

POUR: A selection of Pouring vessels from the studio. Pitchers, creamers, teapots, jugs, gravy boats and more...

Allegory: Marie Dungan
My work ranges from functional to sculptural.  Somehow the figure or suggestion thereof, find their way in as well as images of my early exposure to nature which imbues and imbeds the forms.  People who work in clay speak of the medium as "having memory", how it will return to shapes formed, albeit even rips, cracks, etc.   So too with people - I have only to look down to see mother's feet; gaze into the mirror to recognize father's face.  Some work is stretched, fractured, textured, accentuated with numerous lines and marks, etc., creating tension that speaks to the known and unknown.  Other work is burnished into smoothness, inviting touch.
Art Walk: 1st Thursday
Gallery Hours: Tue - Sat 11:30am - 5:30pm (Gallery Closed March 21 - 25)
SMAart Gallery & Studio - and - SFclay - 1045 Sutter St - San Francisco, CA 94109


International Terminal               Through April 09, 2017
For hundreds of years, master craftsmen made the finest domestic products by hand and added detail and decoration as the hallmarks of luxury. During the Industrial Revolution, countless factory-produced items emulated this handcrafted look. Often clad in ornate cast-iron housings, they offered little in the way of ingenuity. In a move towards progressive design, twentieth-century European modernists, including those at the Bauhaus school in Germany, emphasized the benefits of mass-production. They promoted a mastery of /mechanization and the latest materials to carry modern design to the masses. - See more at: xhibitions/modern-approach-mid-century-design#sthash.jt1DnOnc.dpuf
Chemex (left)  Dr. Peter J. Schlumbohm (1896-1962) utilized scientific laboratory materials to produce some of the simplest and most inventive mid-century designs. Inspired by a chemist's funnel and beaker, his Chemex "Coffeemaker" combines a single piece of hourglass-shaped Pyrex® glass, a conical filter of laboratory-grade paper, and a wooden collar fastened with a rawhide tie. A companion to the coffeemaker, the "Gas Kettle" features an ingenious glass-and-cork shuttle valve to control escaping steam. Dr. Schlumbohm held over 300 patents and created an array of inventions, with more than twenty examples in the Museum of Modern Art's collection in New York. 

 See more at: 

Artwork by Julianna Brazill

Take the Artist Health + Wellness Survey

Are you a visual or craft artist, maker, or designer
working in a craft discipline?

Wellness for Makers and CERF+ are partnering to learn more about the wellness needs and habits of artists with an active studio practice so we can serve you better.

In this 10 minute survey, you will be asked questions about your everyday art-making routines and activities, and the effects that they have on your body.

Take the survey now

All information shared in this survey is anonymous and confidential.

Bay Area Art Grind: Find art listings at this link -   

Ceramic Monthly
magazine's calls-for-entry - find lots more opportunities on the web at: 

Deadline: April 4, 2017 - Georgia, Duluth "The Hudgens 2nd National Juried & Invitational Cup Exhibition" (May 16-July 29) open to artists 18 years or older and living in US. Submit original clay cups made in past 2 years, must be available for sale; Hudgens gets 30% commission. Juried from digital. Fee: $20 for up to 5 entries. Juror: Garth Johnson. Contact Angela Nichols, Hudgens Center for the Arts, 6400 Sugarloaf Pkwy., Bldg. 300, Duluth, GA 30097;; ; 770-623-6002.

SFO is currently carrying out a replacement terminal and concourse facility for Terminal 1 (T1). The Terminal design offers a number of opportunities for large-scale, visually dramatic artworks that will mark intersections and terminuses, and create more defined architectural spaces within the larger building. One such opportunity is for a large-scale suspended sculptural form above the TSA security-screening checkpoint located on the ground level of the terminal's departures hall.  Artists who applied to the recent SFO T1 redevelopment RFQ need not reply to this RFQ. Your work will automatically be considered for this opportunity. However, if you would like to submit a portfolio that is more specific to this project, you may do so.   Applicants who apply to this RFQ may also be considered for a similar commission for a large-scale suspended sculpture at a new city building tower designed for 1500 Mission St. (estimated completion 2019).

Deadline: June 1, 2017
. Small Art Object.  FRANCE
The major event organized by A.I.R. Vallauris, "Small Art Objects", is a biannual competition, exhibition and sale of small art objects. A different theme is defined for each event, while constraints governing the size of each work are maintained. Designed as a fund-raising activity to help finance ongoing activities of A.I.R. Vallauris, the well-publicized exhibition focuses on the artists and their creations, highlighting their skills and the quality of their work. All submitted entries are exhibited online, in the gallery, and are compiled into a publication. This undertaking encourages ongoing relationships with alumni resident artists, many of whom continue their involvement by submitting works and also serving on the jury for the event. The theme for the 4th edition of this event is "Fire for effect".
The exhibition will open July 1st, 2017.   For more information please email us at

Deadline: June 23, 2017.  
Central Coast Sculptors Group & San Luis Obispo Museum of Art
Call for California Sculptors: California Sculpture SLAM. 
California Sculpture SLAM showcases current works by established and up and coming California sculptors. The exhibition's goal is to provide a platform for a wide variety of concepts and materials. Open to artists residing in California, artwork must have been completed within the past two years and never before shown at the San Luis Obispo Museum of Art (SLOMA). If the artwork requires assembly after delivery, artists are required to contact SLOMA for arrangements. Artists must supply any special display equipment, if needed.
Juror: Brigitte Micmacker is the co-founder and gallerist at Sculpturesite Gallery in Glen Ellen, California. For over twenty-six years, Sculpturesite Gallery has had the most extensive selection of contemporary sculpture in Northern California.  For more information and entry form:
San Luis Obispo Museum of Art, 1010 Broad Street (on the west end of the Mission Plaza), San Luis Obispo, California

Deadline: July 14, 2017   "Conductivity: The Many Faces of Copper in Ceramics" (September 1-30)
sculptural and functional cups and mugs with copper used in the clay, glaze, or surface decoration. Open to US and Canadian residents 21 and up. Juried from digital. Fee: $30 for 3 entries. Juror: Dick Lehman. Contact Eric Botbyl, Companion Gallery, 157 Three Way Ln., Humboldt, TN 38343;; 731-267-7784;


Pottery & Glass Seconds Sale - Sunday, May 7th, 2017.  Aptos.  Are seconds taking over your storage space? Turn those boxes into money!This twice a year sale was started in 1977 and has been going strong  ever since. All media welcomed. $65 and 16%. Professional craftspeople only.  Sunday, May 7th, 2017 - 10 am to 2 pm - Cabrillo College - 6500 Soquel Dr. in Aptos on the top deck of the parking structure. /sell or email for more information.
23rd annual Bodega Seafood, Art & Wine Festival - Applications now available - Saturday & Sunday, August 26 & 27, 2017. ALL INFORMATION FOR APPLYING IS ON OUR WEBSITE:

Registration is Now OPEN for SVOS 2017 - download an application from
This is our 31st year holding this event and we are looking forward to another fun and successful event for all participating artists.    Download your application at  - Info for Artists:  350+ artists from Burlingame to Gilroy open their studios and invite the public to view their work "up close and personal" the first three weekends in May.    35,000 four color Artist Directories are printed and distributed to 100+ locations throughout the Peninsula and to the Pacific Coast.  Participate one weekend or all three for the same price!  SVOS volunteers will connect you with artists who can host you at their sites.  Ads are placed in key newspapers and media to promote the event.    A Public Relations professional works with editorial staffs to publicize the event. Silicon Valley Open Studios | |  P.O. Box 111000, Campbell, CA 95011-1000

ART PARTY - Berkeley Art Party -
Hope to see you at an Art Party some day! 
I'd love to have non-functional ACGAers contact me to show at one of them.
( ) - Barbara Stevens Strauss -

Encounter the World in Residencies. Explore the listings here:

Deadline May 2: Sonoma Ceramics at the Sonoma Community Center is now accepting applications through May 2 for our six-month Fall Artist in Residence opportunity. We invite all ceramic artists to apply who are on a professional track- emerging, mid-career, or established who embrace engaging with the community.
 Our residencies are located in the small city of Sonoma, one hour north of San Francisco, the heart of wine country.
This is an all-inclusive residency including studio, efficiency apartment, firings, monthly stipend, employment, and exhibition.  The apartment and studio are located within the Community Center for a complete art and community based experience.  Please visit our website for more information:
To name a few, past residents include: Sunshine Cobb, Jill Oberman, Bobby Free, Julia Feld, Tony Wise, Xia Zhang, and Austyn Taylor and we continue to support exceptional talent in our 10th year!  Please pass this information along to interested individuals in your networks whether it is for the upcoming deadline or future opportunities.

     Fall (July-December) 2017: DUE May 2, 2017

     Spring (Jan-July) 2018: DUE October 1, 2017


Reflections from the Edge: Glass, Art, and Performance -
Norfolk, VA * June 1-3, 2017.
Click here to view the brochure, which includes a list of conference presenters, concurrent glass exhibitions, pre- and post-conference events, travel info, accommodations, and much more. For additional information, visit the GAS website.
Online registration is open. Printed copies of the brochure were mailed to current members and additional GAS contacts. If you do not receive a brochure within the next few weeks and would like one, please contact the GAS office at 206.382.1305 or

The Pacific Art League, Palo Alto CA, needs an instructor - 
to teach hand-built ceramics to kids (ages 9-13) and Teens (12-16) this summer as part of our summer camps program. Each camp runs for 3 hours either in the morning (9 AM - 12PM) or in the afternoon (1 PM - 4 PM) for 1 to 3 weeks. Instructors can choose preferred weeks. Camps run from June 19th to August 25th. Instructor pay starts at $28/ but may be higher for someone with substantial experience. The ideal teacher would have an enthusiasm for working with kids and knowledge of hand-building techniques and kiln operation. Our kiln is a high-fire analog with a kiln sitter. Contact Anna Speaker, Education Programs Director, The Pacific Art League 
(650) 321-3891

Cress Kiln FX23P purchased new around 1995.
"I used it for about 5 years and it's been sitting in my sister's garage in Half Moon Bay since about the year 2000. It's in like new condition, has shelves, kiln furniture etc. I'm looking to sell the whole kit and caboodle for $700."     
(408) 887-1734


Professional Kiln Repair Service -    
"I'm Joe Kowalczyk (Ko-väl-chick), your Bay Area kiln technician.  I can fix your kiln."   
Evaluations & repair for ceramics or glass kilns (both gas & electric)
Kiln tutorials (basic operation, safety, maintenance, & custom programming)  
Consultations new & used kiln purchases 
Pottery wheels, slab rollers, ventilation, & general studio setup
"6 years experience & I'll beat the prices of any kiln service in the Bay Area."
Questions? e-mail: or call: 510-601-5053.  
ACGA's  Website  -  Whitney Smith  
The new is live and functional for everyone to use.    
This has been a major investment for the ACGA, paid for with your membership dollars, so please take some time to check out the new site, update your profile, and have a look around! Whitney Smith - Web Admin -                              
Some new things of note:
    The forum: The forum is a place to post anything and everything related to clay and glass. Calls for entry, items for sale, upcoming shows, tech questions. This feature is only for members, and you need to be logged in to access it. You can also comment on posts, so if you want to get a conversation started about something related to our community, the forum is the place to start it.
    Help articles:  Having trouble logging in? Don't understand why your updated profile is not saving?  Don't know your username or password? We have Help articles that are there to guide you through glitches. Look under "Members" in the main menu and look under "User Help/FAQ".
    Workshops and Open Studio:  We have a page dedicated to member hosted workshops and Member Open Studios now. We want to keep this page updated, so be sure to contact web admin to let us know you have a workshop or open studio coming up. Please be sure to include an image and links. 
    Featured Artist:  We will be doing a monthly spotlight on an ACGA artist with a link from the front page, right now we are spotlighting Malia Landis. Want to be featured? Contact website admin to get your name on the docket. The interviews will be archived, so it will be on the site for years to come. 

ACGA Blog: The blog is being revived! We are always looking for new and interesting posts on ANYTHING related to our field, so if you have something you want to write, be sure to let the web admin know.  The website is better with your participation and feedback. Let us know what you think.   
Whitney Smith - Web Admin -  

Need a New Website?
Do you need a new or updated website? If you haven't thought about your website in a few years, chances are that you do. Things on the web are always changing, and it's important to make sure your website is keeping up. Not just for the sake of keeping up, but for real reasons that can affect your sales and people's ability to find you online. For example, is your website mobile friendly ? Look at it on a cell phone and see how it's looking and check navigation. If it's not mobile friendly, search engines like Google will not see your site as relevant, and down you go in the rankings. This makes it more difficult for people to find you, as well as making it laborious for people to browse your website from their phones and pads. According to the latest research, mobile digital media time in the US is now significantly higher at 51% compared to desktop at 42%.  

Updating the new ACGA website was a big task and could not have been accomplished without the help of Ken Metheny, otherwise known as the nicest and most patient man in the world.
Working with Ken was easy, and he tutored me on our new website platform, WordPress. WordPress is a pretty powerful platform and stays updated with current changes, so it's a good way to go if you are trying to reach new customers and keep an updated website that does not need to be totally re-designed every few years. Ken is offering a free, no- obligation consultation to ACGA members to talk about their websites, and analyze whether or not a new or updated website is a good idea for you. He has become very familiar with our ACGA community and our particular needs as artists, so he knows that we need websites we can update ourselves with our latest work, keep our event dates current, and have creative control over without having to email a developer for every little update!  
If you decide to hire Ken, 10% of the revenue goes back to the ACGA in the form of web support, so you can feel good that your money is circulating in our association.
Interested?   Please check out what Ken has to offer here on the ACGA Blog.  
Did you know that our website has a forum feature? Members can post about upcoming shows they have, calls for entry, technical questions, sell equipment, post a job, and anything else that is clay or glass related.
The forum has replaced our group email, so if you want to reach out to other members, the forum is the place to do it!

  Posting on the forum is easy, follow the instructions below.

    *    Go to and go to "Members" on the main menu and click "login" on the drop down menu.

    *    Login using your assigned username and password. If you don't know what that is, read the "Username and Password" info below.
    *    When you login you will be taken to your profile. Feel free to update your profile! From here you can go to "Member Forum" and "Submit post".

    *    If you have any issues posting, contact Whitney Smith at
Username and password:  For most, your username is your first and last name together as one word. If you are a collaborative team or have a hyphenated last name it may be different. You can look up your username under the "Member" menu in "Member Names and Usernames".
Your default password is ACGAmember, one word, case sensitive. Please remember to change your password once you update your profile. Again, if you have issues, please contact Whitney Smith at

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ACGA Networking Explained: -- Who Ya Gonna Call?
Make your own page on the ACGA Website -  Use the Blog + Forum
Get the e-Newsletter - JOIN ETSY  and  FACEBOOK.     
Each of these must be subscribed to separately 
ACGA Forum - Our new website has a forum feature. Directions for posting in article below.

ACGA's Website
    - Populate your own page, update often. The Members Area allows you to download: Newsletters (printable version), Show Applications, Board Ballot, Directory, Membership Renewal Application, ACGA Library Selections, List Classes you Teach, and more. contact: 

ACGA Newsletter is sent by email

To change your method of delivery please contact editor Bonita Cohn at: or phone, 415.673.0533. Those unable to receive the email newsletter electronically can always request a Hard Copy by US mail.  You can also get the newsletter at the archives on the website. > member login > newsletter. If you have unsubscribed you can sign up again at after member log-in. Contact Whitney Smith for help.

Address changes
should go to Vivien Hart,, who maintains the central member database.

Join the ACGA social media group
hosted by Whitney Smith at  
  SUBMISSION GUIDELINES and Advertising Rates

FREE Exhibition and Opportunity listings.

  We welcome articles about clay and glass as well as news of exhibitions to enter and to see.    Let us know!

News Items are Due on the 15th of the month before publication.
Digital items are preferred.    Please separate your images and text into individual text or jpg files.
  • Title docs with your name first   - "johndoe-news.doc. No PDFs or Flyers please.
    We can't extract the image, or text, from images of text.  Please write and send original text (docs) in the body of the email and attach images as jpgs. 
    Please separate the images from the text into individual text or jpg files. 
  • PLEASE RESIZE IMAGES to 1 MB - Images sized 400w x 500h pixels can be attached as "gif or jpg."
  • Title each image with your last name (this MUST be first in the file title)DO NOT add spaces, extra punctuation, numbers or extra characters (such as " " /: % #) to the image file titles. Dashes are OK instead of spaces.
Remember to ad file type to the name, such as ".jpg" when naming the image so it will open.

- 3 types of ads. Due digitally on the 15th of the month before publication.
  • Classified Ads:  Members, free / Non members, $10. Classified ads are for selling materials and equipment, renting a studio, looking for work, etc. These ads should be no more than 50 words.  
    Announcements of workshops, classes & events:  Member and non-Member, $30. 
  •     Display Ads:      Member and non-Member, $70
E-Display ad size should be 400h x 500w pixels. Printed size:  3"x4" approx. A photo in an ad is considered a display ad.
Send news items and articles, as text and images,  by e-mail to:   

Editor:    Bonita Cohn 
Send Advertising Payments, check payable to ACGA, to:
 Bonita Cohn,
1538 Jones,
 San Francisco, CA. 94109

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