range thin

Welcome To The Target Zone


Center Target Sports Newsletter   

October 2019

The Northwest's First Five Star Range and

         The Inland NW's ONLY Five Star Range      
The Northwest's only "NO REGRETS" POLICY
2010 Best Shooting Range in USA
Awarded by SHOT Business Magazine
2010 Best Indoor Range in USA
Awarded by Glock (GSSF) Inc.
Post Falls 2013 Business of the Year
A Few Thoughts from Ed:
ed pic

Wow, October already...are you kidding me?  Where has the year gone?  This time of year is my favorite.  I love the cooler temperatures especially the early morning air.  At CTS it is a time for gearing up for our busy season.  Class attendance grows, shooting activity increases and of course the retail side of the business picks up with holiday shopping.

We will again be adding additional staff members as we prepare for the busy season and I ask for your patience as they learn our POS system and our way of doing things.  
October also marked the return of our FREE clinics.  I am so excited to be back in the FREE Clinic months.  Please read more below.
A word about Ironman Safes of CDA.  As many of you know for the last two years Ironman safes have stepped up and supported our Customer Appreciation Event in a big way.  They have donated a safe which has significantly impacted our ability to collect food and blood and toys.

We are so lucky to have a local safe manufacturer in our back yard.  We are not an Ironman dealer as we want you to be able to go direct and receive the best price available.  Everyone needs a quality safe and in my opinion there is no better place to get one than Ironman safes on Aqua Circle, Dalton Gardens.

Notes from Peggy:

We are open Veteran's Day from 11am-7pm.  Veteran's shoot free.

A reminder that we short the website spaces in our classes.  If the website says full, please call the range to see if there's one spot available.

Thank you to everyone who continues to donate to the Women's Shelter by bringing in toiletries and old cell phones.  Thank you from all of us.

 Center Target Sports         
Help wanted 

  Become a CTS        Team Member

We're still collecting resumes!

In preparation of our busy season we are again looking for a new team member.  If you have ever wanted to be part of a fun group of dedicated customer service oriented people, now is your chance. 

You must have a CCW permit, be flexible in your availability and be willing to work evenings and weekends and at least 3 days a week. Please bring your resume and copy of CCW permit to Peggy or email peggy@centertargetsports.com 

Don't Miss This Low Price Opportunity For A Glock Pistol

Good Between
Memorial Day and Veteran's Day

Still A Few Slots Left
John Farnam Is Returning to CTS
Out of Town and State signups are leading our local students...CTS Regulars, Don't miss this class!

November 23rd and 24th john farnam
There have been a handful of instructors in the gun culture whom have made a dramatic impact on realistic defensive firearms training.  The greats like Rex Applegate, Col. Cooper,  Ray Chapman, Massad Ayoob, John Farnam, have long left their mark on realistic defensive use of the handgun.  These men have always been focused on the student and the realistic principles of one's defense.  

Many of the instructors who travel the country today offering the latest and greatest are actually teaching techniques and tactics developed by these men 50 years ago in some cases.  The reality is the basic firearm fundamentals and the foundational manipulations associated with the fundamental application of the handgun have not changed much over the years.  

I would highly recommend you take the time to experience the instruction of John Farnam.  He has been a mentor of mine for many years.  I am proud to call him my friend and encourage all students who are serious about quality realistic self defense techniques with a firearm to see for yourself when John is here.  This class will start on Friday evening and then continue all day Saturday and Sunday.

On a side note:  We do not profit from John's class.  You pay him directly all the money stays with him.  This is obviously a class that does not fall under our repeat for free policy.

You can register for John's class on his website:     defense-training.com 

Think Gift Certificates all year round!

Wedding Gifts
Just Because

Don't forget we have a special deal on Machine Gun Gift Certificates!

Masking Tape Disappearing...

It has always been my desire to have the most stable target presentation possible on our shooting lanes.  We do this at considerable expense as we feel the cardboard backers truly enhance the shooting experience.  The alternative is to eliminate the cardboard backers and hang the targets with clips.

The card board backers are expensive and to use them requires the use of masking tape.  However, lately we are losing multiple rolls of tape per week.  I am not talking about normal use.  For example, last week we started the day with 10 new or almost new rolls in the morning and by noon there were only 7 rolls left in the tactical bay.

I know it may be easy to inadvertently put the tape in your gear bag but please be more careful and use all the tape you need , but please leave the roll.  Or, if you've accidentally taken a roll...feel free to bring it back on your next visit.  Thanks for helping us keep our overhead under control.   THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!
Consignment Corner

Welcome to the consignment corner.  Remember many of the consignment guns have additional accessories.
We are unable to display or list many of the accessories that are often included with our consignment guns.   Items such as extra magazine (sometime 7 or 8 extra mags) holsters, tools, storage containers, ammunition, etc.
All of these extras add up to the overall value of the sale.  Imagine buying a $500.00 handgun that also has with it six $60.00 mags, that's quite a savings all for $500.00.
We have a great selection of Consignment Long Guns at this time.  Too many to list individually.  Please see the picture below:
We have developed such a great reputation with respect to our consignment firearms that many of you come in and ask about our stock every week.
  If you're interested, don't wait!   
  Too Many To List...
Over 55 Consignment Guns in Stock 

Non-Lethal Practice Session
Oct 30 - 5:30pm-???

Free to all students who have completed the Kubotan, Cane or OC class at 
Center Target Sports.

Sign up required for this Free session.  

  CCW Clinic

Handgun sighting options:
Open, Prism/Reflex, Red Dot

Which One For You?

Just look around the firing line.  We live in the age of red dot sights.  These are also known as Prism/Reflex sights but we will get into the distinctions later.  The October FREE clinic is all about the options we have for handgun sights.   While a red dot sight will not guarantee you better accuracy overall, what it will guarantee is improvement in accuracy when shooting quickly.  

Your target acquisition will be much quicker and follow-up shots even faster.  I believe this is the primary reason why red dot sights are so popular.  However are they right for you?  

Come to the October FREE clinic and learn more.

Please call to reserve your spot.  208-773-2231

Next Free Clinic - Nov 6th     6pm
Do you have a topic idea?  
Email: Peggy@centertargetsports.com

Bullseye League Winners!

These awards  are for our high score average winners.   One Handed - Ken Cramer 280 average with 7 bulls average.  Two Handed - Paul Jacobson 264 average with 4 bulls average.

To be eligible to win the award they had to participate in nine or more rimfire matches between May and August. Anyone who shot nine or more matches have their top nine scores averaged to determine the winner. 

The winners receive a custom engraved trophy cup with their name and date. Congrats to our winners!!

Member FUN Shoot

Oct 22
Nov 19
9AM - 1PM
 Every 3rd Saturday

New Series
Oct 19
Nov 16
Dec 21
The Woman Of Caliber
Shooting Club

2nd Tuesday of every month

Oct 8
Nov 12
No meeting in Dec or Jan

Bullseye League meets every Thursday at 4:45 and  6 pm.    If anyone is interested in shooting Bullseye, we would be happy to have you join our league. It's costs  $7 to shoot for the evening and you need 65 rounds of ammunition. The second and fourth Thursday of each month, we shoot the national match course at 50 feet. The third and fifth Thursday of each month, we shoot at 75 feet. The first Thursday of each month, we have a fun shoot. On even-numbered months, we shoot a Centerfire pistol at 50 feet using the 75 foot Target. Makes for some really interesting competition. On the first Thursday of odd numbered months, we shoot the Jack McElroy Bastard Aggregate. For this competition we shoot 30 rounds of rimfire and 30 rounds of centerfire at 75 ft.  We then add both scores together for a possible 600 point match.  So please come join us for some great competition and camaraderie. We love to have new shooters join our group and hope to see you there.
IDPA meets the 1st and 2nd Sunday of every month from 7:30-11am.  Everyone's welcome.  Come watch and learn or participate.  Newcomers always welcome. $10
GSSF Glock Matches: Shoot in 2 of 3 matches in a series and be eligible to win a Glock pistol. Yes, Center Target Sports gives away a Glock every 3 months! Call the range for more details.


Our "Women of Caliber" group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month 4:45-7pm.  
Please bring eye and ear protection as well as photo ID.  Dummy rounds for your specific caliber is also recommended along with 2-3 magazines if using your own firearm.   If needed, CTS will loan you a handgun free of charge with purchase of their ammo. 
Everyone is welcome to attend the educational portion of the meeting from 5-6, however due to the growing number of ladies attending, we do not have enough mentors to work with new shooters. A basic pistol course is required to attend the shooting portion.  Exceptions need to be discussed with Darla.
I f you want more information about the meetings or would like to be placed on our mailing list please contact Darla at   WOCPOSTFALLS@GMAIL.COM
Oct:  Beyond Awareness: Recognizing the Threat
Nov: Red Dots On your carry gun; pros and cons

Draw From Holster and Rapid Fire Opportunity

The sessions are the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month from 9am to 11am. We provide a dedicated staff member (RSO) to start.  If the demand grows we will extend the opportunities.

So this is how it works.  The time allotted will be between 0900 and 1100.  Because we bring in a staff person during non operational hours the doors open at 0850 and are locked at 0900.  No one is admitted after 0900.The shooting is FREE to members and non-members are charged $5.00 cash only as the registers will not be open.  

If you've taken Def HG 2 or higher here
firing line
 at Center Target Sports and are interested in 
an open shooting session to practice those skills this is the perfect opportunity to participate in this fun activity.  

Shooters are reminded that CTS will not be providing any instruction during this activity and this is why all participants must be vetted by their completion of Def HG II.   

Gunsmith Corner

Is Your Rifle Ready?
Every hunting season many hunters replace their rifles because they just don't shoot as accurately as they once did. Sometimes replacement is necessary. However, for the majority of situations replacement in NOT necessary.

What is required is a thorough cleaning which includes copper fouling removal as well as the removal of any lead
build up.  It is amazing how accuracy can be effected by a dirty or fouled barrel.

Another contribu tor to accuracy issues is a scope that has been damaged in some way.  
This month we are offering a pre-hunting special:   Gunsmith deep cleaning and copper buildup removal  or scope test for $30.00.

Hours for our Gunsmith Dept are Tues-Sat 1pm-6pm.

Unbeatable Price for Accuracy!

PS:  If you are looking for a very accurate 308 Rifle set up, stop in and ask to see the Savage 308 w/scope that Clint has shot and provided test targets to prove accuracy.
Seldom offered Classes Now Registering!
Intro to Carbine - Oct 27  

ar onehand
This is a class designed with the new carbine shooter in mind.  It is as advertised an intro class.

Under our old format our basic carbine class often had students that had never even loaded an AR magazine let alone fired a shot.  This required us to spend more time in the class room than was ideal and it also slowed our progress when we began shooting.

The perfect solution is to offer those true beginners an opportunity to get a good understanding of this very popular weapons system.  The fundamentals of the AR are covered in detail and will allow the students to transition into the basic course with ease.

In addition, the basic course is now a 6 hour course with very little classroom and much more shooting time on the range

Home Defense Shotgun - Oct 5

Have you ever wanted to  incorporate a shotgun in your home defense plan...this is the class for you.  This new format is appropriate for people of all ages and physical abilities.
Topics of instruction include shotgun safety and responsibility, recoil control, marksmanship skill development, shooting positions, target engagements, threat assessment, and shotgun modifications/accessories.

In addition to learning the shotguns attributes, this course will teach you the shotgun's limitations. The student will be introduced to Close Range Engagement Techniques (CRET), reality based scenarios, and 360 degree coverage.

A combination of lecture, demonstrations, and live fire exercises will be used to teach the proper deployment of the shotgun from point blank to distances out to 25 yards.
All instruction materials, range time, and targets are provided by Center Target Sports.
  • Students must provide the following:
  • eye and ear protection
  • Semi-auto or pump action shotgun
  • Weapons mounted Flashlight(optional)
  • 25 rounds of bird shot
  • 10 rounds of 00 buckshot (low recoil loads recommended)
  •  5 Slug rounds

Defensive Shotgun 2 - Oct 13

This is the class that teaches the advanced skills necessary to get the most out of the defensive shotgun.  This class includes a door breaching exercise in which each student will make entry through our breaching s tation.

This class picks up where the Home Defense Shotgun left off.  This class does have a minimum equipment requirement that can't be waived.  

Defensive Handgun 2 - Oct 20

RETENTION This is an 8 hour course limited to 10 students. The primary goal of this course is to develop the defensive handgun and personal skills necessary to not only survive but control a lethal encounter. This course builds on the skills and theories presented in CTS-201. Students will learn and practice the skills, and attitude essential to surviving a lethal threat or confrontation.
The course will include both classroom presentations and live fire range exercises. A combination of Dry Practice and Live Fire with Real World Scenarios including multiple threats, low light shooting, hostage rescue, wounded shooter drills, equipment malfunctions, and moving targets. This course will conclude with a Course Review and Examination.
All instruction materials, range time, and targets are provided by Center Target Sports. The student is required to provide a handgun, two magazines or speed loaders, eye and ear protection, flashlight or weapons mounted light, a billed baseball type cap, 250 rounds of ammunition, and a strong side holster

Terminal Ballistics - Oct 26

If we piqued your interest about gunshot trauma in our CCW or defensive classes, you won't want to miss the "how the trauma is caused" class we call Terminal Ballistics. 

This is the class that will put to rest all the myths of stopping power, knockdown power and dispel much of what we see on TV and in the movies.
This class is based on fact and science as well as testing by men and woman a lot smarter than me. 

However, I have studied terminal ballistics for over 30 years and have been fortunate enough to surround myself with people who live this terminal ballistic life as a profession.  This is a class you will not want to miss.  

We will also cover the new G9 shaped projectiles and their impact on our industry.

Product Highlights

Tuff Writer Defensive Pens tuff writer

The perfect tool of defense for those non-permissive environments.  There is never a reason to be without the basics in defensive tools.

Long Range Shooter or Hunter in your family?    
Remember we are the area's stocking Kestrel Dealer.  Make that shooter very  happy and help them understand the weather conditions they are shooting in so they can improve their accuracy.

Come In And See for Yourself ...Providing you Specialized products everyday!
HUNTERS ...The Ultimate Fire Starter

With hunting under way we have received another shipment of this ultimate fire starter.

This is by far the best fire starter I have ever used.   Get one of these starters and add it to your survival pack today.  It will make a great addition to your summer camping and hiking gear as well. 

First Aid Headquarters
We have the most comprehensive first aid / tactical care equipment in stock within 100 miles.  Regardless if you are a wood cutter or participate in shooting activities, trauma equipment is an important safety consideration. 
 The bag pictured here closed and an example open is a new bag we are stocking to allow you to configure a larger selection of Trauma gear than the individual first aid pouches many of you have.

These new bags have some great features allowing you the greatest configuration options.  See below:  
  • Three fold-out compartments with zippered closure
  • One open pocket
  • Adjustable & removable shoulder strap
  • Web carrying handle
  • Modular attachment strap
Stop in soon to look at our selection of first aid kits, tourniquets, bandages etc... 
brass Once Fired Polished Brass  

For all you reloader's we now have once fired polished brass available and in stock.  All this brass was recovered from shooting sessions with security teams that fired new ammo.  After finishing shooting and before we opened the shooting bay to the public, we collected the once fired brass.  This brass was then polished and packaged for sale.

If you are a reloader, don't miss this opportunity to get some once fired, polished brass at a great price.

U pcoming Class Schedule


ID Enhanced CCW - Oct 5, 19, 22, Nov 2, 6, 16, 19

Handgun Familiarity - Oct 12, Nov 17

Youth Firearms  Safety - Oct 12, Nov 17

Basic Pistol - Oct 6, 15, 23, 29, Nov 3, 9, 13, 20

Basic Pistol 2  - Oct 16, Nov 26

Defensive Handgun 1- Oct 12, Nov 10

Defensive Handgun 1 (re-takes only) - Oct 27, Nov 17

Defensive Handgun 2 - Oct 20

Intro to Carbine - Oct 27

Home Defense Shotgun - Oct 5

Defensive Shotgun 2 - Oct 13

Terminal Ballistics - Oct 26

Kubotan - Oct 16, Nov 26

Refuse to be a Victim - Oct 16

Less Lethal Practice Session - Oct 30


We offer HR 218 quals every other week.  Call the range for the next time and date.


For the entire calendar go toCenter Target Sports classes


Owner Orientation Classes:   


Owner Orientation classes are the free one hour class you receive when you purchase a gun at Center Target Sports.  Just bring your receipt and show up.  If you want to take the class and didn't buy your gun from us, the class is $40 and everyone's welcome.  All Owner Orientation classes at 3:30pm unless otherwise noted.

Ruger - Nov 1

Springfield - Oct 30, Nov 21

Shotgun - Oct 22, Nov15

1911 - Nov 5

AR - Oct 18, Nov 14

Revolver - Oct 15, Nov 8

S&W semi-auto - Oct 23, Nov 19

Sig - Oct 16, Nov 13

Glock - Oct 9, Nov 6

"All Others"- Taurus, Bersa, Beretta, Kel-tec, Walther, Kahr, CZ, Lionheart - 

Oct 11, 29, Nov 7, 22


This Month's Shooting/Safety Tip
This is a rewrite of a safety tip from about 5 years ago.  Unfortunately, given the crime statics and critical incidents that seem to be increasing everywhere, I feel the timing is right for a quick refresher.

I trust many of you are now going through your day in condition yellow.  See, it is not as difficult as I bet you thought it would be.  In fact, it is pretty easy and I promise you, you are now much safer than you were living in condition white just one month ago. 

Unfortunately crime is a part of our life...even here in beautiful Idaho. 
Please be aware that there are no perfect protection strategies. There is no way to predict all possible situations. My goal here is to provide some insight that allows you to take an active role in limiting your risk.  It goes without saying that you should limit your use of alcohol and drugs because you are more vulnerable to attack if you are intoxicated.   At parties or in a public place never leave your food or drink unattended.   I'm often told individuals are embarrassed to ask security staff at work or when shopping to walk them to their car...don't be.   When I was a young man, picking up a hitchhiker was common place.  Today, it just isn't safe. Do not pick up hitchhikers or stop to help a stranger in a stalled vehicle. Use a phone in a safe location to call for help, or use your cell phone from your vehicle (in a safe manner) to let the police know someone needs help. 
In 2018, 
Kootenai  County  reported 430 burglaries and 1518 assaults. We are not helpless here. Trim your shrubs back to avoid giving burglars cover. Trim tree branches so that there's no access to upper windows and so lower branches don't offer hiding places.    Keep garages and sheds closed and locked at all times.    When advertising valuable items for sale, give only your phone number, not your street address.    Do not leave doors unlocked while working in the yard.  A burglar can gain easy access to your home and be in and out in just a couple of minutes. Surprising a burglar upon re-entering could result in violence. If you have an alarm system, keep it armed while you are in the yard.  

Many older adults across the country are becoming more concerned about crime.  Burglary, fraud, muggings, and purse snatchings are high on their lists. But, as an older adult, you don't have to feel helpless. You don't necessarily need physical strength, agility, speed or expensive security devices to be safe. As I stated last month, you do need to be alert, cautious and self-confident. 
Many homes of the elderly exhibit the same security issues.  If you are an older adult or have an older adult you are concerned about make sure doors are always locked and encourage the use of deadbolts.  A reliable neighbor or family member should have a spare key.  Don't attach ID tags to key chains and make sure windows are secured.  At dusk, always draw the curtains or blinds.  Windows should also be closed and locked at night.  Circulation is best achieved with a fan. 
Install a peephole at a height appropriate to the user.  Never open the door to strangers or let them know you are home alone. Remember, chain locks can be forced open. Ask service people for an ID before you open the door and don't hesitate to call their company to confirm their presence. 
Hopefully this column has sparked desire in you to look at your personal security.  I will never be able to list everything you should consider.  My hope is that you will be proactive and develop a safety plan that suits you and your family.   

Peggy teaches a "Refuse to be a Victim" class every other month which covers these topics and many more and all the proceeds go to the Post Falls Women's Shelter. See our class list for future dates.
Be aware of your surroundings, walk tall, be confident, and be safe!

 Straight and Be Safe...Ed

Present this Coupon and Receive One Blue With Red Dot Target Pictured below


Offer Expires 10/31/19 Must present coupon.

Limit One Target Per Visit with Coupon.