The Latest News From Canada's Worker Co-op Sector
September 2019 Volume 11 Issue 8
In This Issue
- Conference 2019: Last Chance to Register!
- Climate Leadership through Electric Vehicle Production in Oshawa
- Co-operatives and Sustainable Development Goals: Study Seeking Participants
- Les cooperatives et les objectifs de développement durable: Une étude qui cherche des participants
- Join the Conversation on Loomio
- Welcome New Members!
- Welcome Laura MacDonald!
- Profile: Urbane Cyclist Worker Co-op
- Co-ops in Northern Ontario: Putting the "Unity" in Community
- New Partnership Wants to Push Employee Ownership Closer to Mainstream
- Newsletter Survey Reminder
- Listen to Each for All: The Co-operative Connection
Conference 2019: Last Chance to Register!
CWCF's 2019 Conference in beautiful Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia is coming up October 24-26, and your last chance to register is October 10. The conference will feature a great keynote speaker, compelling forums, informative workshops, and all the great networking and social activities you've come to expect. So don't delay...
For more information about our Conference, including registration details and the program, click
Climate Leadership through Electric Vehicle Production in Oshawa
By Hazel Corcoran
CWCF and
Green Jobs Oshawa
funded a preliminary feasibility study on transitioning to electric vehicle (EV) production under democratic ownership at the GM plant in Oshawa. Converting this plant to EV production would not only save or create about 15,000 direct and indirect jobs, but it would also maintain manufacturing capacity and demonstrate leadership in the transition to a sustainable economy, critical in the face of the current climate crisis. There has been excellent media coverage of this possibility, including by Jennifer Wells (
) and
Linda McQuaig
in the Toronto Star. The full study as well as two summary versions are available on the CWCF website. CWCF encourages you to sign the Green Jobs Oshawa
, to visit and share their
web site
, and to like their
Facebook page
Co-operatives and Sustainable Development Goals: Study Seeking Participants
Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC) and the Centre for Excellence in Accounting and Reporting of Co-operatives (CEARC) of St. Mary’s University are partnering to complete a study titled
Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs): Impact in the Co-operative Sector
. CMC and CEARC would like to know if and how the sustainability practices of co-operatives are aligned with the SDGs. They are seeking the participation of co-operatives of various sizes and industries, whose leaders would like to engage in this important endeavour. To learn more, see information at the
CMC website
, or the
CEARC site
, or contact Dr. Daphne Rixon,
or 902-496-8212.
Les cooperatives et les objectifs de développement durable:
Une étude qui cherche des participants
Coopératives et mutuelles Canada (CMC) et le Centre for Excellence in Accounting and Reporting of Co-operatives (CEARC) de St-Mary’s University s’associent pour mener à bien une étude intitulée Mesurer l’impact du secteur coopératif sur les
objectifs de développement durable
(ODD). CMC et CEARC aimeraient savoir si et comment les pratiques de durabilité des coopératives sont alignées aux ODD. Ils recrutent des coopératives de différentes tailles et industries, dont les leaders voudraient s’engager dans cet effort important. Pour apprendre plus, voyez
le site web de CMC
ou de
(en anglais seulement), ou contactez le Dr. Daphne Rixon,
ou 902-496-8212.
Join the Conversation on Loomio
Did your co-op participate in the climate strikes earlier this month? If so (or if not), you might be interested in joining our ongoing conversation about co-ops and climate change on the
Loomio discussion platform. Share how your co-op is responding to climate change, and how you think CWCF can help. And while you're there, feel free to chime in on our conversation about why you chose the co-op model for your business. Please contact Communications and Member Services Manager Kaye Grant at to receive your invite if you don't have one yet. See you online!
CWCF is pleased to welcome three new members. Congratulations to Eyemole, Drivers Coalition, and Hypha!
CWCF is pleased to welcome Laura MacDonald as our new RRSP Program Assistant. Read more about her
Profile: Urbane Cyclist Worker Co-op
By Iler Campbell
Urbane Cyclist Worker Co-op
is more than your average bike shop. Since opening in 1997, this shop has been part of a movement towards human-powered transportation that promotes, in their words, “the awesomeness of bicycles.”
Co-ops in Northern Ontario: Putting the "Unity" in Community
By Northern Policy Institute
New Partnership Wants to Push Employee Ownership Closer to Mainstream
George Chittenden was living his best life in Berkeley, California, as a scientific glass blower — making those condensers, distillers, fermenters, all that intricate and delicate glassware you’ll often find in a sophisticated scientific research lab. It’s a niche business that requires interacting with many clients with very specific needs for highly technical equipment that make scientific discovery possible.
Newsletter Survey Reminder
CWCF’s strategic plan identified increased member engagement as a priority, and one of the ways we’re seeking to do this is through our newsletter. We’ve already made some changes: switching to a monthly schedule, adopting a sleeker layout, adding new content such as our member profiles. But if there are things we can do to make it even better, we want to hear from you
— after all, this is
newsletter. Completing this very short — seven minute —
will help us ensure you get what you want from it.
Listen to
Each for All: The Co-operative Connection
Co-ops are everywhere, from housing, to health, to art, to finance … to radio! But co-ops are a secret hiding in plain sight. People know the word but little about what they are and the work they do. Each For All is changing that, one show at time!
Each For All: The Co-operative Connection
is a one-hour weekly current affairs program, Tuesdays at 11 p.m. ET bringing you profiles, interviews, and reports from the world of co-ops and social economy organizations. Chris Nichols from Woodshop Workers Co-op hosts a section on worker co-ops the third Tuesday of every month.
The Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation (CWCF) is a national, bilingual grassroots membership organization of and for worker co-operatives, related types of co-operatives (multi-stakeholder co-ops and worker-shareholder co-ops), and organizations that support the growth and development of worker cooperatives. CWCF's e-newsletter is available free of charge to anyone with an e-mail address and an interest in worker co-operative developments in Canada.
Please send any comments and suggestions to:
Kenzie Love
Editor of CWCF Newsletter
(403) 276-8250
CWCF | 403-276-8250| 104 - 402 30 Ave NE Calgary, AB T2E 2E3 |